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Both academic and corporate interest in sustainable supply chains has increased in recent years. Supplier selection process is one of the key operational tasks for sustainable supply chain management. This paper examines the problem of identifying an effective model based on sustainability principles for supplier selection operations in supply chains. Due to its multi-criteria nature, the sustainable supplier evaluation process requires an appropriate multi-criteria analysis and solution approach. The approach should also consider that decision makers might face situations such as time pressure, lack of expertise in related issue, etc., during the evaluation process. The paper develops a novel approach based on fuzzy analytic network process within multi-person decision-making schema under incomplete preference relations. The method not only makes sufficient evaluations using the provided preference information, but also maintains the consistency level of the evaluations. Finally, the paper analyzes the sustainability of a number of suppliers in a real-life problem to demonstrate the validity of the proposed evaluation model.  相似文献   
In this study, seed and oil yields, protein, and moisture ratios of seeds of four different types of pumpkin seed varieties, namely Palancı population, VD1sn8, and VD1sn6 hybrid varieties and commercial variety grown in Edirne conditions in 2014 and 2015. Also, this study aimed to determine the change of fatty acid, tocopherol, and sterol composition of mentioned pumpkin seed varieties in three different periods from seed formation to final harvest time. During the ripening period, it was obtained that the oil yield increased, the moisture content of pumpkin seeds decreased. In the last harvest period, the oil yield of pumpkin seed varieties was determined to be between 37.21% and 42.07%. Protein ratios of all pumpkin seed species were found to be very close to each other (37.94%–39.28%) and statistically similar (p > 0.05). In 2014 and 2015, the dominant fatty acids for all pumpkin seed varieties are 18:1 (39.49%–46.95%) and 18:2 (32.57%–39.26%). Except for these fatty acids, 16:0 varies between 10.65% and 13.60% in all varieties; 18:0 varies at a ratio of 5.70%–6.38%. It is seen that the dominant tocopherol isomer is γ-tocopherol for all pumpkin seed species in all harvest periods. In the last harvest period in 2014 and 2015, the amounts of γ-tocopherol constitute 99.98%–84.95% and 86.91%–89.86% of the total tocopherol, respectively. It was observed that the tocopherol composition changed during the ripening period in all pumpkin seed species (p < 0.05). In general, the amount of sterols decreased during the ripening period for all cultivars in 2014 and 2015. In order from the highest to the least, β-sitosterol, 5,24-stigmastadienol, campesterol, Δ-5 avenasterol, and stigmasterol were determined as phytosterols in pumpkin seed oils. Generally, β-sitosterol ratios in all varieties were high in the 1st harvest period, decreased slightly in the 2nd harvest period, increased again until the 3rd harvest period and reached the values in the 1st harvest period in both 2014 and 2015.  相似文献   
Surface tension is one of the most important rheological parameters of nanoliquids. It influences the thermophysical and mass transfer properties of nanostructures. Accurate estimation of the surface tension from operating variables is critical for determining optimal production processes. However, the challenges of producing nanoparticles and measuring their properties introduce experimental errors in the data used for mathematical modelling. Crisp regression approaches provide adequate representation of the data, but they do not provide information about the experimental uncertainty. In this study, a fuzzy-hybrid approach is proposed for mathematical modelling of surface tension of carboxymethyl cellulose/chitosan-α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles. Then, the proposed model is compared with a crisp model from a previous study. Error analysis is conducted to validate the constructed fuzzy model. It is observed that the fuzzy-hybrid modelling approach has yielded significantly lower error values (a 60%–90% improvement in all error metrics on average), and thus, it is superior to the crisp approach. This study contributes to the subject of modelling rheological properties. It is shown that the fuzzy-hybrid approach has impressive potential to be utilized for modelling the rheological properties of nanostructures.  相似文献   
Wound healing can be a complex and slow process for the human body, particularly if it is chronic. Photothermal therapy (PTT) and photodynamic therapy (PDT) can be used to accelerate wound healing. As opposed to current PDT studies using well-known photosensitizers, this work use novel polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and melanin nanoparticles (MNPs) containing hybrid nanofibers prepared by electrospinning techniques to enhance wound healing with/without UV light. Blend and core-sheath nozzles are utilized to obtain sustainable and biocompatible MNP-PVA blend, and core-sheath hybrid nanofibers and 30, 60, and 300 s of UV-A irradiation are tested in terms of photoinactivation efficiencies for Escherichia coli (E. coli). The MNP-PVA blend with a diameter of 324 nm and the core-sheath nanofibers with a diameter of 468 nm both showed killing effect on E. coli about 41.6% and 32%, respectively, under 30 s of UV-A irradiation. Increased irradiation time activates the protective effect of MNPs located in nanofibers, thereby decreasing photoinactivation efficiency. Moreover, the MNP-PVA core-sheath nanofibers with 30 s of UV-A irradiation promote the closure of wound to 99.2% at 24 h.  相似文献   
