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In the present report, cadmium sulfide (CdS) colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) with average diameter of 6 nm were synthesized by using oleylamine as ligand and solvent. The insulating oleylamine ligands form barriers around the CdS CQDs to decrease carrier mobility. In order to remove the ligands and improve the photoelectrical properties of the closed-packed film, ethanedithiol, mercaptopropionic acid and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) were applied for solid state ligand exchange. CTAB treated film had the fastest 3 dB bandwidth of 144.7 Hz and yielded the highest detectivity of 1.37 × 108 Jones. The excellent properties of ligand passivation have important application in nanocrystals based electronic and optoelectronic devices.  相似文献   
Silicon solar cells with cover glass irradiated by 1 MeV electron beams at various fluences were investigated using photocarrier radiometry (PCR) combined with lock-in carrierography (LIC, spectrally gated dynamic photoluminescence). The minority carrier transport properties (i.e., minority carrier lifetime τ, diffusion coefficient D, surface recombination velocities S) and the degradation of these properties were studied using PCR. The relative damage coefficient obtained by LIC was consistent with the PCR measurement. The local series resistance of the solar cell before and after irradiation was characterized by LIC. The results showed that the series resistance increased with electron fluences.  相似文献   
With the mine exploitation depth getting deeper and deeper, the mine heat-harm turns into another natural disaster after the five disasters, which are the roof, the gas, the fire, the dust and the flood disaster. Compared with other researches on prevention and cure against the heat-harm, the research on prevention and cure against the heat-harm in constructing mine are less. Referring to the experience of prevention and cure against the heat-harm home and 'abroad, analyzing the characteristic of cooling in the constructing mine, and based on the ground former freezing equipments and the modified mine temporary cooling equipments, the paper proposed four technical projects. By comparing with the four technical projects, the second project is preponderant both in technology and economy and can solve the heat-harm of the constructing mine, which is proved by the forecast and calculation. The project can be widely applied in de-temperature tasks of high temperature and heat-harm mines during the mine constructing period and in the exploiting preparing phase.  相似文献   
介绍了新型规整填料Zugrid 64 X和Zupak125 Y在中国石油兰州石化分公司5 Mt/a常减压装置减压塔提馏段的工业应用情况.运行结果表明,新型规整填料具有明显的节能降耗优势,分离效果好,渣油中500 ℃以下的馏分质量分数仅为2.58%,且蒸汽用量较低[m(蒸汽)/m(渣油)为9 kg/t],操作成本低,抗堵塞性能良好.  相似文献   
Terahertz communication technology can provide abundant frequency resources,strong confidentiality,antijamming capability,communication tracking capability and ...  相似文献   
对我国加速开发植物油脂深加工产品及经济重要性、产品用途、生产工艺等方面作了探讨。介绍了较为成熟的生产工艺,提出了开发生产环氧大豆油、脂肪酸、硬脂酸、甘油、亚油酸、磷脂、糠蜡、植酸钙、肌醇等多种油脂化工产品,创造经济效益的建议。  相似文献   
以矿热炉电极把持器的传热计算为核心,研究把持器的结构设计和参数选用。通过对冷却水流量、壁面厚度、水垢厚度、烟气温度等影响因素的研究,结合把持器传热边界条件,分析了在不同参数条件下传热变化趋势,为电极把持器的设计和应用提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
This paper considers the problem of global stability of neural networks with delays. By combining Lie algebra and the Lyapunov function with the integral inequality technique, we analyze the globally asymptotic stability of a class of recurrent neural networks with delays and give an estimate of the exponential stability. A few new sufficient conditions and criteria are proposed to ensure globally asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point of the neural networks. A few simulation examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the results and to improve feasibility.  相似文献   
压水堆核电厂正常运行期间燃料元件破损会造成一回路裂变产物活度升高,碘同位素活度比值131I/133I是行业内最常用的判断燃料破损情况的指标之一。本文介绍了压水堆正常运行期间冷却剂131I和133I的产生来源和迁移过程,建立模型估算了燃料完整、小破口和大破口情况下131I/133I范围,并通过在运CPR1000型压水堆核电厂的运行监测数据对计算模型进行了验证,两者符合得较好。  相似文献   
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