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This work discusses the results from tests conducted to investigate the uniaxial compression and creep behavior of red sandstone. An original untreated sample and an 800°C treated sample were selected to carry out the experiments. High temperature had an obvious influence on the mechanical properties of the red sandstone. The relationship between creep strain and instantaneous strain, as well as the instantaneous deformation modulus and creep viscosity coefficient, was analyzed. High temperature reduced the ability of the red sandstone to resist instantaneous deformation and creep deformation. Acoustic emission (AE) technology was also used in the loading process of uniaxial compression and creep tests, providing a powerful means for damage evolutionary analysis of the red sandstone.  相似文献   
Hypobetalipoproteinemia is characterized by LDL-cholesterol and apolipoprotein B (apoB) plasma levels below the fifth percentile for age and sex. Familial hypobetalipoproteinemia (FHBL) is mostly caused by premature termination codons in the APOB gene, a condition associated with fatty liver and steatohepatitis. Nevertheless, many families with a FHBL phenotype carry APOB missense variants of uncertain significance (VUS). We here aimed to develop a proof-of-principle experiment to assess the pathogenicity of VUS using the genome editing of human liver cells. We identified a novel heterozygous APOB-VUS (p.Leu351Arg), in a FHBL family. We generated APOB knock-out (KO) and APOB-p.Leu351Arg knock-in Huh7 cells using CRISPR-Cas9 technology and studied the APOB expression, synthesis and secretion by digital droplet PCR and ELISA quantification. The APOB expression was decreased by 70% in the heterozygous APOB-KO cells and almost abolished in the homozygous-KO cells, with a consistent decrease in apoB production and secretion. The APOB-p.Leu351Arg homozygous cells presented with a 40% decreased APOB expression and undetectable apoB levels in cellular extracts and supernatant. Thus, the p.Leu351Arg affected the apoB secretion, which led us to classify this new variant as likely pathogenic and to set up a hepatic follow-up in this family. Therefore, the functional assessment of APOB-missense variants, using gene-editing technologies, will lead to improvements in the molecular diagnosis of FHBL and the personalized follow-up of these patients.  相似文献   
Bladder cancer (BC) is among the most common malignancies in the world and a relevant cause of cancer mortality. BC is one of the most frequent causes for bladder removal through radical cystectomy, the gold-standard treatment for localized muscle-invasive and some cases of high-risk, non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer. In order to restore urinary functionality, an autologous intestinal segment has to be used to create a urinary diversion. However, several complications are associated with bowel-tract removal, affecting patients’ quality of life. The present study project aims to develop a bio-engineered material to simplify this surgical procedure, avoiding related surgical complications and improving patients’ quality of life. The main novelty of such a therapeutic approach is the decellularization of a porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS) conduit to replace the autologous intestinal segment currently used as urinary diversion after radical cystectomy, while avoiding an immune rejection. Here, we performed a preliminary evaluation of this acellular product by developing a novel decellularization process based on an environmentally friendly, mild detergent, i.e., Tergitol, to replace the recently declared toxic Triton X-100. Treatment efficacy was evaluated through histology, DNA, hydroxyproline and elastin quantification, mechanical and insufflation tests, two-photon microscopy, FTIR analysis, and cytocompatibility tests. The optimized decellularization protocol is effective in removing cells, including DNA content, from the porcine SIS, while preserving the integrity of the extracellular matrix despite an increase in stiffness. An effective sterilization protocol was found, and cytocompatibility of treated SIS was demonstrated from day 1 to day 7, during which human fibroblasts were able to increase in number and strongly organize along tissue fibres. Taken together, this in vitro study suggests that SIS is a suitable candidate for use in urinary diversions in place of autologous intestinal segments, considering the optimal results of decellularization and cell proliferation. Further efforts should be undertaken in order to improve SIS conduit patency and impermeability to realize a future viable substitute.  相似文献   
