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Two types of new zirconium phosphates, [enH2]Zr(OH)(PO4)(HPO4) (en; ethylene diamine) and (NH4)5[Zr3(OH)9(PO4)2(HPO4)] were prepared under solvothermal condition using diethylene glycol as a solvent and their crystal structures were determined by using single crystal X-ray diffraction data. The former compound has the layer structure similar to that of γ-Zr(PO4)(H2PO4) · 2H2O, and protonated ethylene diamines were located in the interlayer space. At elevated temperatures, this compound decomposed by releasing protonated ethylene diamines and finally changed to ZrP2O7. The interlayer space was soft-chemically inactive unlike α-Zr(HPO4)2 · H2O and γ-Zr(PO4)(H2PO4) · 2H2O. The later compound has the tunnel structure built up by corner-sharing ZrO6 octahedra and PO4 tetrahedra, and NH4 + ion was located in the tunnel.  相似文献   
Seven microcalorimeters with different geometries have been tested and their performance is compared. The study, for TiAu TESs with a Cu absorber, indicates the presence of so-called constant voltage noise and internal thermal fluctuation noise. The constant voltage noise is not changed by a normal metal pattern on the TES, or by a magnetic field. The energy resolution of the detectors, having different heat capacities, is 2.5 and 5.0 eV (at 5.9 keV).   相似文献   
The aim of this study was to reproduce the delayed (secondary) cerebral energy failure previously described in birth-asphyxiated newborn infants and to investigate relationships between primary insult severity and the extent of the delayed energy failure. Phosphorus (31P) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) at 7 T was used to study the brains of 12 newborn piglets during an acute, reversible, cerebral hypoxic-ischemic episode which continued until nucleotide triphosphates (NTP) were depleted. After reperfusion and reoxygenation, spectroscopy was continued for 48 h. High-energy metabolite concentrations returned to near normal levels after the insult, but later they fell as delayed energy failure developed. The time integral of NTP depletion in the primary insult correlated strongly with the minimum [phosphocreatine (PCr)]/[inorganic orthophosphate (Pi)] observed 24–48 h after the insult. (Linear regression analysis gave slope –8.04 h–1; ordinate intercept=1.23;r=0.92;P<0.0001.) This model is currently being used to investigate the therapeutic potential of various cerebroprotective strategies including hypothermia.  相似文献   
We are developing frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) systems with baseband feedback for TES X-ray microcalorimeter arrays for use with the DIOS mission. To meet the requirement of limited cooling capacity at cryogenic temperatures, we developed low-power and FDM-optmized dc-SQUIDs. To make maximum use of the SQUIDs, we also developed digital electronics using FPGA evaluation boards and ADC/DAC FMC daughter cards, and evaluated signal-to-noise ratios and gain-bandwidth products.  相似文献   
We are developing transition edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeter arrays for future Japanese astronomy missions. Although 6.6 eV energy resolution for 5.9 keV and 74 μs decay time are achieved, our energy resolution was limited by the excess noise of unknown origin. The dominant noise showed 1/R dependence and it only appeared when the current through the TES, I, is larger than 10 μA. This is explained if we assume a constant voltage noise source with a level of 2(4kTCRn)1/2. We also investigated the influence of I on the TES performance and found the TES sensitivity is reduced when the ratio of current to the critical current I/IC is large. It can explain the reduction of observed when operated without a magnetic shield. We also found a strong correlation between IC and or the baseline width. Thus, we conclude that IC is an essential parameter for the TES performance.  相似文献   
We previously developed chitosan cryogels from chitosan-gluconic acid conjugate without using toxic additives for wound care. In this study, we improved physiological characteristics of the previous cryogels by incorporating poly(vinyl alcohol) that also form cryogels. Mechanical strength of the cryogels was more than two times higher than that of the previous cryogels. Furthermore, the incorporation of poly(vinyl alcohol) enhanced water retention and resistance to degradation of the gels by lysozyme. The cryogels retained the favorable biological properties of the previous cryogels that they accelerate infiltration of inflammatory cells into wound sites. Time period for repairing 50 % of initial area of partial-thickness skin wound treated with the cryogels (4.0 ± 1.1 days) was shorter than those with gauze (6.5 ± 0.3 days) or a commercial hydrogel dressing (5.7 ± 0.3 days). Finally, we confirmed that incorporation of basic fibroblast growth factor into the cryogels was effective to further accelerate wound healing (2.7 ± 1.0 days). These results demonstrate that the cryogels in this study are promising for wound care.  相似文献   
Type II citrullinemia is an adult-onset hepatocerebral disease caused by a deficiency of argininosuccinate synthetase in liver. A 25-year-old Japanese man suddenly developed encephalopathy, showing disorientation and flapping tremor. Plasma concentrations of ammonia and citrulline were extremely high, and hepatic argininosuccinate synthetase activity was deficient. The patient's condition deteriorated rapidly in spite of intensive medications. Therefore, we performed a partial liver transplantation using a graft obtained from his healthy 61-year-old father. After surgery, his neurological symptoms soon disappeared and plasma levels of ammonia and citrulline were normalized within 3 months after operation. Type II citrullinemia is one fulminant form of various liver-based metabolic diseases, and immediate liver transplantation is necessary to rescue patients with this disease. As liver transplantation from cadaveric donor is still not possible in Japan, it seems justifiable to use living related partial liver transplantation for our patient.  相似文献   
We have developed Ti/Au bilayer transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeters for future X-ray astrophysical satellite missions such as DIOS. One possible concern on the space use of TES microcalorimeters is its radiation tolerance. We have evaluated the performance of a Ti/Au bilayer (30/40 nm thick) TES microcalorimeter with 1.5  \(\upmu \) m thick Au absorber, before and after irradiation of 150 MeV proton beam with a total dose of 10 krad, corresponding to 10 years in the low Earth orbit. No significant changes on transition temperature, sensitivity, normal resistance, and critical current were observed. The energy resolution for 5.9 keV X-rays was 5.6  \(\pm \)  0.3 eV (FWHM) after the irradiation, which was slightly worse than 5.1  \(\pm \)  0.3 eV before the irradiation. We consider that our TES has sufficient radiation tolerance in orbit.  相似文献   
Pressureless sintering of SiC was accomplished at 2100°C with oxide additives. These additives were the products of the reaction of Al(OH)3 with HCl and of Y(OH)3 with HCOOH. These reaction products were dissolved in water and mixed with submicrometer β-SiC. A mixture of equal weights of these additives was effective for the sintering of SiC.  相似文献   
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