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Electroenzymatic synthesis often suffers from electrochemical reaction steps which proceed slower than the coupled enzyme reaction. For indirect electrochemical cofactor regeneration, we here report two new mediators with superior properties compared to the established rhodium complex (2,2′‐bipyridyl)(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)rhodium [Cp*Rh(2,2′‐bipyridine)]. After constructing a robotic system for fast and reliable cyclic voltammetry measurements, we screened twelve rhodium complexes with substituted 2,2′‐bipyridine ligands for their reduction potentials and catalytic activity towards the reduction of NADP. Promising complexes were investigated in more detail by cyclic voltammetry and under batch electrolysis conditions. The new complexes Cp*Rh(5,5′‐methyl‐2,2′‐bipyridine) and Cp*Rh(4,4′‐methoxy‐2,2′‐bipyridine) reduced NADP to NADPH three times faster than the established mediator, resulting in volumetric productivities of up to 136 mmol L−1 d−1 and turnover frequencies of up to 113 h−1. This increased reaction rate of these new mediators makes indirect electrochemical approach significantly more competitive to other methods of cofactor regeneration. Abbreviations: ADH=alcohol dehydrogenase; Ag|AgCl=silver|silver chloride reference electrode; bpy=2,2′‐bipyridine; ci=current increase; Cp*=pentamethylcyclopentadienyl; CV=cyclic voltammetry; Ep=peak potential; equiv=equivalent; NADP/NADPH=nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidised/reduced form.  相似文献   
Governments worldwide should provide incentives for initial large-scale GS projects to help build the knowledge base for a mature, internationally harmonized GS regulatory framework. Health, safety, and environmental risks of these early projects can be managed through modifications of existing regulations in the EU, Australia, Canada, and the U.S. An institutional mechanism, such as the proposed Federal Carbon Sequestration Commission in the U.S., should gather data from these early projects and combine them with factors such as GS industrial organization and climate regime requirements to create an efficient and adaptive regulatory framework suited to large-scale deployment. Mechanisms to structure long-term liability and fund long-term postclosure care must be developed, most likely at the national level, to equitably balance the risks and benefits of this important climate change mitigation technology. We need to do this right. During the initial field experiences, a single major accident, resulting from inadequate regulatory oversight, anywhere in the world, could seriously endanger the future viability of GS. That, in turn, could make it next to impossible to achieve the needed dramatic global reductions in CO2 emissions over the next several decades. We also need to do it quickly. Emissions are going up, the climate is changing, and impacts are growing. The need for safe and effective CO2 capture with deep GS is urgent.  相似文献   
Photonic Network Communications - Forthcoming wireless systems are developed to support greater data rate and extra coverage area. This can be achieved with the help of multiple input multiple...  相似文献   
Fluorescence detection, in principle, permits the detection of the extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) of more dilute atoms than can be obtained in absorption. To take advantage of this it is necessary, in practice, to eliminate the background that normally accompanies the fluorescence signal. We describe an x-ray filter assembly that accomplishes this purpose. The unique characteristic of the assembly is a slit system that minimizes the fluorescence background from the filter. The theory of the slit assembly is presented and is found to agree with measurements made on the Fe EXAFS of a dilute sample. The filter assembly has a better effective counting rate in this case than that of a crystal monochromator design.  相似文献   
由铋、铁和氧组成的晶体能够实现可逆的二极管 美国Rutgers大学的一组物理学家发现了一种材料所具有的特殊电特性,能够提升太阳能电池效率并改善计算机芯片设计.这种由铋、铁和氧组成的晶体能够实现可逆的二极管,这种二极管在光照条件下就能产生电流.传统的半导体二极管是不可逆的,其电流方向在制造时就已经确定下来了.  相似文献   
The tendency in the oil and fat industry in Europe as far as by-products and spent material are concerned is to use and regenerate as much as possible for chemical-technical purposes. Materials with a high thermal value which are not suitable or profitable for use in chemical-technical products will in the future probably be utilized as a fuel in combination with fuel oil. By-products and spent material that cannot be exploited in the manners outlined above will be deposited in dumps. Incineration is another possibility. However, the quantities of waste must be of a considerable magnitude if this method is not to be too expensive.  相似文献   
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