Laryngotracheal stenosis (LTS) is a complex and heterogeneous disease whose pathogenesis remains unclear. LTS is considered to be the result of aberrant wound-healing process that leads to fibrotic scarring, originating from different aetiology. Although iatrogenic aetiology is the main cause of subglottic or tracheal stenosis, also autoimmune and infectious diseases may be involved in causing LTS. Furthermore, fibrotic obstruction in the anatomic region under the glottis can also be diagnosed without apparent aetiology after a comprehensive workup; in this case, the pathological process is called idiopathic subglottic stenosis (iSGS). So far, the laryngotracheal scar resulting from airway injury due to different diseases was considered as inert tissue requiring surgical removal to restore airway patency. However, this assumption has recently been revised by regarding the tracheal scarring process as a fibroinflammatory event due to immunological alteration, similar to other fibrotic diseases. Recent acquisitions suggest that different factors, such as growth factors, cytokines, altered fibroblast function and genetic susceptibility, can all interact in a complex way leading to aberrant and fibrotic wound healing after an insult that acts as a trigger. However, also physiological derangement due to LTS could play a role in promoting dysregulated response to laryngo-tracheal mucosal injury, through biomechanical stress and mechanotransduction activation. The aim of this narrative review is to present the state-of-the-art knowledge regarding molecular mechanisms, as well as mechanical and physio-pathological features behind LTS.  相似文献   
Defects of the peripheral nervous system are extremely frequent in trauma and surgeries and have high socioeconomic costs. If the direct suture of a lesion is not possible, i.e., nerve gap > 2 cm, it is necessary to use grafts. While the gold standard is the autograft, it has disadvantages related to its harvesting, with an inevitable functional deficit and further morbidity. An alternative to autografting is represented by the acellular nerve allograft (ANA), which avoids disadvantages of autograft harvesting and fresh allograft rejection. In this research, the authors intend to transfer to human nerves a novel technique, previously implemented in animal models, to decellularize nerves. The new method is based on soaking the nerve tissues in decellularizing solutions while associating ultrasounds and freeze–thaw cycles. It is performed without interrupting the sterility chain, so that the new graft may not require post-production γ-ray irradiation, which is suspected to affect the structural and functional quality of tissues. The new method is rapid, safe, and inexpensive if compared with available commercial ANAs. Histology and immunohistochemistry have been adopted to evaluate the new decellularized nerves. The study shows that the new method can be applied to human nerve samples, obtaining similar, and, sometimes better, results compared with the chosen control method, the Hudson technique.  相似文献   
In recent years, bioprinting has attracted much attention as a potential tool for generating complex 3D biological constructs capable of mimicking the native tissue microenvironment and promoting physiologically relevant cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions. The aim of the present study was to develop a crosslinked 3D printable hydrogel based on biocompatible natural polymers, gelatin and xanthan gum at different percentages to be used both as a scaffold for cell growth and as a wound dressing. The CellInk Inkredible 3D printer was used for the 3D printing of hydrogels, and a glutaraldehyde solution was tested for the crosslinking process. We were able to obtain two kinds of printable hydrogels with different porosity, swelling and degradation time. Subsequently, the printed hydrogels were characterized from the point of view of biocompatibility. Our results showed that gelatin/xanthan-gum bioprinted hydrogels were biocompatible materials, as they allowed both human keratinocyte and fibroblast in vitro growth for 14 days. These two bioprintable hydrogels could be also used as a helpful dressing material.  相似文献   
Programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) seems to rely on close relations between neoplastic and immune cells in the tumor microenvironment. Tumor to stroma ratio (TSR) has been associated with prognosis in different malignancies. The aims of this exploratory investigation were to analyze for the first time the: (i) association between TSR, PD-L1 expression and other clinical–pathological features in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) biopsies and paired surgical specimens; (ii) prognostic and predictive role of TSR and PD-L1. TSR, PD-L1 expression (in terms of combined positive score [CPS]), and other clinical–pathological features were analyzed in biopsies and surgical specimens of 43 consecutive LSCC cases. A CPS < 1 evaluated on surgical specimens was associated with a low TSR (stroma rich) on both biopsies and surgical specimens (p = 0.0143 and p = 0.0063). Low TSR showed a significant negative prognostic value when evaluated on both biopsies and surgical specimens (HR = 8.808, p = 0.0003 and HR = 11.207, p = 0.0002). CPS ≥ 1 appeared to be a favorable prognostic factor (HR = 0.100, p = 0.0265). The association between bioptic and surgical specimen TSR and PD-L1 expression should be further investigated for a potential impact on targeted treatments, also with regard to immunotherapeutic protocols.  相似文献   
