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High cycle fatigue of bolted connections Extensive tests regarding the influences on the fatigue of bolt‐nut‐connections of preloading with torsion, of preloading with yielding, of loading with superimposed bending and of the tested lot are processed. These influences are not yet known according to VDI 2230. New testing devices were designed for these tests, which allow a far less expensive operation and may easily be used for bolts of diameters up to M100 and testing frequencies up to 1000 Hz. The validity of fatigue resistance according to VDI 2230 is specified with respect to the test results. The determined influence of the tested lots is unexpectedly high. The manufacturing process of bolts should be improved to minimize this influence.  相似文献   
The exfiltration of wastewater from sewer systems in urban areas causes a deterioration of soil and possibly groundwater quality. Beside the simulation of transport and degradation processes in the unsaturated zone and in the aquifer the analysis of the potential impact requires the estimation of quantity and temporal variation of wastewater exfiltration. Exfiltration can be assessed by the application of a leakage model. The hydrological approach was originally developed to simulate the interactions between the groundwater and surface water, it was adapted to allow for modelling of interactions between groundwater and sewer system. In order to approximate the exfiltration specific model parameters infiltration specific parameters were used as a basis. Scenario analysis of the exfiltration in the City of Dresden from 1997 to 1999 and during the flood event in August 2002 shows the variation and the extent of exfiltration rates.  相似文献   
This paper attempts to measure the effect of a court-ordered desegregation plan on three aspects of the housing market in Dallas County, Texas. The indicators include sale price, number of sales, and proportion of home sales financed by conventional mortgages. Monthly data from 1969 to 1979 are analyzed using Box-Jenkins time series models. After best fit models are determined, various intervention terms are introduced into the models to assess the impact of both a 1975 Circuit Court Order and a 1976 District Court Order. The analysis suggests neither order had a measurable effect on the housing market in Dallas.  相似文献   
Analysis and synthesis of on-chip spiral inductors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a physically based compact model for estimating high-frequency performance of spiral inductors. The model accurately accounts for skin and proximity effects in the metal conductors as well as eddy current losses in the substrate. The model shows excellent agreement with measured data mostly within 10% across a variety of inductor geometries and substrate dopings up to 20 GHz. A web-based spiral inductor synthesis and analysis tool COILS, which makes use of the compact models, is presented. An optimization algorithm using binary searches speeds up the synthesis of inductor designs.  相似文献   
The strengths of two graphite/epoxy notched laminate systems with a softening strip were investigated. The softening strip was created by replacing the 0°-graphite/epoxy plies by a glass/epoxy composite. Experimental results indicated that the use of softening strips could significantly increase the laminate strength. Analysis was performed with finite elements developed using the classical laminated plate theory and was shown to be adequate. A simple point-stress failure criterion was used to predict the strength of notched laminates with softening strips and the result was found to be satisfactory.  相似文献   
The influence of nonlinear gain and optical feedback on the dynamics of single-mode semiconductor lasers are numerically investigated based on the Lang and Kobayashi model. It is well known that the nonlinear gain tends to stabilize the dynamics, while the optical feedback tends to increase the instabilities. In this paper, we study the behavior of the attractors when the feedback level k and the gain saturation coefficient ε vary and show that the effects of these parameters are surprisingly opposite. For example, we find that the route to chaos that the external cavity modes follow for increasing k is reversed for increasing ε in an almost identical manner. When the feedback increases the modes follow the usual quasi-periodic route and turn into torus. If k continues to increase, the torus become chaotic attractors as the result of several period-doubling bifurcations or a third Hopf bifurcation. Further increase of k causes the chaotic attractors to lose stability, Contrarily, if the value of the parameter ε is increased, the attractors recover their stability and reverse the route becoming simple torus again. If ε is increased further, the torus reverse the quasi-periodic route and turn into stable modes again. We also find that on the contrary to k, the parameter ε enhances the stability region of an attractor. We show that the feedback level above which a limit cycle emerges from a stable mode, the feedback level above which a torus emerges from a limit cycle, and the feedback level above which a chaotic attractor loses stability are all increasing functions of ε  相似文献   
Undoped and phosphorus (P)-doped diamond-clad Si field emitter arrays have been successfully fabricated using microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) technology. The electron emission from the blunt diamond-clad microtips are much higher than those for the pure Si tips with sharp curvature due to a lower work function. Furthermore, the characteristics of emission current against applied voltage for the P-doped diamond-clad tips show superior emission at lower field to the undoped ones. After the examination of Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and electrical characteristics of as-grown diamond, such a significant enhancement of the electron emission from the P-doped diamond-clad tips is attributed to a higher electron conductivity and defect densities  相似文献   
This paper provides a preliminary examination of present and projected land use in Africa to estimate the potential availability of land in 2025 for use in producing biomass energy. Fifty countries are included in the analysis. Future cropland requirements are projected on the basis of average African cereal crop yield improvements since 1972, and minimum nutritional requirements are assumed to be met in 2025 without increasing imports above present absolute levels. Cropland, natural forests and other wilderness areas are excluded from consideration for biomass energy use. Woody biomass energy yields are estimated on the basis of nationally averaged precipitation, using a yield-precipitation correlation for commercial eucalyptus plantations in Brazil. The total African bioenergy production potential in 2025 is estimated to be about 18 EJ per year for a set of baseline assumptions that includes planting only 10% of the available non-crop, non-forest, non-wilderness area with biomass energy crops. A preliminary cost assessment suggests that much of this biomass could be produced for $1–2 GJ−1. A number of uncertainties in the modelling assumptions are examined through a sensitivity analysis. Despite limitations in the model used here, one robust conclusion is that Africa as a whole has a significant biophysical potential for producing biomass energy. This result suggests that more detailed country and sub-country level assessments would be worthwhile to understand better the practical prospects for future biomass energy production in Africa.  相似文献   
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