As a promising sintering technique, flash sintering utilizes high electric fields to achieve rapid densification at low furnace temperatures. Various factors can influence the densification rate during flash sintering, such as ultrahigh heating rates, extra-high sample temperatures, and electric field. However, the determining factor of the densification rate and the key mechanism during densification are still under debate. Herein, the densification and grain growth kinetic during flash sintering of 8 mol% Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 (8YSZ) is studied experimentally and numerically using finite element method (FEM). The roles of Joule heating and heating rate on the densification are investigated by comparing flash sintering with conventional sintering. An apparently smaller activation energy for the material transport resulting in densification is obtained by flash sintering ( =424 kJ mol−1) compared to the conventional sintering ( = 691 kJ mol−1). In addition, a constitutive model is implemented to study both the densification and the grain growth during flash and conventional sintering. Furthermore, the effect of electrical polarity on the density and the grain size evolution during flash sintering of 8YSZ is also investigated. The simulation results of average density and grain size inhomogeneity agree well with the experimental data. 相似文献
Crystals growing in confined spaces can generate stress and are a major cause of damage in porous materials. To investigate such deleterious processes, appropriate in situ techniques are required. This paper describes the use of X-ray diffractometry under controlled conditions of temperature and relative humidity (RH-XRD) for the direct observation of phase transition reactions in a porous substrate. An improved environmental chamber without temperature gradients is presented and applied to the investigation of phase transformations in the system Na2SO4 + H2O. This salt is generally considered as particularly damaging and frequently used in accelerated weathering tests. It is demonstrated that RH-XRD can be successfully applied for the direct observation of several relevant phase transitions in glass frits used as porous substrates. The conversion of Na2SO4(III) to Na2SO4(V) and the hydration of Na2SO4(V) both proceed fairly rapidly as true solid-state reactions without deliquescence of the educt phases. In contrast, crystallization from solution is kinetically hindered as there is a strong tendency of aqueous Na2SO4 to form supersaturated solutions also in narrow pores. The important implications of this behavior of the salt are also briefly discussed in the paper. 相似文献
We consider the feedback vertex set and feedback arc set problems on bipartite tournaments. We improve on recent results by giving a 2-approximation algorithm for the feedback vertex set problem. We show that this result is the best that we can attain when using optimal solutions to a certain linear program as a lower bound on the optimal value. For the feedback arc set problem on bipartite tournaments, we show that a recent 4-approximation algorithm proposed by Gupta (2008) [8] is incorrect. We give an alternative 4-approximation algorithm based on an algorithm for the feedback arc set on (non-bipartite) tournaments given by van Zuylen and Williamson (2009) [14]. 相似文献
We describe a distributed high-performance compute server that has been implemented for running compute-intensive applications on a mixture of HPC systems interconnected by Inter-and Intranet. With a practical industrial background, our work focusses on high availability, efficient job load balancing, security, and the easy integration of HPC computing into the daily work-flow at pharmaceutical companies.
The work was done in the course of the ESPRIT project P A Distributed Pharmaceutical Application Server The client software is implemented in Java. All results are displayed in a web browser and can be forwarded to the next stage of applications used in the drug design cycle. The server software handles the job load balancing between the participating HPC nodes and is capable of managing multi-site applications.
Our environment currently supports four key applications that are used in rational drug design and drug target identification. They range from the automatic functional annotation of protein sequences to three-dimensional protein structure prediction tools and protein comparison applications. 相似文献
A major factor which controls sorption and oxidation of Fe(II) at the mineral-water interface is pH, hence buffers are commonly used to control pH in experimental studies. Here, we examined the effects of widely used organic buffers (3-morpholinopropane-1-sulfonic acid (MOPS) and 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES)) on Fe(II) uptake and oxidation by CCl(4) in aqueous suspensions of goethite. Significant sorption of these zwitterionic buffers occurred only at Fe(II)-loaded goethite but not at native goethite. The addition of MOPS and HEPES caused substantial release of Fe(II) from goethite, retarded the oxidation of surface-bound Fe(II) by CCl(4) and changed the reaction pathway as indicated by lower yields of CHCl(3). To explore electrostatic and steric contributions of MOPS and HEPES to the observed phenomena we studied sorption and competitive effects of model sorbates (Ca(2+), sulfonates) which suggest the formation of a complex between surface-bound Fe(II) and MOPS or HEPES. Our study shows for the first time that these frequently used zwitterionic organic buffers may interfere significantly with the surface chemistry and thus with redox reactions of Fe(II) at goethite. Hence, kinetic or mechanistic information obtained in such systems requires careful interpretation. 相似文献
Anthropogenic activities and their influences on aquatic systems is an important topic, especially considering the growing interest in using the earth's resources in a sustainable way. One of those anthropogenic activities is the introduction of renewable technologies into the aquatic environment such as instream turbines. Environmental studies around those technologies are often still ongoing due to their novelty. During the spring of 2018, juvenile individuals of two salmonid species, Atlantic salmon and brown trout were released upstream a vertical axis instream turbine in the river Dal (Dalälven) in eastern Sweden. The aim of this study was to investigate the swimming behavior of the salmonids around a small-scale prototype vertical axis instream turbine. The swimming pattern and the possible response of avoiding the vertical axis instream turbine were documented with a multi beam sonar. A control area, next to the turbine, was used as reference. No consistent results were shown for trout as they were passing the control area with a statistically high variation, and specimens were rarely observed in proximity of the turbine, neither if the turbine was operating nor at stand still. Salmon clearly avoided the operating turbine, but did not avoid the turbine when it was at stand still, and was often observed swimming straight through the turbine area. These findings indicate that operating this type of instream turbine in a river affects the swimming behavior of Atlantic salmon but is unlikely to affect its migration paths. For brown trout, the statistical results are inconclusive, although data indicate a response of avoiding the turbine. The species are in little risk to suffer physical harm as no fish entered the rotating turbine, despite very turbid water conditions. 相似文献