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Some of the options for optical technology within the local loop environment are examined. In particular, passive shared access networks have been considered in some detail. These networks show great promise for delivering existing telephone services to small to medium business customers (4-30 lines) economically by the early 1990s. Extending fiber to the home will also be possible by virtue of a similar passive network infrastructure for customers requiring new broadband services beyond the single telephone line. For one-line plain old telephone service (POTS) customers, an intermediate approach of terminating the fiber network at the final network distribution point, with copper retained for the final leg, may be used prior to the provision of broadband services. A key feature of the passive optical network architecture is the use of wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) as an upgrade strategy, allowing graceful upgrading from telephone services to multichannel high-definition television (HDTV) on gigabit/second bearers and full two-way switched broadband services employing wavelength routing across the network  相似文献   
Groups of 32 and 16 subjects of both sexes were exposed in an environmental chamber to radiant asymmetry caused by a cool wall, a warm wall, and a cool ceiling. Each subject was tested individually while seated and clothed at 0.6 clo. During each 3.5-hour experiment the subject was exposed to six radiant temperature asymmetries. He was asked whether and where he experienced any local cool or warm sensation, and whether it was felt to be uncomfortable. During the entire experiment he was kept thermally neutral by changing the air temperature according to his wishes.For cool walls, warm walls, and cool ceilings curves have been established showing the percentage of dissatisfied subjects as a function of the radiant asymmetry. Radiant asymmetry at a warm wall caused less discomfort than a cool wall. A cool ceiling caused less discomfort than a warm ceiling. Accepting that 5% of the subjects may feel uncomfortable. a radiant temperature asymmetry of 10°C is allowable at a cool wall, 23°C at a warm wall, and 14°C under a cool ceiling. A previous study showed that 4°C is allowable under a warm ceiling. Radiant asymmetry had no significant impact on the operative temperatures preferred by the subjects. No significant differences were observed between the responses of men and women exposed to radiant asymmetry.  相似文献   
Continuous simulation is performed using the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) to evaluate regional differences around the United States in hydrologic and water quality performance of wet-weather controls. Controls are characterised as being limited by peak inflow rate (i.e. any device with little or no storage, such as screens, filters and some proprietary devices) or by storage capacity (e.g., ponds, tanks). For flow-limited devices, results are presented in the form of percentage of annual runoff volume captured (passing through the device) for a given inflow capacity. For storage-limited devices, results are presented in two forms: percentage of annual runoff volume captured as a function of unit basin size and drawdown (drain) time, and as a percentage of total suspended solids captured, for the same two variables. Regional differences are apparent, driven mainly by variations in rainfall patterns around the country.  相似文献   
在第一部分综合讨论的基础上对甘三酯立体专一分析方法作了初步探讨。以液体油(菜油)及固体脂(猪脂)为基质,系统地研究了这一分析方法,取得了经验并补充了一些具体验证方法。分析液体油的结果与文献数据相一致,分析猪脂的结果欠佳,还存在一些问题需待进一步研究。  相似文献   
Aerogels are highly porous materials made by removing the liquid phase of a dilute suspension of solids by taking off the vapor under super-critical temperature and pressure conditions. The aerogel structure has a skeleton of nanometer-size elements forming pores that are tens of nanometers in dimension. In some cases the structure of the aerogel arises from clusters having fractal geometry. The collection efficiency and pressure drop for such material is predicted here from models in the literature. A quality factor is used to compare aerogel material with other filter materials. The quality factor relating gas filtration efficiency with pressure drop is predicted to be unusually high for these materials in comparison with other common fibrous filter media, predicting lower flow resistance for aerogels at equivalent particle collection efficiency levels.  相似文献   
The structure of the recently introduced Brazilian government programme for monitoring pesticide residues in six major agricultural products is described. Residues found from the analysis of samples of tomatoes and strawberries are discussed in detail. The much greater frequency of detection of pesticide residues, many of which are not approved for use in Brazil, in produce being sold on the domestic market, as opposed to that produced for export, is of major concern. It is perceived that this new monitoring programme will become permanent and be used to underpin enforcement actions that will need to be taken to reduce the numbers of incidents of illegal residues occurring, particularly in fresh fruits and vegetables.  相似文献   
A high-gain ballistic hot-electron device is described. The GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructure device, with a 21-mm-thick pseudomorphic In 0.12Ga0.88As base, had a current gain of 27 at 77 K and 41 at 4.2 K. As characteristically seen in ballistic devices, transfer into the L valley limited the maximum gain. The Γ-L valley separation in the strained In0.12Ga0.88As was estimated to be about 380 meV  相似文献   
The optical character of waste stabilization ponds (WSPs) is of concern for several reasons. Algal photosynthesis, which produces oxygen for waste oxidation in WSPs, is influenced by attenuation of sunlight in ponds. Disinfection in WSPs is influenced by optical characteristics because solar UV exposure usually dominates inactivation. The optical nature of WSPs effluent also affects assimilation by receiving waters. Despite the importance of light behaviour in WSPs, few studies have been made of their optical characteristics. We discuss simple optical measures suitable for routine monitoring of WSPs (including at sites remote from laboratories): optical density of filtrates - an index of dissolved coloured organic (humic) matter, visual clarity - to provide an estimate of the beam attenuation coefficient (a fundamental quantity needed for optical modelling) colour (hue) - as an indicator of general WSP 'condition' and irradiance attenuation quantifying depth of light penetration. The value of optical characterisation of WSPs is illustrated with reference to optical data for WSPs in NZ (including high-rate algal ponds) treating dairy cattle wastewater versus domestic sewage. We encourage increased research on optical characteristics of WSPs and the incorporation of optical measures in monitoring and modelling of WSP performance.  相似文献   
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