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This article argues that problem solving is motivated by feelings. The proposition is made that a person will experience a problem and engage in problem solving only if the person is in a state that feels aversive or if a mentally represented state becomes a goal by eliciting feelings more pleasurable than those that currently dominate. When people solve problems, the criteria they use in evaluating alternative solutions cannot in themselves motivate the choosing at an alternative. On evaluation, each alternative elicits a feeling that can be placed somewhere on a hedonic continuum. Whether rational or irrational, and even if the problem solver regards another alternative as correct, the alternative that produces the best feeling will always be selected as the solution to the problem. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Articular cartilage regeneration is a challenge in tissue engineering. Although diverse materials have been developed for this purpose, cartilage regeneration remains suboptimal. The integration of nanomaterials into 3D network materials holds great potential in the improvement of key mechanical properties, particularly important for osteochondral replacement scaffolds and even to function as carriers for disease-modifying drugs or other regulatory signals. In this study, a simple yet effective cell-free nanoenabled Col-PLA scaffold specially designed to enhance cartilage regeneration and modulate inflammatory response is proposed, by incorporating poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) ibuprofen nanoparticles (NPs) into a collagen/polylactide (Col-PLA) matrix. The developed nanoenabled scaffold successfully decreases IL-1β release and leads to primary human chondrocytes survival, ultimately restoring extracellular matrix (ECM) production under inflammatory conditions. The nanoenabled Col-PLA scaffolds secretome effectively decreases macrophage invasion in vitro, as well as neutrophil infiltration and inflammatory mediators’, namely the complement component C5/C5a, C-reactive protein, IL-1β, MMP9, CCL20, and CXCL1/KC production in vivo in a rodent air-pouch model. Overall, the established nanoenabled scaffold has the potential to support chondrogenesis as well as modulate inflammatory response, overcoming the limitations of traditional tissue engineering strategies.  相似文献   
Low-cost telepresence for collaborative virtual environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a novel low-cost method for visual communication and telepresence in a CAVEtrade-like environment, relying on 2D stereo-based video avatars. The system combines a selection of proven efficient algorithms and approximations in a unique way, resulting in a convincing stereoscopic real-time representation of a remote user acquired in a spatially immersive display. The system was designed to extend existing projection systems with acquisition capabilities requiring minimal hardware modifications and cost. The system uses infrared-based image segmentation to enable concurrent acquisition and projection in an immersive environment without a static background. The system consists of two color cameras and two additional b/w cameras used for segmentation in the near-IR spectrum. There is no need for special optics as the mask and color image are merged using image-warping based on a depth estimation. The resulting stereo image stream is compressed, streamed across a network, and displayed as a frame-sequential stereo texture on a billboard in the remote virtual environment  相似文献   
We have tested three methods for estimating 2003-2008 elevation changes of Svalbard glaciers from multi-temporal ICESat laser altimetry: (a) linear interpolation of crossover points between ascending and descending tracks, (b) projection of near repeat-tracks onto common locations using Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), and (c) least-squares fitting of rigid planes to segments of repeat-track data assuming a constant elevation change rate. The two repeat-track methods yield similar results and compare well to the more accurate, but sparsely sampled, crossover points. Most glacier regions in Svalbard have experienced low-elevation thinning combined with high-elevation balance or thickening during 2003-2008. The geodetic mass balance (excluding calving front retreat or advance) of Svalbard's 34,600 km2 glaciers is estimated to be −4.3 ± 1.4 Gt y1, corresponding to an area-averaged water equivalent (w.e.) balance of −0.12 ± 0.04 m w.e. y1. The largest ice losses have occurred in the west and south, while northeastern Spitsbergen and the Austfonna ice cap have gained mass. Winter and summer elevation changes derived from the same methods indicate that the spatial gradient in mass balance is mainly due to a larger summer season thinning in the west and the south than in the northeast. Our findings are consistent with in-situ mass balance measurements from the same period, confirming that repeat-track satellite altimetry can be a valuable tool for monitoring short term elevation changes of Arctic glaciers.  相似文献   