Adrenal incidentalomas (AIs) are incidentally discovered adrenal neoplasms. Overt endocrine secretion (glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and catecholamines) and malignancy (primary or metastatic disease) are assessed at baseline evaluation. Size, lipid content, and washout characterise benign AIs (respectively, <4 cm, <10 Hounsfield unit, and rapid release); nonetheless, 30% of adrenal lesions are not correctly indicated. Recently, image-based texture analysis from computed tomography (CT) may be useful to assess the behaviour of indeterminate adrenal lesions. We performed a systematic review to provide the state-of-the-art of texture analysis in patients with AI. We considered 9 papers (from 70 selected), with a median of 125 patients (range 20–356). Histological confirmation was the most used criteria to differentiate benign from the malignant adrenal mass. Unenhanced or contrast-enhanced data were available in all papers; TexRAD and PyRadiomics were the most used software. Four papers analysed the whole volume, and five considered a region of interest. Different texture features were reported, considering first- and second-order statistics. The pooled median area under the ROC curve in all studies was 0.85, depicting a high diagnostic accuracy, up to 93% in differentiating adrenal adenoma from adrenocortical carcinomas. Despite heterogeneous methodology, texture analysis is a promising diagnostic tool in the first assessment of patients with adrenal lesions.  相似文献   
Background: ICOS and its ligand ICOSL are immune receptors whose interaction triggers bidirectional signals that modulate the immune response and tissue repair. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the in vivo effects of ICOSL triggering by ICOS-Fc, a recombinant soluble form of ICOS, on skin wound healing. Methods: The effect of human ICOS-Fc on wound healing was assessed, in vitro, and, in vivo, by skin wound healing assay using ICOS−/− and ICOSL−/− knockout (KO) mice and NOD-SCID-IL2R null (NSG) mice. Results: We show that, in wild type mice, treatment with ICOS-Fc improves wound healing, promotes angiogenesis, preceded by upregulation of IL-6 and VEGF expression; increases the number of fibroblasts and T cells, whereas it reduces that of neutrophils; and increases the number of M2 vs. M1 macrophages. Fittingly, ICOS-Fc enhanced M2 macrophage migration, while it hampered that of M1 macrophages. ICOS−/− and ICOSL−/− KO, and NSG mice showed delayed wound healing, and treatment with ICOS-Fc improved wound closure in ICOS−/− and NSG mice. Conclusion: These data show that the ICOS/ICOSL network cooperates in tissue repair, and that triggering of ICOSL by ICOS-Fc improves cutaneous wound healing by increasing angiogenesis and recruitment of reparative macrophages.  相似文献   
The inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor type 1 (ITPR1) gene encodes an InsP3-gated calcium channel that modulates intracellular Ca2+ release and is particularly expressed in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Pathogenic variants in the ITPR1 gene are associated with different types of autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia: SCA15 (adult onset), SCA29 (early-onset), and Gillespie syndrome. Cerebellar atrophy/hypoplasia is invariably detected, but a recognizable neuroradiological pattern has not been identified yet. With the aim of describing ITPR1-related neuroimaging findings, the brain MRI of 14 patients with ITPR1 variants (11 SCA29, 1 SCA15, and 2 Gillespie) were reviewed by expert neuroradiologists. To further evaluate the role of superior vermian and hemispheric cerebellar atrophy as a clue for the diagnosis of ITPR1-related conditions, the ITPR1 gene was sequenced in 5 patients with similar MRI pattern, detecting pathogenic variants in 4 of them. Considering the whole cohort, a distinctive neuroradiological pattern consisting in superior vermian and hemispheric cerebellar atrophy was identified in 83% patients with causative ITPR1 variants, suggesting this MRI finding could represent a hallmark for ITPR1-related disorders.  相似文献   
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