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The aim of this study was to develop, characterize and evaluate in vitro the efficacy of active films, based on an inclusion complex formed by β-cyclodextrin, 2-nonanone and two polymer matrices (polylactic acid and low density polyethylene). The different films were characterized by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), themogravimetric analysis (TGA), optical properties and antimicrobial activity against B. cinerea. The results showed important differences in the parameters evaluated where the level of agglomerates of additives was a key to explain these changes. Finally, microbiological analysis showed high effectiveness in reducing the Botrytis cinerea growth. The active films developed in this study were able to inhibit the growth of phytopathogenic fungus B. cinerea at different experimental conditions. The studied films have potential use for packaging fresh fruit susceptible to biological attack by this fungus.  相似文献   
The hydrogen sorption behavior of the Mg2FeH6–MgH2 hydride system is investigated via in-situ synchrotron and laboratory powder X-ray diffraction (SR-PXD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), particle size distribution (PSD) and volumetric techniques. The Mg2FeH6–MgH2 hydride system is obtained by mechanical milling in argon atmosphere followed by sintering at high temperature and hydrogen pressure. In-situ SR-PXD results show that upon hydriding MgH2 is a precursor for Mg2FeH6 formation and remained as hydrided phase in the obtained material. Diffusion constraints preclude the further formation of Mg2FeH6. Upon dehydriding, our results suggest that MgH2 and Mg2FeH6 decompose independently in a narrow temperature range between 275 and 300 °C. Moreover, the decomposition behavior of both hydrides in the Mg2FeH6–MgH2 hydride mixture is influenced by each other via dual synergetic-destabilizing effects. The final hydriding/dehydriding products and therefore the kinetic behavior of the Mg2FeH6–MgH2 hydride system exhibits a strong dependence on the temperature and pressure conditions.  相似文献   
The need for reliable, fast diagnostics is closely linked to the need for safe, effective treatment of the so-called "neglected" diseases. The list of diseases with no field-adapted diagnostic tools includes leishmaniasis, shigella, typhoid, and bacterial meningitis. Leishmaniasis, in particular, is a parasitic disease caused by Leishmania spp. transmitted by infected phlebotomine sandfly, which remains a public health concern in developing countries with ca. 12 million people infected and 350 million at risk of infection. Despite several attempts, methods for diagnosis are still noneffective, especially with regard to specificity due to false positives with Chagas' disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi . Accepted golden standards for detecting leishmaniasis involve isolation of parasites either microscopically, or by culture, and in both methods specimens are obtained by invasive means. Here, we show that efficient distinction between cutaneous leishmaniasis and Chagas' disease can be obtained with a low-cost biosensor system made with nanostructured films containing specific Leishmania amazonensis and T. cruzi antigens and employing impedance spectroscopy as the detection method. This unprecedented selectivity was afforded by antigen-antibody molecular recognition processes inherent in the detection with the immobilized antigens, and by statistically correlating the electrical impedance data, which allowed distinction between real samples that tested positive for Chagas' disease and leishmaniasis. Distinction could be made of blood serum samples containing 10(-5) mg/mL of the antibody solution in a few minutes. The methods used here are generic and can be extended to any type of biosensor, which is important for an effective diagnosis of many other diseases.  相似文献   
The semiconductor properties of an n-type TiO2 oxide surface and its modification by protein adsorption using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were studied. Impedance spectra under steady state conditions were obtained as a function of electrode potential and human serum albumin (HSA) concentration in solution. The effect of the adsorption potential on the EIS response was also analyzed (Eads −0.70, −0.50 and −0.080 V vs. saturated calomel electrode). The impedance spectra were modeled using different equivalent circuits, and data analysis were performed by data fitting in the whole frequency range, as well as in the low and high frequency ranges. The electric representation that better fit experimental data consisted of two equivalent subcircuits composed by a combination of constant phase elements (cpe1 and cpe2) and resistances (Rs and R1). The cpe1 element represented the distributed capacity in the semiconductor oxide. The cpe2 element was associated with diffusional processes. We have analyzed EIS data based on a theoretical calculation of interface apparent capacitance (Capp) from the cpe1 parameters (Q1 and ?1) and resistance elements. The changes in capacitance, produced by the presence of HSA, were associated to changes in the space charge layer capacitance of the semiconductor, as a result of the energy band bending near the surface. The values obtained for the R1 element from the theoretical fitting procedures (in the high and whole frequency range) were correlated to the electric resistance inherent to the semiconductor properties having a value of 6.103 Ω cm2.  相似文献   
