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间隔是一组相互电气关联的完成一定功能的设备集合。本文基于图模一体化编辑工具的电网编辑工具形成的原始静态拓扑,提出了一种面向间隔的分析方法,将变电站中的设备按包含了基本连接关系的间隔进行归类,并且将结果保存在关系数据库中。生成的间隔拓扑可以提供给倒闸规则生成,间隔状态分析和变电所、调度智能倒闸开票所用。基于B/S模式的实际应用,证明了该方法的可靠性。  相似文献   
Low-temperature crystallized ZnO thin film was achieved by sol–gel process using zinc acetate dihydrate and 2-methoxyethanol as starting precursor and solvent, respectively. Ag nanoparticles were prepared with uniform size at 4.4 nm by spontaneous reduction method of Ag 2-ethylhexanoate in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). The optical and electrical properties of ZnO thin films containing various contents of Ag-nanoparticles were monitored. Light scattering and charge emission and scattering behaviors of Ag nanoparticles in ZnO film were found. The incorporation of Ag nanoparticles into Al-doped ZnO film was also investigated. The optical transmittance was not degraded but the increase of electrical sheet resistance was found. The effect of Al-dopant on the transmittance and electrical sheet resistance of ZnO film was found too great to distinguish the positive effect of the incorporation of Ag nanoparticles into Al-doped ZnO thin films.  相似文献   
Cathodic material La1.0Sr1.0FeO4+δ for an intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell (IT-SOFC) was prepared via the glycine-nitrate process and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM). XRD results showed that no reaction occurred between the La1.0Sr1.0FeO4+δ electrode and Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 (SDC) electrolyte at 1000 °C. SEM results showed that the electrode formed good contact with the SDC electrolyte after sintering at 1000 °C for 2 h. The electrochemical properties of La1.0Sr1.0FeO4+δ were measured using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and steady state polarization measurement. At 700 °C, the polarization resistance was about 3.90 Ωcm2, and the lowest polarization overpotential was 57 mV at a current density of 55 mA cm−2.  相似文献   
该文比较分析中国和欧美发达国家对于节能灯能效要求的异同点,分析中国现行标准同发达国家的差距,为制修订中国现行标准提供参考。  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a design methodology for silicon nanomembrane-based phased array structures with unequally spaced elements for large angle optical beam steering. By optimizing a dielectric waveguide structure for transverse-magnetic-polarized single-mode operation at wavelength of 1.55 mum, we show that a one-stage optical phased array allows 2-D plusmn60deg and plusmn45deg optical beam scanning with minimal degradation in sidelobe level and power efficiency. The number of array elements necessary to realize the desired array performance depends on the fabrication technique, which is formulated in the presented design methodology.  相似文献   
本文主要通过S7-400和WINCC60的使用介绍传动故障诊断系统的开发设计,通过系统的实际应用,使大家了解传动诊断系统的功能和作用对现代化高节奏生产企业的重要性。  相似文献   
Proper modeling of switching windows leads to a better estimate of the noise-induced delay variations. In this paper, we propose a new non-iterative continuous switching model. The proposed new model employs an ordering technique combined with the principle of superposition of linear circuits. The principle of superposition considers the impact of aggressors one after the other. The ordering technique avoids convergence and multiple solution issues in many practical cases. Our model surpasses the accuracy of the traditional discrete model and the speed of fixed point iteration method.  相似文献   
由于未来用气量是一个随机变量,过去采用点预测的方式无法客观体现出其随机性的特征,由此得到的供气可靠性评价结果也难以客观反映实际情况。为了准确预测用气量,在调研输气管网供气量预测模型研究进展的基础上,提出了一种采用基于小波分解的神经网络模型来预测随机性用气量的供气可靠度计算方法,通过对比分析模型预测结果与实际用气量的误差,确定用气量所服从的分布类型及参数,结合管道的最大允许输气量,以供气可靠度最高作为目标函数,建立了优化流量分配及计算管网供气可靠度的数学模型,进而利用该模型对某一虚拟管网进行了供气可靠性评价。结果表明:(1)所建模型求解的流量分配方案优先保障权重较大/较为重要的用户,但会牺牲其他用户的供气可靠度,管网总体供气可靠度亦会下降;(2)取消权重后,管网总体供气可靠度提高,优先保障距离气源地较近的用户,若不要求完全满足用户的用气量,则在降低一定的标准后,所有用户的供气可靠度都能达标。结论认为:所提出的计算方法结合了用气量随机的特性,能够更加客观地评价管网的供气可靠度,同时由于引入了用户的权重,在计算管网供气能力的时候能优先满足重要的用户,更加符合实际情况,其评价结果可以指导输气管网的高效运行。  相似文献   
本文阐述了用MCS—51单片机与红外遥控器相结合实现对分体式空调的温度、湿度、风速、定时等参量的智能化遥控。开发出价格性能比优越的产品。  相似文献   
随着世纪之交的日益临近,计算机2000年时钟过渡这一严重的课题摆在了全世界的面前,本文讨论了2000年问题的来龙去脉和其特点,及其对电信业的影响和中国电信的对策。  相似文献   
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