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Summary Bavarian cereals and wheat flour from the 1987 harvest were analysed for nivalenol (NIV) and deoxynivalenol (DON) using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and for T-2 toxin and zearalenone (ZEA) by enzyme-linked-immunosorbent as say (ELISA). The study included 190 field samples of wheat, barley, rye and oat with visibly damaged ears, 45 samples of wheat intended for feed production and two series of wheat flour (type 550) and whole wheat flour collected in October 1987 and June 1988. The field samples examined showed a high DON contamination of wheat (87%) with an average of 3.96 mg/kg and a maximum of 43.8 mg/kg. Mean levels between 0.33 mg/kg and 0.27 mg/kg DON could be detected in barley, rye and oat. Of the wheat samples, 58% contained ZEA with a maximum of 1.560 mg/kg. The highest levels of ZEA were detected in samples which also showed high concentrations of DON. The NIV and T-2 toxin levels were comparatively low. Thirty percent of the samples showed NIV concentrations between 0.04 mg/kg and 0.29 mg/kg and 38% contained between 0.005 and 0.60 mg/kg of T-2. In the wheat samples for feed production, only DON was detected with an average of 0.190 mg/kg and a maximum of 0.75 mg/kg. The highest DON levels (0.58 mg/kg) from October 1987 were found in the wheat flour samples which were lower than the highest DON concentration (3.24 mg/kg) detected in the samples collected during June 1988. This fact was probably due to a substantial amount of non-contaminated wheat from 1986. The toxin concentrations in the whole wheat flour were not higher than in the type 550 flour. The regional distribution of the mean DON concentrations showed the highest levels in Middle and Lower-Franconia.
Vorkommen von Fusarium Mykotoxinen in bayerischem Getreide der Ernte 1987
Zusammenfassung Cerealien und Weizenmehle der bayerischen Ernte 1987 wurden mittels hochauflösender Flüssigchromatographie (HPLC) auf Nivalenol (NIV) und Deoxynivalenol (DON) Bowie mit Enzymimmunoassay auf T-2 Toxin und Zearalenon (ZEA) analysiert. Die Untersuchungen umfaßten 190 Feldproben von Weizen, Gerste, Roggen und Hafer, die alle optisch erkennbaren Fusarienbefall aufwiesen, 45 Futterweizenproben Bowie zwei Probenserien von Weizenmehlen der Type 550 und Vollkornweizenmehlen, die im October 1987 und im Juni 1988 gezogenwurden. — Die Untersuchungen der Feldproben ergaben eine hohe DON-Kontamination des Weizens (87%) mit einem durchschnittlichen Gehalt von 3,96 mg/kg und einem Maximalgehalt von 43,8 mg/kg. In Gerste, Roggen und Hafer konnten durchschnittlich zwischen 0,33 mg/kg und 0,27 mg/kg DON-nachgewiesen werden. 58% der Winterweizenproben wiesen Zearalenon mit einem Maximalgehalt von 1,56 mg/kg auf. Die höchsten ZEA-Werte wurden in Proben ermittelt, die gleichzeitig einen hohen DON-Gehalt aufwiesen. Die Konzentrationen von NIV und T-2 Toxin waren vergleichsweise niedrig. 30% der Proben hatten NIV-Gehalte zwischen 0,04 mg/kg und 0,29 mg/kg und 38% enthielten T-2 Toxin zwischen 0,005 mg/kg und 0,06 mg/kg. In den Futterweizenproben konnte DON als einziges Toxin mit einem Gehalt von durchschnittlich 0,19 mg/kg und maximal 0,75 mg/kg festgestellt werden. Die Weizenmehle, die im October 1987 gezogen wurden, wiesen maximal 0,58 mg/kg DON auf. Die Gehalte lagen damit medriger als die der Mehlproben vom Juni 1988, die maximal 3,24 mg/kg und durchschnittlich 0,26 mg/kg DON enthielten. Dieser Sachverhalt könnte auf Anteile von nicht kontaminiertem Weizen der Ernte 86 an den im October gezogenen Mehlproben zurückgeführt werden. Die Toxingehalte der Vollkornmehle waren nicht höher als die der Weizenmehle der Type 550. Die höchsten Durchschnittsgehalte von DON wurden in Mittel- und Unterfranken festgestellt.
