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We report on the electrochromic behavior of a dinuclear ruthenium complex, which provides high environmental stability together with an intense absorption maximum at 1237 nm in solution in its +3 oxidation state. To verify its optoelectronic properties, we used this complex as the photoactive material in a planar photodetector prototype for near-infrared light pulses, succeeding in the detection of a train of light pulses at a wavelength of 1280 nm.  相似文献   
This study explores the representation of scientific journals from Italy, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia and Montenegro in the Thomson Scientific’s 2005 Journal Citation Reports (JCR). The number of journals covered by JCR was analyzed in relation to scientific productivity of selected countries and the size of their economies, and no apparent relationship between these factors was found. Our findings suggest that other factors, including the quality of individual journals, may influence how many journals a country will have in the JCR.  相似文献   
Prediction for social systems is a major challenge. Universality at the social level has inspired a unified theory for urban living but individual variation makes predicting relationships within societies difficult. Here, we show that in ant societies individual average speed is higher when event duration is longer. Expressed as a single scaling function, this relationship is universal because for any event duration an ant, on average, moves at the corresponding average speed except for a short acceleration and deceleration at the beginning and end. This establishes cause and effect within a social system and may inform engineering and control of artificial ones.  相似文献   
The synthesis of a series of polymers and cyclopolymers bearing crown ethers of differing structure and affinities towards primary ammonium ions is discussed. These polymers have been tested in their efficiency to form structurally homogeneous thin films when blended with an amphiphilic C60 compound containing a primary ammonium ion functional group. The X-ray reflectivity characterization of the films revealed that the polymer bearing the crown ether with the least affinity for primary ammonium ions, but having the highest degree of polymerization, is the most effective in forming structurally homogeneous thin films.  相似文献   
Reinforced concrete (RC) structures located in aggressive environment, for example, RC bridge piers close to the sea and experiencing chloride attacks, may be exposed to an increased seismic vulnerability. This requires practical yet effective safety assessment strategies aimed to determine the seismic behavior by incorporating corrosion deterioration phenomena. An easy-to-use phenomenological model is here developed to describe the seismic behavior of corroded RC elements based on a fiber hinge formulation wherein the corrosion-induced mechanical degradation of concrete and steel is implemented through appropriate constitutive laws at the fiber level. The developed fiber hinge formulation is first validated against experimental cyclic tests of corroded RC columns from the literature. Then, the proposed approach is used for the seismic vulnerability assessment of the Zappulla multi-span viaduct (southern Italy), whose RC bridge piers (with a box-shaped, two-cell hollow rectangular cross section) are exposed to carbonation and chloride-induced corrosion. A comprehensive in-situ testing campaign is conducted for the mechanical characterization of the materials in the RC piers. Corrosion potential mapping, carbonation tests and tensile tests on corroded bars extracted from RC piers are critically interpreted to calibrate the constitutive laws of the fiber-hinge model. Motivated by experimental findings, numerical seismic analyses (including linear dynamic, nonlinear static and nonlinear dynamic analyses) are performed under two different corrosion scenarios to quantify the impact of corrosion on the resulting seismic vulnerability conditions of bridge piers with corroded bars. The proposed approach is characterized by low computational cost and lends itself to large-scale seismic vulnerability assessment of other existing RC bridges placed in corrosive environment.  相似文献   
Dumbbell-shaped systems based on PAHs-BODIPY-triarylamine hybrids TM-(01-04) are designed as novel and highly efficient hole-transporting materials for usage in planar inverted perovskite solar cells. BODIPY is employed as a bridge between the PAH units, and the effects of the conjugated π-system's covalent attachment and size are investigated. Fluorescence quenching, 3D fluorescence heat maps, and theoretical studies support energy transfer within the moieties. The systems are extremely resistant to UVC 254 nm germicidal light sources and present remarkable thermal stability at degradation temperatures exceeding 350 °C. Integrating these systems into perovskite solar cells results in outstanding power conversion efficiency (PCE), with TM-02-based devices exhibiting a PCE of 20.26%. The devices base on TM-01, TM-03, and TM-04 achieve PCE values of 16.98%, 17.58%, and 18.80%, respectively. The long-term stability of these devices is measured for 600 h, with initial efficiency retention between 94% and 86%. The TM-04-based device presents noticeable stability of 94%, better than the reference polymer PTAA with 91%. These findings highlight the exciting potential of dumbbell-shaped systems based on PAHs-BODIPY-triarylamine derivatives for next-generation photovoltaics.  相似文献   
