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The need for reliable measurement of droplet velocities and droplet size has increased with the more widespread use of water mist systems. Two optical measuring techniques have been investigated, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and phase Doppler anemometry (PDA). Measurements have been performed on two high-pressure nozzles, a hollow cone nozzle and a full cone nozzle. Both methods performed well close to the nozzle and further away from the nozzle. In the intermediate region the results obtained with PIV are biased against the larger droplets. The two methods complement each other, PIV giving the instantaneous velocity field and PDA giving both the droplet velocity and droplet size at a point. The measurement indicates that higher throw length can be archived with a full cone nozzle compared to the hollow cone nozzle, if both nozzles have the same cone angle and flow rate. 相似文献
A particular version of a spectral integrator has been designed. It consists of a xenon lamp whose light is dispersed into a color spectrum by dispersing prisms. Using a transmissive LCD panel controlled by a computer, certain fractions of the light in different parts of the spectrum are masked out. The remaining transmitted light is integrated and projected onto a translucent diffusing plate. A spectroradiometer that measures the generated light is also attached to the computer, thus making the spectral integrator a closed-loop system. An algorithm for generating the light of a specified spectral power distribution has been developed. The resulting measured spectra differ from the specified ones with relative rms errors in the range of 1%-20% depending on the shape of the spectral power distribution. 相似文献
I Lygren LP Andersen F Lerang PM Kleveland P Farup M Vatn I Aursnes 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,118(29):4511-4514
The article presents information gained from a survey among Norwegian hospitals in March 1997 concerning their treatment of infections with Helicobacter pylori. Altogether 52 hospitals answered the questionnaire. A combination of proton pump inhibitors, metronidazole and clarithromycin was used by 59% as first choice and urea quick test (94%) and urea breath test (42%) as the primary diagnostic procedures, whereas serology was in little use (17%). Besides ordinary ulcer disease, indications for treatment were: ulcer induced by non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (79%), gastrooesophageal reflux (37%), non-ulcer dyspepsia (14%) and cancer prophylaxis (14%). The gastro group at the Department of Pharmacotherapeutics at the University of Oslo invited specialists from all health regions to discuss indications for treatment of H pylori, the diagnosis and the role of general practitioners. The extensive use of clarithromycin might be doubtful due to development of resistance. Indications for treatment of H pylori other than ulcer disease and mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma are still uncertain. Uncritical use of serological tests in primary care should be discouraged. At present there is no uniform strategy for the diagnosis and treatment of H pylori infection, and a coordinated strategy between general practitioners and specialists is needed. 相似文献
Effects of transference work in the context of therapeutic alliance and quality of object relations.
H?glend Per; Hersoug Anne Grete; B?gwald Kjell-Petter; Amlo Svein; Marble Alice; S?rbye ?ystein; R?ssberg Jan Ivar; Ulberg Randi; Gabbard Glen O.; Crits-Christoph Paul 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,79(5):697
Objective: Transference interpretation is considered as a core active ingredient in dynamic psychotherapy. In common clinical theory, it is maintained that more mature relationships, as well as a strong therapeutic alliance, may be prerequisites for successful transference work. In this study, the interaction between quality of object relations, transference interpretation, and alliance is estimated. Method: One hundred outpatients seeking psychotherapy for depression, anxiety, and personality disorders were randomly assigned to 1 year of weekly sessions of dynamic psychotherapy with transference interpretation or to the same type and duration of treatment, but without the use of transference interpretation. Quality of Object Relations (QOR)–lifelong pattern was evaluated before treatment (P. H?glend, 1994). The Working Alliance Inventory (A. O. Horvath & L. S. Greenberg, 1989; T. J. Tracey & A. M. Kokotovic, 1989) was rated in Session 7. The primary outcome variable was the Psychodynamic Functioning Scales (P. H?glend et al., 2000), measured at pretreatment, posttreatment, and 1 year after treatment termination. Results: A significant Treatment Group × Quality of Object Relations × Alliance interaction was present, indicating that alliance had a significantly different impact on effects of transference interpretation, depending on the level of QOR. The impact of transference interpretation on psychodynamic functioning was more positive within the context of a weak therapeutic alliance for patients with low quality of object relations. For patients with more mature object relations and high alliance, the authors observed a negative effect of transference work. Conclusion: The specific effects of transference work was influenced by the interaction of object relations and alliance, but in the direct opposite direction of what is generally maintained in mainstream clinical theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Cato Alexander Bjørkli Kjell Ivar Øvergård Bjarte Knappen Røed Thomas Hoff 《Cognition, Technology & Work》2007,9(2):67-80
The control situation framework presented by Petersen (Cogn Technol Work 6(4):266–274, 2004) is elaborated upon in the context of military high-speed craft navigation. An observational study was done on a military navigational exercise in Indre Folda, a stretch of particularly demanding confined waters in Norway. The concept of control strategies is presented as a term related to how navigators choose to take out the control possibilities present in the system. Control actions are viewed as actions that fix the control demands and control possibilities over longer time-scales. Control strategies are different from control actions in that they continuously alter the control demands and control possibilities through its execution. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Severe and therapy-resistant pruritus is the most prominent feature of macular (MA) and lichen (LA) amyloidosis that leads to further amyloid deposition by recurrent frictional trauma to the epidermis. Of the various therapeutic modalities with variable success, the most encouraging and beneficial effect has been observed with topical dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) therapy. In a previous study, we achieved marked clinical improvement in nine of 10 patients in a daily treatment regimen over 6-20 weeks, but relapses occurred in the post-treatment follow-up period. The aims of this study are to investigate whether the patients would benefit from intermittent therapy and to determine the optimal application interval of DMSO to maintain the relief of symptoms. METHODS: Thirteen patients with histopathologically verified cutaneous amyloidosis (five MA, two LA and six biphasic) were enrolled in the study. They were treated once daily with a 50 or 100% DMSO solution until pruritus disappeared. Then, DMSO was applied at increasing intervals until the widest effective application interval for maintenance of relief was reached. Patients were regularly followed-up by a scoring system for pruritus, papules, and pigmentation, control biopsies, photographs, blood biochemistry, and side-effects. RESULTS: The mean time required for the disappearance of pruritus was 4.1 weeks. Remarkable flattening of the papules was achieved after an average therapy period of 9 weeks. After a total therapy period of 6.5 months, a nearly 50% remission in pigmentation and >70% flattening of papules were achieved. The widest effective DMSO application interval was 8.6 days. The side-effects of therapy were contact urticaria, desquamation, burning sensation, and garlic-like breath odor, which were more prominent with the higher concentration of DMSO. In interval therapy, side-effects were tolerated more easily than in daily therapy. No reduction of amyloid deposits was revealed in control biopsies. CONCLUSIONS: Locally applied DMSO can break the vicious "pruritus-amyloid deposition-pruritus" cycle in patients with MA and LA. In addition to its daily use, interval therapy seems to maintain this effect and enables patients to tolerate side-effects more easily. 相似文献