Accurate chemical kinetics are essential for reactor design and operation. However, despite recent advances in “big data” approaches, availability of kinetic data is often limited in industrial practice. Herein, we present a comparative proof-of-concept study for kinetic parameter estimation from limited data. Cross-validation (CV) is implemented to nonlinear least-squares (LS) fitting and evaluated against Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and genetic algorithm (GA) routines using synthetic data generated from a simple model reaction. As expected, conventional LS is fastest but least accurate in predicting true kinetics. MCMC and GA are effective for larger data sets but tend to overfit to noise for limited data. LS-CV strongly outperforms these methods at much reduced computational cost, especially for significant noise. Our findings suggest that implementation of CV with conventional regression provides an efficient approach to kinetic parameter estimation with high accuracy, robustness against noise, and only minimal increase in complexity.  相似文献   
Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) have a presumed determinant role in the structure, architecture, strength, filterability, and settling behaviour of microbial solids in biological wastewater treatment processes. Consequently, numerous EPS extraction protocols have recently been published that aim to optimize the trade off between high EPS recovery and low cell lysis. Despite extensive efforts, the obtained results are often contradictory, even when analysing similar biomass samples and using similar experimental conditions, which greatly complicates the selection of an extraction protocol. This study presents a rigorous and critical assessment of existing physical and chemical EPS extraction methods applied to mixed-culture biomass samples (nitrifying, nitritation-anammox, and activated sludge biomass). A novel fluorescence-based method was developed and calibrated to quantify the lysis potential of different EPS extraction protocols. We concluded that commonly used methods to assess cell lysis (DNA concentrations or G6PDH activities in EPS extracts) do not correlate with cell viability. Furthermore, we discovered that the presence of certain chemicals in EPS extracts results in severe underestimation of protein and carbohydrate concentrations by using standard analytical methods. Keeping both maximum EPS extraction yields and minimal biomass lysis as criteria, it was identified a sonication-based extraction method as the best to determine and compare tightly-bound EPS fractions in different biomass samples. Protein was consistently the main EPS component in all analysed samples. However, EPS from nitrifying enrichments was richer in DNA, the activated sludge EPS had a higher content in humic acids and carbohydrates, and the nitritation-anammox EPS, while similar in composition to the nitrifier EPS, had a lower fraction of hydrophobic biopolymers. In general, the easily-extractable EPS fraction was more abundant in carbohydrates and humic substances, while DNA could only be found in tightly bound EPS fractions. In conclusion, the methodology presented herein supports the rational selection of analytical tools and EPS extraction protocols in further EPS characterization studies.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to examine the dye biosorption properties of lichen species called Cladonia convoluta and Evernia prunastri. Since lichens are extensively found in the environment, their suitability as a cheap adsorbent has been investigated in this study. The optimal parameters for textile dye biosorption were also determined. The dried lichen biomass showed better dye biosorption capacity than ash lichen biomass. C. convoluta had better dye biosorption capacity than E. prunastri. Dye biosorption rate was found as 71.41% at optimal conditions. This study concluded that C. convoluta was a successful and cheap biosorbent for treatment of water contaminated by Acid Red P-2BX dye.  相似文献   
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor-enhancing compound used to elevate the flavor profiles of various foods. This flavor enhancer is the sodium salt of L-glutamic acid and is widely used in foods, such as flavorings, seasonings, sauces, and instant soups. The potential health effects of MSG consumption, particularly the health issues that excessive consumption could lead to, have been the focus of social concerns. It is stated that excessive consumption of MSG can cause cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes, kidney damage, hypertension, anxiety, and memory impairment. The maximum permissible amount of MSG in foods is set at 10 g/kg according to the Turkish Food Codex. The aim of this study is to develop an appropriate method for analyzing the MSG content within the various food samples like flavorings, seasonings, and spices sold in Turkish local markets. The validation parameters of the developed method were examined and it was found that the developed method corresponds to the recommended values. The limit of detection and the limit of quantitation values were calculated as 4.78 ng/mL and 15.93 ng/mL, respectively. Recovery % was determined to be 100.96% in intra-day and 132.22% in inter-day analyses for the precision of the method. The results compared to the values specified in the Turkish Food Codex Food Additives Regulation and samples that purportedly did not contain MSG on their labels were found to contain MSG.  相似文献   
The efficiencies of a series of hydrogen evolving catalysts based on metal oxide nanofibers (NiO, Co3O4, Mn3O4) are investigated for the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from water without using any co-catalyst under the visible light irradiation by using triethanolamine (TEOA) as an electron donor and Eosin-Y (EY) dye as a photosensitizer. It is found that the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution activities follow the order as: Mn3O4<Co3O4<NiO (196 μmolg?1h?1, 5552 μmolg?1h?1, 7757 μmolg?1h?1, respectively). Moreover, the catalytic behavior of these nanofibers on the hydrogen production has been also compared to bulk forms of NiO, Co3O4 and Mn3O4 by producing hydrogen 937 μmolg?1h?1, 901 μmolg?1h?1 and 135 μmolg?1h?1, respectively. The nanofiber structures demonstrated much higher photocatalytic activity than bulk forms due to the effect of the increased surface to volume ratio deduced from the fibrous character. The photocatalytic plausible pathway for the hydrogen production is also discussed.  相似文献   
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