In this study, a potentiometric uric acid biosensor was fabricated by immobilization of uricase onto zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowires. Zinc oxide nanowires with 80-150 nm in diameter and 900 nm to 1.5 μm in lengths were grown on the surface of a gold coated flexible plastic substrate. Uricase was electrostatically immobilized on the surface of well aligned ZnO nanowires resulting in a sensitive, selective, stable and reproducible uric acid biosensor. The potentiometric response of the ZnO sensor vs Ag/AgCl reference electrode was found to be linear over a relatively wide logarithmic concentration range (1-650 μM) suitable for human blood serum. By applying a Nafion® membrane on the sensor the linear range could be extended to 1-1000 μM at the expense of an increased response time from 6.25 s to less than 9 s. On the other hand the membrane increased the sensor durability considerably. The sensor response was unaffected by normal concentrations of common interferents such as ascorbic acid, glucose, and urea. 相似文献
We consider the problem of deciding whether an infinite-state system (expressed as a Markov chain) satisfies a correctness property with probability 1. This problem is, of course, undecidable for general infinite-state systems. We focus our attention on the model of probabilistic lossy channel systems consisting of finite-state processes that communicate over unbounded lossy FIFO channels. Abdulla and Jonsson have shown that safety properties are decidable while progress properties are undecidable for non-probabilistic lossy channel systems. Under assumptions of “sufficiently high” probability of loss, Baier and Engelen have shown how to check whether a property holds of probabilistic lossy channel system with probability 1. In this paper, we consider a model of probabilistic lossy channel systems, where messages can be lost only during send transitions. In contrast to the model of Baier and Engelen, once a message is successfully sent to channel, it can only be removed through a transition which receives the message. We show that checking whether safety properties hold with probability 1 is undecidable for this model. Our proof depends upon simulating a perfect channel, with a high degree of confidence, using lossy channels. 相似文献
A parallel implementation of an algorithm for solving the one-dimensional, Fourier transformed Vlasov-Poisson system of equations is documented, together with the code structure, file formats and settings to run the code. The properties of the Fourier transformed Vlasov-Poisson system is discussed in connection with the numerical solution of the system. The Fourier method in velocity space is used to treat numerical problems arising due the filamentation of the solution in velocity space. Outflow boundary conditions in the Fourier transformed velocity space removes the highest oscillations in velocity space. A fourth-order compact Padé scheme is used to calculate derivatives in the Fourier transformed velocity space, and spatial derivatives are calculated with a pseudo-spectral method. The parallel algorithms used are described in more detail, in particular the parallel solver of the tri-diagonal systems occurring in the Padé scheme.
Program summary
Title of program:vlasovCatalogue identifier:ADVQProgram summary URL: obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University of Belfast, N. IrelandOperating system under which the program has been tested: Sun Solaris; HP-UX; Read Hat LinuxProgramming language used: FORTRAN 90 with Message Passing Interface (MPI)Computers: Sun Ultra Sparc; HP 9000/785; HP IPF (Itanium Processor Family) ia64 Cluster; PCs clusterNumber of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.:3737Number of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.:18 772Distribution format: tar.gzNature of physical problem: Kinetic simulations of collisionless electron-ion plasmas.Method of solution: A Fourier method in velocity space, a pseudo-spectral method in space and a fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme in time.Memory required to execute with typical data: Uses typically of the order 105-106 double precision numbers.Restriction on the complexity of the problem: The program uses periodic boundary conditions in space.Typical running time: Depends strongly on the problem size, typically few hours if only electron dynamics is considered and longer if both ion and electron dynamics is important.Unusual features of the program: No 相似文献
Electron spectroscopy (ESCA) and reflectance infrared spectroscopy (ATR) were used to measure surface oxidation of photocrosslinked polyethylene. The deterioration of bulk properties during an artificial weathering test was also measured. It was found that the UV-irradiation during crosslinking process decreases the stability of the material considerably. Three kinds of antioxidants and photostabilizers (hindered phenols, hindered amines, and organic sulfides) which have no absorption in the UV region of 300 to 400 nm were added before crosslinking to improve the stability of the crosslinked material. Neither the rate nor the degree of photocrosslinking at different depths of the sample were affected significantly by these additives. It was found possible to prevent the decrease in stability due to the photocrosslinking by using small amounts of a stabilizer, e.g. 0.05% Tinuvin 770 (hindered amine). 相似文献
