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Molecular beam epitaxy technique has been used to grow double layer heterostructure mercury cadmium telluride materials on silicon substrates for infrared detection in the mid-wavelength infrared transmission band. Test structures containing square diodes with variable areas from 5.76 × 10−6 cm2 to 2.5×10−3 cm2 are fabricated on them. The p on n planar architecture is achieved by selective arsenic ion implantation. The absorber layer characteristics for the samples studied here include a full width at half maximum of 100–120 arcsec from x-ray rocking curve, the electron concentration of 1−2 × 1015 cm−3 and mobility 3−5 × 104 cm2/V-s, respectively at 80 K from Hall measurements. The minority carrier lifetime measured by photoconductive decay measurements at 80 K varied from 1 to 1.2 μsec. A modified general model for the variable area I–V analysis is presented. The dark current-voltage measurements were carried out at 80 K and an analysis of the dependence of zero-bias impedance on the perimeter/area ratio based on bulk, surface generation-recombination, and lateral currents are presented. The results indicate state-of-the art performance of the diodes in the midwavelength infrared region.  相似文献   

Vehicular ad hoc networks known by their greatly active topology have given rise to new challenges related to routing protocols, issues of less concern in infrastructure-based networks or even in mobile ad hoc networks. Indeed, the high revocability of network topology makes the satisfaction of driver’s requirements very arduous, especially with multimedia applications that need strict quality of service (QoS) support. The main purpose of this paper is to promote real time video traffic by maximizing user gratification while keeping a good QoS. Thus, based on the well-known greedy perimeter stateless routing (GPSR) protocol, we propose a new approach called fuzzy geographical routing (FzGR) that incorporates two fuzzy logic usages. The first takes into consideration three input parameters of QoS: the delay, the size of buffer and the throughput, while it outputs a single relevant metric to prioritize the next-hop with lower concern. The other fuzzy system aims at preserving the concept of basic GPSR by considering the distance measure between each next-hop and the final destination. The proposal has been evaluated and compared to the GPSR using a rigorous metrics analysis regarding QoS and quality of experience. Our extensive experimental results using several simulators (e.g., NS-2, VanetMobiSim and Evalvid), show that FzGR has the ability to increase the performance of the network.

Today, the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are increasingly used in many applications, and in parallel the scientific researches to improve the features of such networks are accelerated. As the nodes are small components that suffer from very limited energy resources, several researches carried out at the MAC layer in order to minimize energy costs. The techniques based on periodic active/passive mode are energy efficient, but the node can not adapt the behavior of the transceiver according to the network traffic. Our approach aims to reduce the latency without increasing energy consumption. We propose to manage the radio in a dynamic way according to ON/OFF Markov model. The passage from passive to active mode is set according to the transition probability from OFF to ON state. Based on this probability, we give the period that the transceiver can stay in sleep mode. Through simulation we show that the proposed technique outperforms the well known MAC protocol for WSN.  相似文献   
This research explored the development of composite systems using konjac gum (KGM) and soy lecithin at concentrations of 1% KGM–0.01% lecithin and 1% KGM–0.2% lecithin. The study investigated the influence of both oral and artificial saliva on the rheological and tribological properties of these systems, as well as the lubrication on different friction surfaces with varying characteristics. It has been found that different friction surfaces exhibited distinct morphological features and roughness values, significantly impacting surface wettability when treated with saliva. The viscosity of KGM–lecithin composite systems increased slightly compared to KGM hydrogel. However, adding oral or artificial saliva led to a noticeable decrease in viscosity. Lecithin did not significantly alter the viscoelastic properties of KGM gel, but the incorporation of artificial and oral saliva introduced some changes. CLSM images showed that the stability and distribution of lecithin within the composite system varied with lecithin concentration and saliva type, with artificial saliva ensuring a stable and even distribution, while oral saliva caused aggregation and irregular distribution. Furthermore, the study found that the lubrication performance of the KGM-lecithin system was influenced by the properties of the friction surface, with hydrophilic rough surfaces providing superior lubrication compared to rough surfaces. The addition of lecithin enhanced lubrication across all tested surfaces, and artificial saliva surpassed oral saliva in reducing friction coefficients. These findings offer valuable insights into the potential use of KGM-lecithin composite systems as fat mimetics, particularly in enhancing lubrication for various applications.  相似文献   
This paper is a comparative study on the preparation techniques used to make the support layer of polyamide-thin-film composite forward osmosis (TFC-FO) membranes. The role played by the support layer preparation technique in membrane performance is thoroughly investigated in this study. Electrospinning is shown to produce membranes of lower structural parameter compared to those obtained by conventional phase inversion techniques. The electrospun polyamide selective layer can also be tailored with the required properties. This makes electrospinning a promising process to design efficient FO membrane substrates. It is shown in this work that the FO water flux is more dependent on the internal structure of the support layer than the preparation materials. The main challenge remaining for substrates to operate in FO is to achieve simultaneously a low structural parameter, a high surface porosity, and the required mechanical properties. As most of today's approaches are not suitable, further materials development is essential in future investigations on TFC-FO membranes.  相似文献   
This review aims at better understanding the genetics of endometriosis. Endometriosis is a frequent feminine disease, affecting up to 10% of women, and characterized by pain and infertility. In the most accepted hypothesis, endometriosis is caused by the implantation of uterine tissue at ectopic abdominal places, originating from retrograde menses. Despite the obvious genetic complexity of the disease, analysis of sibs has allowed heritability estimation of endometriosis at ~50%. From 2010, large Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS), aimed at identifying the genes and loci underlying this genetic determinism. Some of these loci were confirmed in other populations and replication studies, some new loci were also found through meta-analyses using pooled samples. For two loci on chromosomes 1 (near CCD42) and chromosome 9 (near CDKN2A), functional explanations of the SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) effects have been more thoroughly studied. While a handful of chromosome regions and genes have clearly been identified and statistically demonstrated as at-risk for the disease, only a small part of the heritability is explained (missing heritability). Some attempts of exome sequencing started to identify additional genes from families or populations, but are still scarce. The solution may reside inside a combined effort: increasing the size of the GWAS designs, better categorize the clinical forms of the disease before analyzing genome-wide polymorphisms, and generalizing exome sequencing ventures. We try here to provide a vision of what we have and what we should obtain to completely elucidate the genetics of this complex disease.  相似文献   
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