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磁引信应用中的壳体屏蔽效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对磁引信在应用中遇到的壳体屏蔽问题,提出将引信体近似为回转椭球壳体模型,从理论上详细地分析了椭球壳体在均匀磁场中的屏蔽效应,给出了相应的屏蔽系数公式;并通过试验验证了理论分析的正确性.该研究分析对磁引信体的选材、结构设计及所测得的磁信号处理都有重要的意义.  相似文献   
Frequency-derived identification of the propagation of information between brain regions has quickly become a popular area in the neurosciences. Of the various techniques used to study the propagation of activation within the central nervous system, the directed transfer function (DTF) has been well used to explore the functional connectivity during a variety of brain states and pathological conditions. However, the DTF method assumes the stationarity of the neural electrical signals and the time invariance of the connectivity among different channels over the investigated time window. Such assumptions may not be valid in the abnormal brain signals such as seizures and interictal spikes in epilepsy patients. In the present study, we have developed an adaptive DTF (ADTF) method through the use of a multivariate adaptive autoregressive model to study the time-variant propagation of seizures and interictal spikes in simulated electrocorticogram (ECoG) networks. The time-variant connectivity reconstruction is achieved by the Kalman filter algorithm, which can incorporate time-varying state equations. We study the performance of the proposed method through simulations with various propagation models using either sample seizures or interictal spikes as the source waveform. The present results suggest that the new ADTF method correctly captures the temporal dynamics of the propagation models, while the DTF method cannot, and even returns erroneous results in some cases. The present ADTF method was tested in real epileptiform ECoG data from an epilepsy patient, and the ADTF results are consistent with the clinical assessments performed by neurologists.   相似文献   
The authors demonstrate a spatially chirped emission wavelength in vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) arrays grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The wavelength shift is due to a lateral thickness variation in the Al0.2Ga0.8As cavity, which is induced by a substrate temperature profile during growth. A 20 nm shift in lasing wavelength is obtained in a VCSEL array  相似文献   
This paper presents path loss measurements at 2.1 GHz in forest and urban areas. Empirical path loss models have been presented for low-height dual-mobility channels. Three test scenarios are considered for the transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) placed inside the test vehicle or on a test cart pushed at walking speed. Based on measurements, the in-leaf and single-slope path loss models are presented. The path loss exponents for the dual-mobility channels are found to be between 2.1 and 3.4 in urban and 8.0 in forest, with higher reference when antennas are placed inside the vehicle.  相似文献   
在永磁同步电机的空间矢量控制原理的基础上,阐述了一种双电机大功率伺服系统的控制算法及其实现;采用Simulink建立双电机控制的电流、速度、位置的三闭环模型,并利用2台1.5k W级别的样机进行试验。试验结果证明,该控制算法的正确、有效。  相似文献   
WLAN-based roadside-to-vehicle communications is an increasingly popular research trend. This paper examines the applicability of WLANs in the Intelligent Transportation Systems with focus on reducing the scanning phase delay and the address allocation delay. The handover delays become intolerable when the indoor WLAN Access Poins are accessed from by the outdoor mobile nodes at vehicular speeds. In this work, we propose a baseline scheme which calls for passively scanning only the orthogonal channels to reduce the scanning phase delay in the overall handover latency. We argue that the interference free orthogonal channels are ideal for conveying time critical information in vehicular environments. Secondly, this paper evaluates the delays incurred by the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) in the handover process. The focus on establishing the amount of delay contributed by each DHCP phase and make some meaningful comments at the end. The conclusions made in this paper are based on real-world experiments and tests.  相似文献   
平面近远场变换的快速算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于考虑探头补偿的平面近远场变换理论 ,根据实际需要 ,提出了一种工程实用的平面近远场变换快速算法。通过该算法由近场测量数据变换得到的天线远场方向图 ,既能达到任意分辨率 ,又能节约计算内存和提高计算速度。  相似文献   
Input signal recovery from frequency-selective fading channels is a problem of great theoretical and practical importance. We present several new blind algorithms that utilize second-order statistics for direct multichannel equalization. The algorithms are based on the subspace extraction of a preselected block column of the channel convolution matrix. For a multiuser system, user signal separation can be achieved based on partial information of the composite channel response. These equalization algorithms do not rely on the precise separation of signal and noise subspaces and therefore tend to be less sensitive to channel order (or column rank) estimation errors. Equalization is directly achieved without channel identification. Furthermore, the equalizability conditions of these algorithms are discussed  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose and analyze a simple adaptive uplink power control scheme, called two-level channel inversion, for data traffic in a cellular CDMA system. The basic idea is to reduce out-cell interference by reducing the rate of, or even suspending, transmission when the wireless channel is in a bad condition. We first describe the scheme in detail, and then present a probabilistic analysis model for evaluating the system performance. With this model, we determine the queueing delay and system throughput. Numerical results show that in comparison with the traditional channel inversion scheme, the two-level channel inversion scheme can substantially improve system throughput at a moderate cost of extra queueing delay. Finally, we present a design algorithm to optimize the overall performance while maintaining each user's quality of service (QoS).  相似文献   
下一代移动通信系统中的信道分配策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
下一代移动通信系统是一个由微蜂窝、宏蜂窝和卫星小区构成的多层覆盖体系结构,在该体系结构中,多媒体业务将占有很大的比重。基于这一特点,建立新的通信系统模型, 并通过将软-通信质量概念与统计复用技术相结合,获得了一种较好的信道分配方法。通过对算法进行系统仿真,比较了它与传统信道分配算法的优劣。仿真结果表明:新的信道分配方法会增加系统容量,减少通信业务阻塞概率,极大的提高整个系统的性能。  相似文献   
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