Spherical iron-carbon nanocomposites were developed through a facile aerosol-based process with sucrose and iron chloride as starting materials. These composites exhibit multiple functionalities relevant to the in situ remediation of chlorinated hydrocarbons such as trichloroethylene (TCE). The distribution and immobilization of iron nanoparticles on the surface of carbon spheres prevents zerovalent nanoiron aggregation with maintenance of reactivity. The aerosol-based carbon microspheres allow adsorption of TCE, thus removing dissolved TCE rapidly and facilitating reaction by increasing the local concentration of TCE in the vicinity of iron nanoparticles. The strongly adsorptive property of the composites may also prevent release of any toxic chlorinated intermediate products. The composite particles are in the optimal range for transport through groundwater saturated sediments. Furthermore, those iron-carbon composites can be designed at low cost, the process is amenable to scale-up for in situ application, and the materials are intrinsically benign to the environment.  相似文献   
The depuration of gas-phase polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from a slow-growing evergreen shrub, Skimmia japonica Thunb., was studied to investigate the reversibility of uptake and the compartmentalization of PCB congeners within leaves with respect to air-plant exchange processes. Depuration of PCBs was monitored over periods of hours, days, and weeks. Equilibrium had not been attained between air and leaves during the uptake phase after many weeks. Depuration followed two-phase clearance kinetics, with phase 1 occurring over the order of hours and phase 2 continuing slowly over weeks. In phase 1, a substantial part (ca. 40%) of the PCB burden that the plants had accumulated over weeks was lost in 2-3 h. This observation is further evidence for the close dynamic coupling of air and vegetation compartments. In the second phase, very slow depuration over 28 d only removed a further approximately 25% of the accumulated PCB burden. Depuration rates in phase 2 varied between compounds and were not influenced by growth dilution. Depuration rates for both phases were not correlated with KOA, indicating that plant-air mass transfer coefficients were proportional to plant-air partition coefficients and, therefore, probably dominated by the plant-side resistance to diffusion. Photolysis and metabolism are unlikely to have influenced the rates of congener disappearance. Pathways into the leaf and possible storage locations within the plant are discussed with respect to the observed differences between uptake and clearance rates. Uptake and depuration are not mirror image processes, with a fraction of accumulated PCBs effectively stored in the leaves. This has important implications for terrestrial food chain transfer and global cycling with leaf concentrations remaining elevated long after a contamination event.  相似文献   
In order to draw conclusions concerning the sound velocity and the dynamic modulus of elasticity of logs and green timber at reference conditions, properties were determined for green timber at temperatures around and below the freezing point. The present investigation includes the analysis of the dependence of sound velocity and dynamic modulus on temperatures between ?20?°C and +20?°C and on moisture contents below and above fibre saturation. Sound velocity and dynamic modulus of elasticity were determined based on natural frequency and density. Both sound velocity and dynamic MOE decreased linearly with increasing moisture content and increasing temperature below fibre saturation. Three temperature areas need to be considered above fiber saturation—below ?5?°C and above 0?°C and the area between ?5?°C and 0?°C. Sound velocity as well as dynamic MOE decrease linearly with increasing temperature. Based on these findings, appropriate adjustment functions for each moisture content and temperature range were found to calculate the dynamic properties at the reference conditions.  相似文献   
The Council of the European Union has proposed a revision on the EU regulation on novel foods and novel food ingredients concerning safety assessment of traditional foods from non-EU countries and their introduction onto the EU market. The proposal stipulates that such foods may be placed on the EU market if their history of safe use in the country of origin is appropriately documented. The present statement of the SKLM gives an overview on current discussions on practical implementation of the "history of safe use" concept as well as examples of its application. The SKLM, in principle, agrees with these concepts, underscores, however, in connection with convincing evidence for a "history of safe use" the need for a range of additional information to achieve a comprehensive risk assessment. In the opinion of the SKLM such information must comprise compositional data as well as experience on adverse effects. A list of questions considered essential is presented. The following opinion was adopted on December 23rd 2010.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Mittels verschiedener Untersuchungen wurden Aussagen über das Migrationsverhalten von Acetaldehyd aus Polyethylenterephthalat (PET) getroffen. Die Analyse des Acetaldehyds erfolgte durch Kopfraum-Gaschromatographie mit Flammenionisationsdetektion. Die Bestimmung des Restgehaltes an Acetaldehyd in neuen PET-Flaschen ergab Werte um 6,3 mg/kg, woraus sich eine maximal mögliche Migratmenge von etwa 200 (g/L errechnen läßt. Migrationsstudien bei verschiedenen Temperaturen zeigten die für das Verpakkungssystem typischen Zeitverläufe. Die Diffusion des Acetaldehyds aus dem Kunststoff erreichte bei einer Inkubationstemperatur von 40 °C nach ca. 4 Tagen ein konstantes Niveau, welches ca. 10% des ermittelten Restgehaltes an Acetaldehyd beträgt. Bei einer Temperaturerhöhung um 20 °C kam es zu einer Erhöhung dieses Niveaus auf das 5fache. Die Versuchsergebnisse der Bestimmung des Acetaldehyds in Getränken zeigte, daß in der Praxis nur mit einer geringen Migration zu rechnen ist, die bei den kohlensäurehaltigen Erfrischungsgetränken wegen des intensiven Eigengeschmacks ohne Belang ist. Eine Geschmacksbeeinträchtigung könnte sich höchstens bei Mineral- und Sodawässern ergeben, wenn diese längerfristig, wie sich aus den Migrationsstudien ableiten läßt, Temperaturen um 40 °C ausgesetzt werden.
Study of the migration of acetaldehyde from PET bottles into soft drinks containing carbonic acid
Summary The migration of acetaldehyde from polyethyleneterephthalate (PET) under various conditions was analysed by headspace gas chromatography and flame ionisation detection. The residual amounts of new PET bottles were about 6.3 mg/kg with a migration value of 200 g/1. On studying the migration at different temperatures and times, behaviour curves characteristic of packing materials made from plastics are obtaind. The amount of acetaldehyde diffusing from PET at a temperature of 40° C reached a constant level after 4 days which was about 10% of the residual value of acetaldehyde. On increasing the temperature by 20° C, this level was raised up to 50%. The results of the analysis of acetaldehyde in soft drinks containing carbonic acid show that the migration in fact is not sufficiently high to influence the taste of these soft drinks. A negative effect on the taste may be recognized with mineral waters and soda when they are exposed to higher temperatures (e.g. 40° C or more) over a longer period of time.
New oxide compounds with α-PbO2 structure have been synthesized by solid-state reactions. These are derived from ZrTiO4 and HfTiO4 by a different kind of ionic substitution. The thermal expansion behavior of these phases was investigated by means of a dilatometer and an X-ray heating diffractometer. These measurements revealed rather low expansion for some of the Zr(Me3+/Me5+)O4, solid solutions. This behavior is attributed to their high expansion anisotropy, which leads to extended formation of microcracks.  相似文献   
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