This paper describes industrial aspects of combined inventory management and routing in maritime and road-based transportation, and gives a classification and comprehensive literature review of the current state of the research.The literature is contrasted with aspects of industrial applications from a constructive, but critical, viewpoint. Based on the status and trends within the field, future research is suggested with regard to both further development of the research area and industrial needs. By highlighting the industrial aspects, practitioners will hopefully see the benefit of using advanced decision support systems in complex situations related to combined inventory management and routing in their business. In addition, a classification and presentation of the research should help and motivate researchers to further focus on inventory management and routing challenges.  相似文献   
Current views of the role of beta-amyloid (Abeta) peptide fibrils range from regarding them as the cause of Alzheimer's pathology to having a protective function. In the last few years, it has also been suggested that soluble oligomers might be the most important toxic species. In all cases, the study of the conformational properties of Abeta peptides in soluble form constitutes a basic approach to the design of molecules with "antiamyloid" activity. We have experimentally investigated the conformational path that can lead the Abeta-(1-42) peptide from the native state, which is represented by an alpha helix embedded in the membrane, to the final state in the amyloid fibrils, which is characterized by beta-sheet structures. The conformational steps were monitored by using CD and NMR spectroscopy in media of varying polarities. This was achieved by changing the composition of water and hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP). In the presence of HFIP, beta conformations can be observed in solutions that have very high water content (up to 99 % water; v/v). These can be turned back to alpha helices simply by adding the appropriate amount of HFIP. The transition of Abeta-(1-42) from alpha to beta conformations occurs when the amount of water is higher than 80 % (v/v). The NMR structure solved in HFIP/H2O with high water content showed that, on going from very apolar to polar environments, the long N-terminal helix is essentially retained, whereas the shorter C-terminal helix is lost. The complete conformational path was investigated in detail with the aid of molecular-dynamics simulations in explicit solvent, which led to the localization of residues that might seed beta conformations. The structures obtained might help to find regions that are more affected by environmental conditions in vivo. This could in turn aid the design of molecules able to inhibit fibril deposition or revert oligomerization processes.  相似文献   
Efficient antigen entrapment is a key factor in preparation of poly (lactide-co-glycolide) acid (PLGA) vaccine formulations when the antigen is of short supply. This study presents a systematic approach in the testing of formulation variables with the objective to increase antigen entrapment in particles when the antigen stock concentration was low. Some of the experimental variables tested were poly (vinyl) alcohol (PVA) concentration in the inner (W1) and outer (W2) aqueous phase, W1/oil (O) phase ratio and choice of organic solvent. The double emulsion solvent evaporation technique was applied to prepare PLGA particles with sonication as the emulsifying force. To measure antigen entrapment efficiency, the antigen (bovine serum albumin, BSA) was isotope labeled with 125iodine (125I). Our results demonstrated that a low PVA concentration in the inner aqueous (W1) phase was beneficial to achieve a high encapsulation efficiency of antigen. On the contrary, in the outer aqueous (W2) phase, a high PVA concentration favored antigen entrapment. We also demonstrated that decreasing the W1 to O/polymer ratio contributed to increased entrapment efficiency. Testing different organic solvents (ethyl acetate, dichloromethane and chloroform), either alone or in combination, revealed that using chloroform as solvent resulted in the highest encapsulation of antigen and the highest production yield. Some of the results presented in this work are in disagreement with well-established formulation variables from previous studies.  相似文献   
We show how an alternating electric field can be used to assemble carbon nanocones (CNCs) and align these assemblies into microscopic wires in a commercial two-component adhesive. The wires form continuous pathways that may electrically connect the alignment electrodes, which leads to directional conductivity (~10(-3) S/m) on a macroscopic scale. This procedure leads to conductivity enhancement of at least 2-3 orders of magnitude in the case where the CNC fraction (~0.2 vol %) is 1 order of magnitude below the percolation threshold (~2 vol %). The alignment and conductivity are maintained on curing that joins the alignment electrodes permanently together. If the aligned CNC wires are damaged before curing, they can be realigned by an extended alignment period. This concept has implications in areas such as electronic packaging technology.  相似文献   
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