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An analysis is performed for the existing hypotheses and theories used for calculating the technological parameters of operations on methane extraction from coal seams. The priority of geodynamic processes in methane collector formation, as well as the methods applied for the morphometry and processing of the remote probing data are substantiated. The urgency is shown for the investigation into the autooxidation and other exothermic reactions proceeding in coal seams and leading to methane transition to the free state.  相似文献   
"The concept of the city size distribution is criticized for its lack of consideration of the effects of interurban interdependencies on the growth of cities. Theoretical justifications for the rank-size relationship have the same shortcomings, and an empirical study reveals that there is little correlation between deviations from rank-size distributions and national economic and social characteristics. Thus arguments suggesting a close correspondence between city size distributions and the level of development of a country, irrespective of intranational variations in city location and socioeconomic characteristics, seem to have little foundation." (summary in FRE, ITA, JPN, )  相似文献   
An extension of ASM2d including pH calculation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Serralta J  Ferrer J  Borrás L  Seco A 《Water research》2004,38(19):4029-4038
This paper presents an extension of the Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) including a chemical model able to calculate the pH value in biological processes. The developed chemical model incorporates the complete set of chemical species affecting the pH value to ASM2d describing non-equilibrium biochemical processes. It considers the system formed by one aqueous phase, in which biochemical processes take place, and one gaseous phase, and is based on the assumptions of instantaneous chemical equilibrium under liquid phase and kinetically governed mass transport between the liquid and gas phase. The ASM2d enlargement comprises the addition of every component affecting the pH value and an ion-balance for the calculation of the pH value and the dissociation species. The significant pH variations observed in a sequencing batch reactor operated for enhanced biological phosphorus removal were used to verify the capability of the extended model for predicting the dynamics of pH jointly with concentrations of acetic acid and phosphate. A pH inhibition function for polyphosphate accumulating bacteria has also been included in the model to simulate the behaviour observed. Experimental data obtained in four different experiments (with different sludge retention time and influent phosphorus concentrations) were accurately reproduced.  相似文献   
We report the results of experiments designed to improve the efficacy of the solar disinfection of drinking water, inactivation process. The effects of periodic agitation, covering the rear surface of the container with aluminium foil, container volume and turbidity on the solar inactivation kinetics of Escherichia coli (starting population = 10(6) CFU ml(-1)) were investigated. It was shown that agitation promoted the release of dissolved oxygen from water with subsequent decrease in the inactivation rates of E. coli. In contrast, covering the rear surface of the solar disinfection container with aluminium foil improved the inactivation efficiency of the system. The mean decay constant for bacterial populations in foil-backed bottles was found to be a factor of 1.85 (std. dev. = 0.43) higher than that of non-foil-backed bottles. Inactivation rates decrease as turbidity increases. However, total inactivation was achievable in 300 NTU samples within 8 h exposure to strong sunshine. Inactivation kinetics was not dependent on the volume of the water container for volumes in the range 500-1500 ml.  相似文献   
Elimination of beta-blockers in sewage treatment plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
beta-Blockers are used to treat high blood pressure as well as patients recovering from heart attacks. In several studies, they were detected in surface water, thus indicating incomplete degradability of these substances in sewage treatment plants (STPs). In this study, we determined the sorption coefficients (K(D)) and degradation rates of the four beta-blockers sotalol, atenolol, metoprolol and propranolol in sludge from an STP operating with municipal wastewater. The sorption coefficients (K(D), standard deviations in brackets) were determined as 0.04(+/-0.035), 0.04(+/-0.033), 0.00(+/-0.023) and 0.32(+/-0.058) Lg(-1)(COD), and the pseudo-first-order degradation rate constants were estimated to be 0.29(+/-0.02), 0.69(+/-0.05), 0.58(+/-0.05) and 0.39(+/-0.07) Ld(-1)g(-1)(COD) for sotalol, atenolol, metoprolol and propranolol, respectively. These values translate into a typical elimination in STPs (sludge concentrations of 4g(COD)L(-1) and a hydraulic retention time of 6h) of 25%, 37%, 44% and 50% for sotalol, propranolol, metoprolol and atenolol, respectively. These results are also confirmed by measurements in two municipal STPs for atenolol, sotalol and propranolol. The estimated eliminations are slightly too high for metoprolol.  相似文献   
Walk through questionnaires may be feasible tools to obtain data on the indoor environment in community studies. However, limited information is available regarding the reproducibility of the data obtained through these questionnaires. In this pilot study, two construction engineering students inspected ten dwellings twice by means of a standardized walk through questionnaire. The two engineering students inspected the dwellings independent of each other within two months. Time between the two visits varied between 14 and 40 days. The variables presented were based on information from the residents and inspection. The continuous variables recorded included number of rooms in the dwellings, room volume, length of filled shelves and textile area. The inter- and intra-observed variabilities were poorer for number of rooms and shelf factor than for the other variables. For the 3 of the 9 categorical variables based on inspection, the inter-observer comparison showed complete agreement with a kappa statistics of 1.0, these variables being condition of the window frames and construction of outside walls and roof. One of the categorical variables showed a kappa statistics of < 0.5, these variables being presence of basement and presence of condensation at windows. This study indicates a wide variation in observer variability between various items of a walk through questionnaire. Clear definitions of all the parts of the questionnaire are needed, as well as thorough training of observers.  相似文献   
Basic types of foundations supporting old buildings in Saint Petersburg are reviewed. Fundamental relationships between the width and depth of embedment of the foundations and the number of stories are analyzed on the basis of field observations. Average pressures against the lower surfaces of the foundations are compared with design strengths adopted from modern standards for bed soils.Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 5, pp. 13–15, September–October, 2004.  相似文献   
Soil, bottom sediment, suspended sediment, and urban street dust and dirt samples from the Menomonee River Watershed, Wisconsin, were dispersed by ultrasound, fractionated and analyzed for the P content of each of three particle-size fractions. The major soil types in the watershed were used as a reference for comparing particle-size distribution and P content in urban street dust and dirt, and in sediments.Phosphorus level was found to be greater in the clay-sized particles than in the sand- or silt-sized particles of urban street dust and dirt samples, but 48% of the P was in the sand-sized fraction because of the predominance of sand-sized particles in these samples. The highest P level in the clay-sized fraction of the bottom sediments occurred at the site below a sanitary treatment plant (STP) outfall with secondary treatment capability. The P level found below a tertiary STP outfall was equal to the level found in agricultural areas. When using P level in sediment for locating areas of possible P input to the river, the clay-sized fraction of bottom sediments was more precise than P levels in unfractionated samples.  相似文献   
The author describes a laboratory method for determining ignitability, rate of heat release, and total heat release as a measure of the combustibility of materials. The results may be applied to building design and designation of contents with an eye towards reducing the possibility of a major fire. Note: Professor Smith is Director of Chemical Engineering Research, Engineering Experiment Station, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.  相似文献   
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