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This work deals with the effect of build orientation and of allowance for machining on DMLS‐produced Maraging Steel MS1. The experimental results, arranged by tools of Design of Experiment, have been statistically processed and compared. The outcomes were that, probably due to effect of the thermal treatment, machining, and material properties, the aforementioned factors do not have a significant impact on the fatigue response. This made it possible to work out a global curve that accounts for all the results, consisting in a high amount of data points. This can be regarded as one of the most complete and reliable fatigue models in the current literature. Fractographic and micrographic studies have been performed as well, to individuate the crack initiation points, usually located at subsurface porosities, and to investigate the location of internal inclusions and the actual martensitic microstructure along the stacking direction and on the build plane.  相似文献   
Robotic technologies, whether they are remotely operated vehicles, autonomous agents, assistive devices, or novel control interfaces, offer many promising capabilities for deployment in real‐world environments. Postdisaster scenarios are a particularly relevant target for applying such technologies, due to the challenging conditions faced by rescue workers and the possibility to increase their efficacy while decreasing the risks they face. However, field‐deployable technologies for rescue work have requirements for robustness, speed, versatility, and ease of use that may not be matched by the state of the art in robotics research. This paper aims to survey the current state of the art in ground and aerial robots, marine and amphibious systems, and human–robot control interfaces and assess the readiness of these technologies with respect to the needs of first responders and disaster recovery efforts. We have gathered expert opinions from emergency response stakeholders and researchers who conduct field deployments with them to understand these needs, and we present this assessment as a way to guide future research toward technologies that will make an impact in real‐world disaster response and recovery.  相似文献   
Owing to the physical properties of copper and its alloys it is challenging to achieve good surface quality and low porosity by the widely used laser-based additive manufacturing processes. This paper deals with the role of alloy composition, powder size and process parameters in additive manufacturing with laser beam melting machine (with power up to 100 W). Test parts were produced in pure copper and CuNiSi(Cr) alloys. The porosity was investigated as a function of different process parameters and powder size ranges. The effects of the alloy physical properties (reflectivity, thermal conductivity, melting range and surface tension) are discussed. Moreover, the effect of thermal treatment on the properties of CuNiSi parts was assessed in conventional two-step heat treatments.  相似文献   
We present the design and the performance of the FAST (Fast Acquisition of SPM Timeseries) module, an add-on instrument that can drive commercial scanning probe microscopes (SPM) at and beyond video rate image frequencies. In the design of this module, we adopted and integrated several technical solutions previously proposed by different groups in order to overcome the problems encountered when driving SPMs at high scanning frequencies. The fast probe motion control and signal acquisition are implemented in a way that is totally transparent to the existing control electronics, allowing the user to switch immediately and seamlessly to the fast scanning mode when imaging in the conventional slow mode. The unit provides a completely non-invasive, fast scanning upgrade to common SPM instruments that are not specifically designed for high speed scanning. To test its performance, we used this module to drive a commercial scanning tunneling microscope (STM) system in a quasi-constant height mode to frame rates of 100 Hz and above, demonstrating extremely stable and high resolution imaging capabilities. The module is extremely versatile and its application is not limited to STM setups but can, in principle, be generalized to any scanning probe instrument.  相似文献   
Soft bottom macrobenthos at a station located off Cesenatico (Emilia Romagna, Northern Adriatic Sea) was investigated seasonally for six years from July 1996 to July 2002. Species composition and abundance of the community have been studied in relation to fluctuation in the water environment parameters, sediment texture patterns and mucilage, that occurred mainly in the water column at the study site. Three major Po river flow peaks occurred in November 1996, October 2000 and May 2002; after these events the community was reduced to minimum abundance values (total density<2000 individuals m(-2)). In the period between the first two episodes the river discharge remained rather low and conditions of increased salinity, lower nutrients and chl a and good oxygen saturation were experienced. The fossorial Crustacean Ampelisca diadema became dominant in the community between the first two river flow events, reaching maximum density of 10,200 individuals m(-2) and substituting the bivalve Corbula gibba, indicator of sediment instability. Species richness increased in the same period. The role of Ampelisca as a facilitator in structuring the community is discussed. Corbula gibba never recovered to initial densities, apart from an abundance peak that occurred in the summer of 2000. Faunal composition seemed to evolve slowly towards a higher degree of structural complexity (positive trend in diversity and evenness index). In the study site near-bottom mucilage events occurred in the summers of 1997, 1998, 2002; they appeared uncorrelated with the observed changes in the community structure. Multivariate analysis of community structure (MDS, ANOSIM) illustrates that community changes in this station are driven mainly by hydrographical conditions influencing sediment texture patterns and trophic resources for the benthos.  相似文献   
In this paper we report an overview of the main outcomes of a 3-years experimental cultivation carried out in an Italian reclaimed agricultural field amended with different types of zeolitites (rock containing > 50% of zeolites), under cereals cultivation (Sorghum vulgare Pers, Zea mays and Triticum durum). The aim of the experiment was to exploit the properties of zeolite-rich volcanic rocks (zeolitites) for reducing the excessively high NO3? content in the soil and in waters flowing out the sub-surface drainage system of the field and flushing into the surface water system, reducing concomitantly also chemical fertilization application rates (up to 50%). Zeolitites were tested both in their natural state and in a NH4+-enriched form, obtained through an enrichment process with NH4+-rich zoo-technical effluents (pig slurry). NO3? content in soils and in waters discharged through SSDS were periodically monitored during the experimentation and crop yield quantified. Results showed that, for three consecutive cultivation cycles, the overall NO3? concentrations in water extracts was reduced by 45% in the zeolitite treated soils, while in SSDS waters the reduction reached the 64%. Notwithstanding the lower N input from chemical fertilizers, crop yield was not negatively affected in the zeolitite amended soils with respect to the control. Zeolitite addition increased thus soil NH4+ retention and probably influenced several pathways of N losses, allowing a better fertilizer use efficiency by plants and a reduction of the overall NO3? concentrations in the surface waters.  相似文献   
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