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The sustainable energy planning includes a variety of objectives, as the decision-making is directly related to the processes of analysis and management of different types of information (technological, environmental, economic and social). Very often, the traditional evaluation methods, such as the cost-benefit analysis and macro-economic indicators, are not sufficient to integrate all the elements included in an environmentally thorough energy plan. On the contrary the multiple criteria methods provide a tool, which is more appropriate to assemble and to handle a wide range of variables that is evaluated in different ways and thus offer valid decision support.  相似文献   
Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin films were grown by the three-stage process using a rf-plasma cracked Se-radical beam source. CuGaSe2 (CGS) films grown at a maximum substrate temperature of 550 °C and CuInSe2 (CIS) and CIGS films grown at the lower temperature of 400 °C exhibited highly dense surfaces and large grain size compared with films grown using a conventional Se-evaporative source. This result is attributed to the modification of the growth kinetics due to the presence of active Se-radical species and enhanced surface migration during growth. The effect on CIGS film properties and solar cell performance has been investigated. Enhancements in the cell efficiencies of 400 °C-grown CIS and CIGS solar cells have been demonstrated using a Se-radical source.  相似文献   
The study presents an intervention programme for women returning to the information technology (IT) industry following a career break. This is interpreted through the lens of the community of practice perspective. The longitudinal nature of the case study offered opportunities for in‐depth investigation of participants' experience and development during the process. Using this datum, a mid‐level analytical approach is adopted. It is found that learning about the path to return to IT emerged regardless of the degree of participation in the intervention programme, and this was supported by the diversity and integration embedded in this programme. The implications of the findings for our understanding of intervention programmes are discussed.  相似文献   
Mobile learning can augment formal education and bridge the gap between formal and informal education by creating extended learning communities using any digital technology in connected or infrastructure‐less environments. With the use of ad hoc networks and mobile authoring tools, we can now create an ‘on‐the‐fly’ learning scenario, where learners can create, share, and view content from their mobile devices without the need for server–client or infrastructure‐based liaisons. Mobile learning, however, is not just about sharing content or learning using mobile, wireless, and portable devices. Rather, it is learning across spatiotemporal contexts that enables learners to form knowledge and understanding in different scenarios. When facing limited resources stemming from the characteristics of mobility and wireless technologies, determining the best practices for content creation and delivery becomes a challenge. This paper describes the architecture of a mobile‐focused learning network designed so that learning tools, activities, contexts, and interactions are created as necessary over time and space while adhering to traditional learning object standards. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Existing pervasive applications are based on time series data that possess the form of time‐ordered series of events. Such applications also embody the need to handle large volumes of unexpected events, often modified on‐the‐fly, containing conflicting information, and dealing with rapidly changing contexts while producing results with low latency. Correlating events across contextual dimensions holds the key to expanding the capabilities and improving the performance of these applications. In this paper we analyze complex‐event semantic correlation that examines epistemic uncertainty in computer networks by using Dempster–Shafer theory to support a high‐volume, event‐based, in‐network and non‐deterministic pervasive network management. We consider imprecision and uncertainty when an event is detected and associate a belief parameter with the semantics and the detection of composite events. The approach taps into in‐network processing capabilities of pervasive computer networks and can withstand missing or conflicting information gathered from multiple participating entities. In the end, we establish that a lightweight, distributed, large‐volume, event‐based technique which exploits epistemic uncertainty to correlate events along contextual dimensions provides a successful technique for enabling management of large‐scale and pervasive contemporary and future computer networks. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces japonicus var. japonicus belong to the genus Schizosaccharomyces, together with Schizosaccharomyces pombe, which has been well studied as a model organism. In contrast, Sz. japonicus is poorly characterized and genetic tools were yet to be developed. We here report the isolation of the heterothallic haploids NIG2017, NIG2025 and NIG2028, which were derivatives of a Sz. japonicus homothallic strain (NIG2008). Based on the genomic sequence of Sz. japonicus, released by the Broad Institute, we found that Sz. japonicus also possesses orthologues of the mating‐type genes of Sz. pombe; two mat‐M (?) and two mat‐P (+) genes. As expected, heterothallic strains were defective in one of the Sz. japonicus mat genes (matsj). We confirmed that NIG2017 and NIG2025 strains only expressed mRNA from the matsjP genes, while homothallic strains expressed both matsjM and matsjP. Although the NIG2028 strain expressed both gene products, matsjP was found mutated, which may have conferred the heterothallic phenotype of the mutant. Thus, we concluded that these were stable heterothallic strains. We designated NIG2017 and NIG2025 as h+ and NIG 2028 as h?, respectively. We also found additional h? strains (NIG5872 and NIG5873) that arose from the cross between NIG2017 and NIG2028 derivatives. In addition to that, we have constructed a ura4sj‐deleted strain and an ade6sj‐mutated strain. We used these heterothallic strains and the auxotroph strains to perform spore dissection analysis to determine the genetic distances between several loci, and found that the mating type loci and ade6sj locus were linked to centromeres. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to assess the differences in fermentative behaviour of two different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (EC1118 and RC212) and to determine the differences in composition and sensory properties of raspberry wines fermented with immobilized and suspended yeast cells of both strains at 15 °C. Analyses of aroma compounds, glycerol, acetic acid and ethanol, as well as the kinetics of fermentation and a sensory evaluation of the wines, were performed. All fermentations with immobilized yeast cells had a shorter lag phase and faster utilization of sugars and ethanol production than those fermented with suspended cells. Slower fermentation kinetics were observed in all the samples that were fermented with strain RC212 (suspended and immobilized) than in samples fermented with strain EC1118. Significantly higher amounts of acetic acid were detected in all samples fermented with strain RC212 than in those fermented with strain EC1118 (0.282 and 0.602 g/l, respectively). Slightly higher amounts of glycerol were observed in samples fermented with strain EC1118 than in those fermented with strain RC212. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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