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Effects of nanocrystalline ferrite particles addition on densification behavior and magnetic properties of the NiCuZn ferrites were investigated. It was confirmed that nanocrystalline ferrite particles enhanced densification of the samples obviously. The reason was attributed to the nanocrystalline particles, which spread around the micron-sized ferrite particles, increased contacting area and inter-diffusion of the particles. When the amount of nanocrystalline particles addition reached to 30 wt%, the samples obtained an approximate densification behavior as the 1.5 wt% Bi2O3 added samples. Due to relatively bigger grain size, higher sintering density and no different chemical composition sintering aids added, the sample with 30wt% nanocrystalline ferrite particles got the highest permeability and relatively high Q-factor when sintered at 900.  相似文献   
Which studies, theories, and ideas have influenced Eugene Garfield’s scientific work? Recently, the method reference publication year spectroscopy (RPYS) has been introduced, which can be used to answer this and related questions. Since then, several studies have been published dealing with the historical roots of research fields and scientists. The program CRExplorer (http://www.crexplorer.net) was specifically developed for RPYS. In this study, we use this program to investigate the historical roots of Eugene Garfield’s oeuvre.  相似文献   
The practical application of sodium metal batteries (SMBs) is hampered due to the inferior interfacial stability between Na metal and conventional electrolytes....  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of nanoporous structure of polymeric biomaterials on the in vitro osteogenic induction of human stem cells. An electronic search in three databases (MEDLINE, SCOPUS, and Web of Science) was performed for articles that were published before May 2018. In vitro studies were included if they met the following criteria: (1) the use of polymeric scaffolds (natural or synthetic); (2) the co-culture of human stem cells with the scaffold; and (3) cell viability, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation assays. The main characteristics of the published studies were summarized, and a quality assessment tool was used to analyze methodological features. Eighty-eight potential articles were firstly retrieved. Thirteen were eligible for qualitative analysis. Only three studies characterized cell stemness. Nanostructure of the scaffolds showed a significant influence on viability, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation of human stem cells. Combination of porosity between 72 and 93% and a large range diameter between 50 and 224 μm resulted in more remarkable cellular proliferation and differentiation. Porous polymeric scaffolds can be functionalized by stem cells leading to osteogenic induction. High standards of laboratory practice and accurate methodological reporting are essential for the credibility of the results.  相似文献   
This paper introduces the Dual Electro/Piezo Property (DEPP) gradient technique via Micro-Fabrication through Co-eXtrusion (MFCX) which pairs a high displacement lead zirconate titanate (PZT) piezoceramic with a high permittivity barium titanate (BT) dielectric. By grading with this material combination spatially across an actuator, the electric field is concentrated in the more active region for improved efficiency, higher displacements, and complex motions. To aid in synthesis and analysis of any gradient profile, compositional maps are provided for key material properties (density, stiffness, permittivity, and piezoelectric coefficients). The DEPP technique was validated, independent of the MFCX process, by powder pressing a conventional bimodal gradient beam which demonstrated through experiments high displacement capabilities at lower driving potentials than comparable functionally graded piezoceramic actuators. For more complex gradients, the MFCX process was adapted to the DEPP gradient technique and illustrated by the fabrication of a linearly graded prototype whose monolithic nature and gradual material variation significantly reduces internal stresses, improves reliability, and extends service lifetime.  相似文献   
The carrier screening effect occurs commonly in dielectric materials. It reduces the electric potential gradient, thus negatively affecting the functionality of resistive random access memory (RRAM) devices. An Au/ZnO film/Al-doped ZnO device fabricated in this work exhibited no resistive switching (RS), which was attributed to the carrier screening effect. Therefore, annealing was used for alleviating the screening effect, significantly enhancing the RS property. In addition, different on/off ratios were obtained for various bias values, and the screening effect was accounted for by investigating electron transport mechanisms. Furthermore, different annealing temperatures were employed to modulate the free carrier concentration in ZnO films to alleviate the screening effect. The maximal on/off ratio reached 105 at an annealing temperature of 600 °C, yielding the lowest number of free carriers and the weakest screening effect in ZnO films. This work investigates the screening effect in RS devices. The screening effect not only modulates the characteristics of memory devices but also provides insight into the mechanism of RS in these devices.
Silicon solar cells with cover glass irradiated by 1 MeV electron beams at various fluences were investigated using photocarrier radiometry (PCR) combined with lock-in carrierography (LIC, spectrally gated dynamic photoluminescence). The minority carrier transport properties (i.e., minority carrier lifetime τ, diffusion coefficient D, surface recombination velocities S) and the degradation of these properties were studied using PCR. The relative damage coefficient obtained by LIC was consistent with the PCR measurement. The local series resistance of the solar cell before and after irradiation was characterized by LIC. The results showed that the series resistance increased with electron fluences.  相似文献   
董昊  邝春芳 《煤炭技术》2007,26(5):93-94
使用“秦砖汉瓦”的观念在人们心目中已经根深蒂固,想要打破这种观念,就需要大力进行推广,2004年是全国贯彻实施国家禁用实心粘土砖有关规定的关键一年,发展新型墙体材料工业,特别有效利用城市垃圾工业及工业废弃物生产环保型的新型墙体材料是我国墙体改革工作中一项重要和艰苦的任务。  相似文献   
张皞  段春伟 《施工技术》2007,36(5):80-82
结合工程实例从粘结机理、保温层受力情况、安全系数等方面进行了讨论,初步分析了墙体外墙外保温外饰面贴砖的安全性,提出了在施工中应采取的质量控制措施。  相似文献   
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