The availability of durable, high-performance electrocatalysts for the hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) is currently a constraint for anion-exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs). Herein, a rapid microwave-assisted synthesis method is used to develop a core–shell catalyst support based on a hydrogenated TiO2/carbon for PtRu nanoparticles (NPs). The hydrogenated TiO2 provides a strong metal-support interaction with the PtRu NPs, which improves the catalyst's oxophilicity and HOR activity compared to commercial PtRu/C and enables greater size control of the catalyst NPs. The as-synthesized PtRu/TiO2/C-400 electrocatalyst exhibits respectable performance in an AEMFC operated at 80 °C, yielding the highest current density (up to 3× higher) within the catalytic region (compared at 0.80–0.90 V) and voltage efficiency (68%@ 0.5 A cm−2) values in the compared literature. In addition, the cell demonstrates promising short-term voltage stability with a minor voltage decay of 1.5 mV h−1. This “first-of-its-kind in alkaline” work may open further research avenues to develop rapid synthesis methods to prepare advanced core–shell metal-oxide/carbon supports for electrocatalysts for use in the next-generation of AEMFCs with potential applicability to the broader electrochemical systems research community.  相似文献   
The triggers of biennial bearing are thought to coincide with embryonic development in apple and occurs within the first 70 days after full bloom (DAFB). Strong evidence suggests hormonal signals are perceived by vegetative apple spur buds to induce flowering. The hormonal response is typically referred to as the floral induction (FI) phase in bud meristem development. To determine the metabolic pathways activated in FI, young trees of the biennial bearing cultivar ‘Nicoter’ and the less susceptible cultivar ‘Rosy Glow’ were forced into an alternate cropping cycle over five years and an inverse relationship of crop load and return bloom was established. Buds were collected over a four-week duration within 70 DAFB from trees that had maintained a four-year biennial bearing cycle. Metabolomics profiling was undertaken to determine the differentially expressed pathways and key signalling molecules associated with biennial bearing. Marked metabolic differences were observed in trees with high and low crop load treatments. Significant effects were detected in members of the phenylpropanoid pathway comprising hydroxycinnamates, salicylates, salicylic acid biosynthetic pathway intermediates and flavanols. This study identifies plant hormones associated with FI in apples using functional metabolomics analysis.  相似文献   
Laryngotracheal stenosis (LTS) is a complex and heterogeneous disease whose pathogenesis remains unclear. LTS is considered to be the result of aberrant wound-healing process that leads to fibrotic scarring, originating from different aetiology. Although iatrogenic aetiology is the main cause of subglottic or tracheal stenosis, also autoimmune and infectious diseases may be involved in causing LTS. Furthermore, fibrotic obstruction in the anatomic region under the glottis can also be diagnosed without apparent aetiology after a comprehensive workup; in this case, the pathological process is called idiopathic subglottic stenosis (iSGS). So far, the laryngotracheal scar resulting from airway injury due to different diseases was considered as inert tissue requiring surgical removal to restore airway patency. However, this assumption has recently been revised by regarding the tracheal scarring process as a fibroinflammatory event due to immunological alteration, similar to other fibrotic diseases. Recent acquisitions suggest that different factors, such as growth factors, cytokines, altered fibroblast function and genetic susceptibility, can all interact in a complex way leading to aberrant and fibrotic wound healing after an insult that acts as a trigger. However, also physiological derangement due to LTS could play a role in promoting dysregulated response to laryngo-tracheal mucosal injury, through biomechanical stress and mechanotransduction activation. The aim of this narrative review is to present the state-of-the-art knowledge regarding molecular mechanisms, as well as mechanical and physio-pathological features behind LTS.  相似文献   
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