The effect of gas composition changes on the low temperature activity for supported platinum model catalysts has been studied. By introducing well-controlled periodic O2 pulses to a simple diluted gas mixture of CO and O2, a substantial improvement of the low temperature oxidation activity was observed. The reason for low activity on noble metals at low temperatures is often attributed to self-poisoning by CO. The improved catalytic performance observed is proposed to origin from the transients causing a surface reactant composition that is favourable for the reaction rate, i.e. lower degree of self-poisoning. This was also confirmed by in situ Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy in combination with mass spectrometry (MS) measurements, which gave evidence for the existence of a strong interplay between the gas phase concentration and the adsorbate composition for these catalysts. 相似文献
Demands on workload and work efficiency have increased because of ongoing global changes in health care organizations. Assessing and evaluating effects of changes on organizational and individual well-being require valid and reliable methods. Questionnaires from 3 large health care studies were used to develop instruments for work quality and health. Study 1 included 2,935 participants from all occupational groups. Study 2 sampled 3,545 nurses and midwives. Participants in Study 3 consisted of 3,506 employees at a large hospital. Variable fields of work quality, health and well-being, and modifying factors were factor analyzed with replicated structures in new samples, including 6 factors of work quality, 5 health factors, and 2 modifying factors. All except 2 factors had high internal consistency (Cronbach's α?=?.69–84) and low factor intercorrelations within areas. Social climate (but not individual resources) had, according to our model, a modifying effect on the work-health interaction (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The objective is to characterise the solar collector during a relatively short testing period with no requirement for steady state climatic conditions. This information is then used for predicting annual performance of the collector. A standard collector model that is compatible with the ISO 9806-1 test standard is used with correction terms for beam and diffuse incidence angle modifiers, thermal capacitance, wind speed and sky temperature. This results in a more complete characterisation of the collector. The collector parameters are identified by multiple linear regression, MLR. The method has been tested for characterisation of unglazed collectors, glazed flat plate collectors, evacuated tubular collectors, CPC collectors and concentrating collectors with satisfying results. Typically the correlation coefficient R2 is better than 0.99 and the standard deviation of the difference between model and measurement is in the range 3–10 W/m2.
In the original method the angular dependence of the optical efficiency and the temperature dependence of the heat losses are supposed to be adjusted to a predetermined function. The most recent development is a routine that makes it possible to accurately identify non-linear optical and thermal performance. This extended MLR method can identify the zero loss efficiency for every angle of incidence interval and the temperature dependent heat losses for every temperature interval. This opens the application of the method to collectors with special incidence angle and heat loss effects that cannot be described easily with a combination of elementary functions. Instead a table of parameter values is determined, which is used directly in standard simulation programmes. This method will further increase the accuracy when comparing different collector designs. It has been used for comparing different glazings and for comparison with spectrophotometric measurements. It has also been used for analysing the heat loss factors for Teflon and honeycomb glazings. Since the total power output of the collector is less dependent on the heat loss coefficient than on the optical efficiency the scattering in this data is larger than for the incidence angle curves.
The reflectance of booster mirrors cannot be derived with the MLR-method with acceptable accuracy. The correlation between direct irradiance and irradiance from the reflector exhibit a very strong correlation. Instead the effective reflectance of the mirror can be estimated by comparison of the measured output with calculation by the complete collector and reflector model. This effective reflectance is not compatible with the specular reflectance obtained from spectrophotometric measurements caused by large differences in acceptance angles.
Standard multiple linear regression available in most spread sheet and statistical programs can be used for the parameter identification in the extended MLR-procedure. The identification takes only a few seconds. At the Älvkarleby Laboratory the test method is now used as a routine tool for the evaluation of new collector materials and designs. The Swedish National testing institute has evaluated the methods with the conclusion that they have a potential for being used in standardised collector testing. 相似文献