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Until now, attention has been focused solely in the drying of squid mantle from an experimental point of view, neglecting the transport phenomenon studies of water in squid muscle. This work studies the drying of squid mantle (Loligo brasiliensis), previously salted and smoked by liquid smoking (hickory extract), using a tubular dryer in closed cycle with a silicagel fixed bed in series. The mass transfer phenomenon during drying was studied, based on the Fick's second law, with the effective diffusivity supposed constant, which enabled an analytical solution to the problem. The drying curve calculated with the resulting equation was compared with experimental data. The model was applied to a hollow cylinder geometry (round squid mantle), with its internal surface isolated from the drying environment by a plastic film. The latter was given a tubular form and introduced inside the mantle cavity (impervious wall boundary condition).  相似文献   
We report on the fabrication and characterization of high-speed p-type modulation-doped field-effect transistors (MODFETs) with 0.7-μm and 1-μm gate-lengths having unity current-gain cut-off frequencies (fT) of 9.5 GHz and 5.3 GHz, respectively. The devices were fabricated on a high hole mobility SiGe heterostructure grown by ultra-high-vacuum chemical vapor deposition (UHV-CVD). The dc maximum extrinsic transconductance (gm) is 105 mS/mm (205 mS/mm) at room temperature (77 K) for the 0.7-μm gate length devices. The fabricated devices show good pinch-off characteristics and have a very low gate leakage current of a few μA/mm at room temperature and a few nA/mm at 77 K  相似文献   
Softening behaviour of 50 CrV4 steel on thermomechanical treatment Determination of static softening of austenite on thermomechanical treatment of steel by rolling. Analysed was the development of the austenite structure and influencing the work softening processes depending on the deformation-temperature-time mode. The static softening processes were modelled mathematically by using Avrami's relationships.  相似文献   
Analysis of a complexity-based pruning scheme for classification trees   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A complexity-based pruning procedure for classification trees is described, and bounds on its finite sample performance are established. The procedure selects a subtree of a (possibly random) initial tree in order to minimize a complexity penalized measure of empirical risk. The complexity assigned to a subtree is proportional to the square root of its size. Two cases are considered. In the first, the growing and pruning data sets are identical, and in the second, they are independent Using the performance bound, the Bayes risk consistency of pruned trees obtained via the procedure is established when the sequence of initial trees satisfies suitable geometric and structural constraints. The pruning method and its analysis are motivated by work on adaptive model selection using complexity regularization.  相似文献   
A menu-driven interactive graphics software package has been developed for use as an instructional aid for the electric machines course in the electrical engineering curriculum. The main purpose of this tool is to give the students a clearer understanding of the basics of the operation of rotating electric machines. The animation program was developed for displaying live and rotating diagrams depicting different modes of operation of synchronous generators. Different parts are identified with different colors. The interaction of the magnetic poles on the stator and on the rotor, and the relative spatial positions and time variations of the magnetic and electric quantities are demonstrated through moving images. The software features are described  相似文献   
The authors present a successful model of industry/university cooperation in establishing a strong power system curriculum in both the graduate and undergraduate level. Numerous long-term and short-term research projects have been developed to satisfy the university mission and to tackle challenging problems facing the power industry. A unique structure for the Clemson University Electric Power Research Association (CUEPRA) has been established to promote electric power system research and to meet the need for a working communication link between the power industry and the academic community. The power industries involvements in the power program at Clemson University and the strategic improvements that have been accomplished in research and education are outlined  相似文献   
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