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Localized swelling has been observed in 24Cr-24Ni-Nb steel transportation rollers used in the normalizing furnace of a plate mill after prolonged service at high temperature. Due to high localized thermal and mechanical stresses, the chromia layer formed on the roller surface ruptures, exposing the roller substrate to furnace oxygen. Oxidation of second-phase carbides results in the formation of carbon monoxide at very high partial pressure. This leads to formation of voids, leading in turn to localized swelling of the roller material.  相似文献   
采用着色腐蚀法显示出球墨铸铁中的奥氏体枝晶,研究了碳当量、浇注温度、壁厚及含硅量对球墨铸铁中奥氏体枝晶数量和形态的影响。结果表明:碳当量减少.枝晶数量增多,形态趋于发达;壁厚减小,枝晶数量增多,形态变得发达;浇注温度提高,枝晶数量减少而形态变得粗壮,不发达;含量增加,枝晶数量减少。  相似文献   
Al2O3/Cu复合材料的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
概述了Al2O3/Cu复合材料的研究现状,并对其制备工艺以及影响性能的因素进行了介绍。  相似文献   
采用盐酸浸出提取赤泥中的钇,考察了盐酸浓度、浸出温度、液固比和反应时间对钇浸出率的影响.分析了赤泥盐酸浸出提钇过程的物相变化和表面形貌变化.根据钇浸出动力学参数,确定了关键控制步骤和表观活化能.结果表明:在盐酸体积浓度30%,浸出温度为80℃,液固比为7 mL/g,反应时间为60 min的条件下,钇的浸出率为82.57%.酸浸过程赤泥中钙霞石和方解石全部溶解,赤铁矿和钙钛矿部分溶解,酸浸渣的粒度变小,颗粒粘结现象消失.在低浓度盐酸介质中,钇的浸出过程主要受化学反应控制,在高浓度盐酸介质中,主要受内扩散控制.不同浸出温度条件下,赤泥酸浸提钇过程均主要受内扩散模型控制,浸出提钇过程的表观活化能为19.8 kJ·mol-1.  相似文献   
An attempt is made to develop a novel series of cable sheathing compounds with variation in chlorine content and sufficient fire retardance and unique low-smoke characteristics. These are prepared by blending PVC and functionalized polyolefins in different compositions. PE and EPDM have been functionalized by grafting dibutyl maleate (DBM) using DCP as initiator. FRLS compounds made from PVC-functionalized polyolefin blends possess the special characteristics of low-smoke, low-acid-gas generation, increased fire retardance, and improved volume resistivity, which are much better in comparison with a typical PVC sheathing compound. Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) based nonhalogen FRLS compounds are also reported. The mechanisms for grafting, polymer-polymer and polymer-filler interactions have been presented.  相似文献   
Jute stick was bleached with sodium chlorite and alkaline hydrogen peroxide solutions. The infrared (IR) spectra of bleached samples and jute stick were analyzed and compared. The bleached samples were characterized by higher absorbance intensity ratios (Av/A2900) of the bands attributed to hemicellulose. Among the bleached samples the chlorite-bleached sample showed higher intensity for the bands mentioned. The bands attributed to lignin are either absent or very weak in the chlorite-bleached jute stick as compared to that of peroxide-bleached jute stick, although some residual lignin was present in the substrate. The 1635 cm?1 band attribute to the vibration of adsorbed water molecules in the noncrystalline regions in cellulose appears as a sharp peak in chlorite-bleached jute stick and as a shoulder in peroxide-bleached jute stick. This can be attributed to the difference in the nature of the two bleaching processes.  相似文献   
使用MARC软件对J92K-25型开式数控回转头压力机机身进行了动态有限元分析,计算出了该机身的动态响应,探讨了高速压力机动态设计校核的方法。  相似文献   
The complex, bis(acetylacetonato)palladium(II) in pyridine, is used as a homogeneous catalyst for the conversion of nitrobenzene to aniline. From a study of various operational parameters the optimum reduction was found to occur at 1 atm pressure and at room temperature in petroleum ether (b.p. 100–120°C) solvent, yielding 90% of aniline on input nitrobenzene basis. The complex [Pd11(acac)H(C6H5NO2)Py] was isolated under similar experimental conditions and was characterised by elemental analysis, magnetic, thermal and spectral studies. Formation of a phenylnitrene metal complex has been suggested as a hypothetical intermediate in the reduction process.  相似文献   
在电网低压侧,随着电力电子技术和电力线载波通信的广泛应用,产生了愈来愈多的超级谐波,超级谐波问题涉及到多个领域,并得到配网电能质量、电力线载波通信、负荷监测等研究领域的重视。本文总结国内外对超级谐波的来源、特征、危害、相关标准、测量方法等研究成果;并归纳了超级谐波在负荷监测的应用价值。研究提出了几点结论和建议,为应对超级谐波问题提供参考。  相似文献   
ELCIRC源程序代码分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
开放源程序代码ELCIRC是采用基于水平向无结构网格、垂向z坐标体系和半隐格式的欧拉-拉格朗日有限体积/有限差分方法来解浅水方程。研究了ELCIRC中除控制方程组求解以外的部分,分析了源程序在插值计算、拓扑结构、定解条件、分层信息和干湿法等技术上的具体操作,尤其是对欧拉拉格朗日模型特有的逆向追踪算法做了详细阐述。同时讨论了一些细节问题,在不恰当的地方给出一些参考和建议,避免小数做分母、相近数相减引起的较大误差。然而,这些经过实际应用的算法原理,可以为我们开发水动力学模型提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   
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