Lutein is an oxygenated carotenoid (xanthophyll) found in dark green leafy vegetables. High intakes of lutein may lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration. Current understanding of human lutein metabolism as it might occur in vivo is incomplete. Therefore, we conducted a feasibility study where we dosed a normal adult woman with 14C-lutein (125 nmol, 36 nCi 14C), dissolved in olive oil (0.5 g/kg body weight) and mixed in a banana shake. Blood, urine, and feces collected before the dose was administered served to establish baseline values. There-after, blood was collected for 63 d following the dose, while feces and urine were collected for 2 wk post-dose. The 14C contents in plasma, urine, and feces were measured by accelerator MS. The 14C first appeared in plasma 1 h after dosing and reached its highest level,≈2.08% of dose/L plasma, at 14 h post-dose. The plasma pattern of 14C did not include a chylomicrons/VLDL (intestinal) peak like that when the same subject received 14C-β-carotene (a previous test), suggesting that lutein was handled differently from β-carotene by plasma lipoproteins. Lutein had an elimination half-life (t 1/2) of≈10 d. Forty-five percent of the dose of 14C was eliminated in feces and 10% in urine in the first 2 d after dosing. Quantifying human lutein metabolism is a fertile area for future research.  相似文献   
A large number of recent literature data focus on modification/modulation of surface chemistry of inorganic materials in order to improve their functional properties. Melanins, a wide class of natural pigments, are recently emerging as a powerful organic component for developing bioinspired active material for a large number of applications from organoelectronics to bioactive compounds.Here we report the use of the approach referred as “chimie douce”, involving in situ formation of the hybrids through reactions of precursors under mild conditions, to prepare novel hybrid functional architectures based on eumelanin like 5,6 dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA) polymer and TiO2. Two synthesis procedures were carried out to get DHICA-melanin coated TiO2 nanoparticles as well as mixed DHICA/TiO2 hybrid nanostructures. Such systems were characterized through EPR, FT-IR and fluorescence spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and TEM microscopy in order to assess the effect of synthesis path as well as of DHICA content on structural, morphological and optical properties of TiO2 nanostructures. In particular, EPR, FT-IR spectra and TGA analysis confirmed the presence of DHICA-melanin in these samples. TEM measurements indicated the formation of the nanoparticles having relatively narrow size distribution with average particle size of about 10 nm. DHICA-melanin does act as a morphological agent affecting morphology of hybrid nanostructures. XRD analysis proved that TiO2 hybrid nanoparticles kept anatase structures for DHICA-melanin contents within the range of investigated compositions, i.e. up to 50% wt/wt.  相似文献   
Strain Distribution within Geosynthetic-Reinforced Slopes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Geosynthetic-reinforced slopes are conventionally designed using methods based on limit equilibrium. In order to estimate the factor of safety against internal stability using these methods, the distribution of the reinforcement peak tensile forces with height must be assumed. A linear distribution of reinforcement peak tension with height, with zero tension at the crest and maximum peak tension at the toe of the structure, has often been assumed. Although this assumption may be appropriate for the design of vertical geosynthetic-reinforced walls, little evidence has been collected so far justifying this distribution for the design of geosynthetic-reinforced slopes. A combination of centrifuge testing and digital image analysis is undertaken in order to obtain the strain distribution within geosynthetic-reinforced slopes under prefailure conditions. Specifically, digital image analysis techniques are used to determine the displacement distribution along reinforcement layers in reduced-scale models subjected to increasing g levels. A sigmoid function was useful to fit raw displacement data and estimate the strain distribution along reinforcement layers. Analysis of reinforcement strain results shows that the location of the reinforcement maximum peak strain does not occur near the toe of the structure, but was located approximately at midheight of the reinforced slopes, at the point along the critical failure surface directly below the crest of the slope. The pattern of reinforcement peak strain with height obtained for prefailure conditions is similar to that obtained for failure conditions. The estimated factor of safety is found to be a good indicator of the magnitude of the reinforcement maximum peak strain for geosynthetic-reinforced slopes built with different configurations.  相似文献   
