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The echocardiographic features of supravalvular aortic stenosis seen in a patient with valvular aortic and multiple pulmonary branch stenosis are described. Since patterns of valvular, discrete subvalvular, and supravalvular aortic stenosis can be recognized by echocardiography, it is now possible to screen close relatives of patients having supravalvular aortic stenosis and pulmonary branch stenosis by this non-invasive technic.  相似文献   
The activities of iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) were measured in Fe-Al alloys at 1573 K using the ion-current-ratio technique in a high-temperature Knudsen cell mass spectrometer. The Fe-Al solutions exhibited negative deviations from ideality over the entire composition range. The activity coefficientsγ Fe, andγ A1 are given by the following equations as a function of mole fraction (x Fe,x Al): 1 $$\begin{gathered} 0< \chi _{A1}< 0.4 \hfill \\ ln \gamma _{Fe} = - 4.511 ( \pm 0.008)\chi _{A1}^2 \hfill \\ ln \gamma _{A1} = - 4.462 ( \pm 0.029)\chi _{Fe}^2 + 0.325( \pm 0.013) \hfill \\ 0.6< \chi _{A1}< 1.0 \hfill \\ ln \gamma _{Fe} = - 4.065 ( \pm 0.006)\chi _{A1}^2 + 0.099( \pm 0.003) \hfill \\ ln \gamma _{A1} = - 4.092 ( \pm 0.026)\chi _{Fe}^2 + 0.002( \pm 0.001) \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ The results showed good agreement with those obtained from previous investigations at other temperatures by extrapolation of the activity data to 1573 K.  相似文献   
A macroscopic, steady state energy balance model has been formulated to describe mixing phenom-ena in a liquid bath stirred by injecting gas through a straight nozzle fitted axially at the bottom of the vessel. This, along with experimental data on a water model previously reported, was employed to make predictions. Input energy terms considered in the model consist of buoyancy energy and empirically determined fraction of gas kinetic energy. Dissipation of energy was attributed to liquid circulation and bubble slip. The two-phase plume was assumed to be a truncated cone whose dimen-sions depended upon operating conditions. Numerical solution of model equations gave liquid velocity and gas hold-up inside the plume as well as liquid circulation rate and liquid velocity in the region outside the plume. Influence of process variables, e.g., gas flow rate, bath height, and nozzle diameter, have been predicted. Validity of the model has been established by comparing some pre-dicted entrainment ratios with those experimentally measured by other investigators. Empirical cor-relations to predict circulation time and circulation number have been proposed. Circulation number was found to vary between 2 and 12 in contrast to the existing assumption in the literature of a con-stant value of 3. Usefulness of these correlations in predicting mixing time for industrial vessels has been demonstrated. Formerly a Graduate Student in the De-partment of Metallurgical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technol-ogy, Kanpur  相似文献   
This article focuses on the mechanically induced reactivity of boehmite prepared by thermal decomposition of gibbsite. Boehmite, which retained the morphology of gibbsite, was characterized by a specific surface area of 264 m2/g. Mechanical activation (MA) was carried out in a planetary mill up to 240 minutes. The samples were characterized in terms of morphology, characteristic particle diameters, Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET) specific surface area (SSABET), microcrystallite dimension (MCD), microstrain (ε) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The reactivity was construed from the kinetics of thermal transformation of boehmite into γ-Al2O3. The transformation observed between 600 K and 900 K (327 °C and 627 °C), manifested itself as two overlapping peaks in the differential thermogravimetric plot. These peaks correspond to two stages of dehydroxylation involving Al2OH and AlOH groups in succession. The peaks were resolved using Gaussian deconvolution. The reactivity was assessed separately for the two stages by comparing the fraction reacted in MA samples (α) with that of nonactivated sample (α ref). During both stages, enhanced kinetics, as revealed by α-α ref plots, indicated an increase in reactivity with MA. The transformation mechanism conformed to n th order reaction (f[α] = [1  α] n with n = 1.3–1.5 in both stages). Values of n remained similar for the activated and reference samples. Activation energies (E a) for the first and second dehydroxylation stages were respectively 115 and 300 kJ/mol for the nonactivated sample. E a for the second stage decreased exponentially to a value of 222 kJ/mol after 240 minutes of milling. An anomalous negative correlation between reactivity and SSABET was observed. Reactivity parameters were strongly correlated with MCD and ε. A plausible explanation for the observed correlations is presented.  相似文献   
The technique for measuring the low-frequency ac mobility of free surface charges first employed by Sommer is analyzed for arbitrary values of driving frequency, charge mobility, and effective mass. Analytical expressions for the cell admittance are given for both rectangular and circular geometries in the absence of edge corrections.  相似文献   
The continuous removal of heavy metals by the biological solids in an anaerobic reactor has been examined. The metals used were chromium (III), zinc and lead. Both competitive and non-competitive removal was studied. The results were evaluated in terms of adsorption isotherms and were compared with earlier batch studies. This suggested that the sludge acted as a cation-exchange material, with chromium having a much lower binding intensity than lead and zinc. The data also suggest that the nature of the sludge surface is of considerable significance in determining the capacity and intensity of binding. The effect of the metals on biogas formation was also examined. This showed that inhibition of the gas formation was a function of the metal concentration and that the relative toxicities appeared to be zinc > lead > chromium.  相似文献   
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