This article aims to appraise the effect of microstructure comprising molecular weight distribution and chemical composition distribution on the mechanical properties of high-density polyethylene (HDPE). HDPE resins were synthesized using several titanium–magnesium-supported Ziegler–Natta catalysts in the industrial gas phase reactor under the same polymerization condition. Gel permeation chromatography and crystallization elution fractionation (CEF) were conducted on the resins to characterize the molecular weight and comonomer distribution. Crystallization, thermal and rheological behavior were evaluated following differential scanning calorimetry, polarization light microscopy, and rheometric mechanical spectrometry. The resins with higher soluble fraction in trichlorobenzene below 80°C (highly branched low molecular weight chains) exhibited longer crystallization time based on the crystallization kinetic obtained from the Avrami model. Rheological determination of the molecular weight between entanglements (Me) and the average lamella thickness based on the Gibbs–Thomson equation revealed that the entanglement density and impact strength decreased, and the average lamella thickness increased with an increase in the ratio of CEF eluted fraction below 80°C to the crystallizable fraction in the range of 80–90°C. 相似文献
Surfaces with micro/nano-structures significantly enhance the critical heat flux of nucleate boiling by increasing the wickability of the liquid phase to delay film boiling. An alternative strategy, of removing surface bubbles at smaller sizes, is largely ignored. Here, they fabricate a rationally designed micro-structured surface that enables the coalescence-induced departure of microscopic vapor bubbles during the pool boiling of water at diameters an order of magnitude smaller than single-bubble buoyant departure. Arrays of micro-cavities or micro-grooves serve as tailored nucleation sites to nucleate close-packed vapor bubbles, which coalesce at unusually small sizes compared to a homogeneous surface. Two different modes of coalescence-induced bubble departure are observed and modeled: capillary-inertial jumping for smaller micro-bubbles and buoyant-inertial liftoff for larger micro-bubbles. Capillarity-enhanced pool boiling on micro-structured surfaces has the potential to dramatically enhance the heat transfer coefficient and critical heat flux of pool boiling. 相似文献
Polyethylene oxide (PEO) solid electrolytes are regarded as a promising candidate for all-solid-state lithium batteries owing to their high safety and interfacial compatibility. However, PEO electrolyte is plagued by relatively weak structural strength and unsatisfactory Li+ conductivity. Herein, a mechanically strong and Li+ conductively favorable cellulosic scaffold of PEO is fabricated through amino (-NH2) modification and g-C3N4 (CN) incorporation of bacterial cellulose (BC) under a microbial circumstance. The biologically -NH2 modified BC (B-NBC) is entangled with CN nanosheets (CN@B-NBC) through an in situ secretion of nanocellulose followed by hydrogen bond-induced self-assembly. The -NH2 groups from B-NBC weaken the complexation of Li+ with its counterpart, thus facilitating the release of more free Li+. CN with strong C-N covalence and extra lone electrons of N further strengthens the BC skeleton and meanwhile offers sufficient anchors for Li+ migration. After infiltrating by LiTFSI/PEO (LP), the LP/CN@B-NBC composite solid electrolyte (CSE) exhibits high lithium transference number and ionic conductivity. Upon coupling with LiFePO4 cathode, the full battery exhibits a remarkably high specific capacity, superior rate capability, and decent cycling stability. This work pioneers the attempts of chemical decoration and ingredient incorporation of BC architecture in CSE with the aid of a bottom-up biosynthetic avenue. 相似文献
Juniper species contain abundant compounds that are used in the medicine, cosmetic, and wood industry. Furthermore, these components protect the genus against herbivores, pathogens and detrimental abiotic conditions. Stains and specific reagents can be used individually or simultaneously to mark cell shape, arrangement and the material they are made from. Microchemical analyses using specific reagents and stains under light microscopy are helpful for the characterization of chemical compounds present in plant tissues. The autofluorescence of endogenous fluorophores is used to enable their localization in plant cells and tissues. This paper aims to investigate the cytochemical and histochemical traits of the shoots (leaves and stems) and female cones (berries) of Juniperus seravschanica. Light and florescent microscopy techniques were used to analyze the cytology and localization of different compounds for the first time. Microscopy-based histochemical analyses revealed various products in terms of composition and distribution among the shoots and female cones. These specific compounds contained lignin, tannins, polysaccharides, starch, phenolic compounds, chlorophyll, terpenoids, neutral lipids, and proteins. However, the anatomical position of each metabolite and its concentration was different among leaf, stem, and female cone. Phenolic cells of young cones were differentiated into sclereid cells during development. The density of phenolic cells, sclereid cells, and resin glans was higher in female cones than leaves and stems. The high levels of various components can be related to high resistance of the species against biotic and abiotic stresses, confirm its industrial, pharmaceutical and agricultural applications and is useful for identification of diagnostic taxonomic traits. 相似文献
Recently, a large number of studies have addressed lot splitting as a means to reduce flow times as well as improve due date performance. Furthermore, a number of studies have examined scheduling policies in cellular manufacturing systems. These studies have been conducted under a variety of experimental factors, shop structures and operational assumptions. This study examines scheduling cellular manufacturing systems in the presence of lot splitting. In addition, we utilize various scheduling policies to test formally the underlying principles of the synchronous manufacturing philosophy. This is accomplished by utilizing exhaustive and non-exhaustive scheduling heuristics simultaneously at bottleneck and non-bottleneck workcentres. The results indicate that, under certain conditions, performing additional set-ups before the bottleneck can improve due date performance without an adverse effect on average flow time. Furthermore, we show that incurring additional set-ups after the bottleneck does not improve due date performance and may deteriorate flow time performance. These results conflict with some of the tenets of the synchronous manufacturing philosophy. 相似文献
In this critical note, the thermal stability behavior of ultra-fine grained (UFG) and nano-structured (NS) metals and alloys produced through severe plastic deformation (SPD) techniques is reviewed. For this case, the common engineering metals with body-centered cubic (BCC), face-centered cubic (FCC), and hexagonal close-packed (HCP) crystal structures such as aluminum, copper, nickel, magnesium, steel, titanium, and their relating alloys were assessed. Microstructural evolution in these severely deformed materials following post-processing annealing treatment was investigated for various times and temperatures below the recrystallization point. The microstructure development reported in the literature was studied in terms of the stable grain structures correlated with different levels of plastic straining. The stacking fault energy (SFE) is noted to be a key issue which has a critical influence in predicting the coalescence or coarsening behavior of ultra-fine and nanoscale grains after SPD treatment by controlling the cross-slip phenomenon for screw dislocations.
Graph G is the square of graph H if two vertices x,y have an edge in G if and only if x,y are of distance at most two in H. Given H it is easy to compute its square H2, however Motwani and Sudan proved that it is NP-complete to determine if a given graph G is the square of some graph H (of girth 3). In this paper we consider the characterization and recognition problems of graphs that are squares of graphs of small girth, i.e. to determine if G=H2 for some graph H of small girth. The main results are the following.
There is a graph theoretical characterization for graphs that are squares of some graph of girth at least 7. A corollary is that if a graph G has a square root H of girth at least 7 then H is unique up to isomorphism.
There is a polynomial time algorithm to recognize if G=H2 for some graph H of girth at least 6.
It is NP-complete to recognize if G=H2 for some graph H of girth 4.
These results almost provide a dichotomy theorem for the complexity of the recognition problem in terms of girth of the square roots. The algorithmic and graph theoretical results generalize previous results on tree square roots, and provide polynomial time algorithms to compute a graph square root of small girth if it exists. Some open questions and conjectures will also be discussed. 相似文献