We report a comparative study using three different chemometric techniques to evaluate both spatial and temporal changes in Suquía River water quality, with a special emphasis on the improvement obtained using discriminant analysis for such evaluation. We have monitored 22 parameters at different stations from the upper, middle, and beginning of the lower river basin during at least two years including 232 different samples. We obtained a complex data matrix, which was treated using the pattern recognition techniques of cluster analysis (CA), factor analysis/principal components (FA/PCA). and discriminant analysis (DA). CA renders good results as a first exploratory method to evaluate both spatial and temporal differences, however it fails to show details of these differences. FA/PCA needs 13 parameters to point out 71% of both temporal and spatial changes, consequently data reduction from FA/PCA in this case is not as considerable as expected. However, FA/PCA allows to group the selected parameters according to common features as well as to evaluate the incidence of each group on the overall change in water quality, specially during the analysis of temporal changes. DA technique shows the best results for data reduction and pattern recognition during both temporal and spatial analysis. DA renders an important data reduction using 6 parameters to afford 87% right assignations during temporal analysis. Besides, it uses only 5 parameters to yield 75% right assignations during the spatial analysis of four different basin areas. DA allowed us to greatly reduce the dimensionality of the starting data matrix, pointing out to a few parameters that indicate the biggest changes in water quality as well as variation patterns associated with seasonal variations, urban run-off, and pollution sources, presenting a novel approach for water quality assessments.  相似文献   
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy - Powdered and coarse perlite wastes (PP and CP) were used to develop new sustainable mortar compositions. The as-received PP and CP wastes were...  相似文献   
Cows experience a significant negative protein balance during the first 30 d of lactation. Given the functional effects of AA on health, especially in challenging periods such as calving, higher levels of protein and specific AA in the diet may act to improve health and feed intake. The response of dairy cows to 3 protein supplementation strategies during the transition period and through the first 45 d in milk was evaluated. The final data set had 39 Holstein cows blocked based on parity (primiparous vs. multiparous) and expected calving and randomly assigned within each block to one of 3 dietary treatments: low protein (LP), high protein (HP), or high protein plus rumen-protected methionine (HPM). Treatments were offered from d ?18 ± 5 to 45 d relative to parturition. Pre- and postpartum diets were formulated for high metabolizable protein (MP) supply from soybean meal, and HP and HPM provided higher MP balance than LP. Preplanned contrasts were LP versus HP+HPM and HP versus HPM. Significance was declared at P ≤ 0.05 and trends at 0.05 < P ≤ 0.10. Cows fed HP and HPM had greater fry matter intake (DMI) prepartum than LP (+2 kg/d), and there was a trend for greater DMI with HPM than with HP (+1.6 kg/d). Body weight and condition score before and after calving did not differ among treatments. High protein (HP and HPM) tended to increase milk yield during the first 45 d of lactation (+1.75 kg/d), increased milk lactose content and urea-N in milk and plasma, tended to increase blood BHB 14 d postpartum, and tended to reduce milk/DMI compared with LP. Blood concentrations of calcium at calving and of glucose, and nonesterified fatty acids pre- and postpartum did not differ. High protein induced lower concentration of plasma IL-1 at calving and lowered blood lymphocytes 21 d postpartum, suggestive of a reduced inflammatory status compared with LP. The concentrations of IL-10, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and other hemogram variables did not differ among treatments. Addition of rumen-protected methionine to the HP diet did not alter milk yield but increased fat and total solids concentrations. The rumen-protected methionine had no effect on blood metabolites and immunity markers, with the exception of increased pre-partum insulin concentrations. The data indicate that dairy cows around calving respond positively to an increase in the supply of MP and to rumen-protected methionine supplementation of the HP diet by increasing intake and improving immune status.  相似文献   
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