Current magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) axon diameter measurements rely on the pulsed gradient spin-echo sequence, which is unable to provide diffusion times short enough to measure small axon diameters. This study combines the AxCaliber axon diameter fitting method with data generated from Monte Carlo simulations of oscillating gradient spin-echo sequences (OGSE) to infer micron-sized axon diameters, in order to determine the feasibility of using MRI to infer smaller axon diameters in brain tissue.
Materials and methods
Monte Carlo computer simulation data were synthesized from tissue geometries of cylinders of different diameters using a range of gradient frequencies in the cosine OGSE sequence . Data were fitted to the AxCaliber method modified to allow the new pulse sequence. Intra- and extra-axonal water were studied separately and together.
The simulations revealed the extra-axonal model to be problematic. Rather than change the model, we found that restricting the range of gradient frequencies such that the measured apparent diffusion coefficient was constant over that range resulted in more accurate fitted diameters. Thus a careful selection of frequency ranges is needed for the AxCaliber method to correctly model extra-axonal water, or adaptations to the method are needed. This restriction helped reduce the necessary gradient strengths for measurements that could be performed with parameters feasible for a Bruker BG6 gradient set. For these experiments, the simulations inferred diameters as small as 0.5 μm on square-packed and randomly packed cylinders. The accuracy of the inferred diameters was found to be dependent on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), with smaller diameters more affected by noise, although all diameter distributions were distinguishable from one another for all SNRs tested.
The results of this study indicate the feasibility of using MRI with OGSE on preclinical scanners to infer small axon diameters.
This paper presents a contingency screening method and a framework for its on-line implementation. The proposed method carries out contingency screening and on-line stability assessment with respect to first-swing transient stability. For that purpose, it utilizes the single machine equivalent method and aims at improving the prior developed contingency screening approaches. In order to determine vulnerability of the system with respect to a particular contingency, only one time-domain simulation needs to be performed. An early stop criteria is proposed so that in a majority of the cases the simulation can be terminated after a few hundred milliseconds of simulated system response. The method’s outcome is an assessment of the system’s stability and a classification of each considered contingency. The contingencies are categorized by exploiting parameters of an equivalent one machine infinite bus system. A novel island detection approach, appropriate for an on-line application since it utilizes efficient algorithms from graph theory and enables stability assessment of individual islands, is also introduced. The New England and New York system as well as the large-scale model of the Continental-European interconnected system are used to test the proposed method with respect to assessment accuracy and computation time. 相似文献
In contrast to traditional projects, which are assumed to be fully specified and then executed with little learning anticipated, complex projects cannot be fully specified at the outset and require continuous learning over their life cycles. Nevertheless, the key role of knowledge formation and learning in managing complex projects is under-developed for expanding project capability boundaries to include knowledge uncertainty and indeterminacy. 相似文献
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - Equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) of 49Fe-49Co-2V, also known as Hiperco® 50A or Permendur-2V, greatly improves the strength and ductility of... 相似文献
The present investigations focused on the thermal oxidation of two variants of MAR-M246 alloy having the same contents of Ta and Nb in at. pct, considering the effects of total replacement of Ta by Nb. The alloys were produced by investment casting using high purity elements in induction furnace under vacuum atmosphere. The alloys were oxidized pseudo-isothermally at 800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C up to 1000 hours under lab air. Protective oxidation products growing on the surface of the oxidized samples were mainly Al2O3, Cr2O3. Other less protective oxide such as spinels (NiCr2O4 and CoCr2O4) and TiO2 were also detected as oxidation products. The conventional alloy exhibited slight internal oxidation at 800 °C and an enhanced resistance at 900 °C and 1000 °C. The Nb-modified alloy presented an exacerbated internal oxidation and nitridation at 900 °C and 1000 °C and an enhanced resistance at 800 °C. At 1000 °C, Nb-modified alloy was particularly affected by excessive spalling as the main damage mechanisms. From a kinetic point of view, both alloys exhibit the same behavior at 800 °C and 900 °C, with kp values typical of alumina forming alloys (2 × 10−14 to 3.6 × 10−13 g2 cm−4 s−1). However, Ta modified alloys exhibited superior oxidation resistance at 1000 °C when compared to the Nb modified alloy due to better adherence of the protective oxide scale.
Oriented materials are of great importance, but their formation is rarely described. Here, nine Al/Al2O3 systems were designed to identify the dominant factors. Electron back-scattered diffraction indicates that the new Al crystal(s) with one or multiple orientation(s) can be stimulated by one single-crystal Al2O3 substrates. Synchrotron radiation diffraction shows that the preferred orientation(s) is/are determined based on the initial stage of the liquid–solid transition. The nonpreferred orientation can be suppressed through competition.
The scheduling of maintenance for water distribution systems is a complex task encompassing a wide range of alternatives. The methodology presented in this paper can consider the major piping alternatives of replacing and cleaning, and relining. It also considers the potential of pumping improvements while accounting for the costs of maintenance, failure and operations for a multiple-period planning horizon. To solve the problem a nonlinear optimization model is linked with a network simulation model. The application showed that the procedure can determine solutions in reasonable times. 相似文献
Vehicle legislation for safety and emission control is led by the USA where half the world's cars and one‐third of the world's road deaths are found. The 1975/6 standards will cause confrontations between industry and government in the U.S.A. and have costly implications for the American people. The rest of the world is affected by what happens in the U.S.A. but for language and other reasons fragmented laws are normal with conflicting requirements for manufacturers who supply the many markets. The greatest force for harmonization of legislation may be the enlarged Common Market including, as it does, the four major European Car manufacturing countries. The Common Market Commission may displace WP 29 of the United Nations as the leading law‐making body. Type approval is the compliance system used in Europe, but the growth in scope of safety and other legislation is bringing into focus a weakness of the system which is reducing production efficiency to an alarming degree. American style self‐certification is not acceptable to European governments. 相似文献
The effect of a number of dietary and synthetic chelating agents on the intestinal absorption of lead has been examined using the everted sac preparation and the tracer isotope 203Pb. All the agents examined increased lead transport into the serosal compartment. An explanation of the way in which these agents modify the model to describe lead transport is proposed. 相似文献
The 24‐hour LC 50 of the nauplii of Thermocyclops hyalinus using Abate CE 200 solution was 0.23 ppm., while the 24‐hour LC 50 of both the copepodite and adult stages was 0.2 ppm. The numbers of drifting zooplanktonic Microcrustacea in the White Volta increased in numbers during the months of March, April, May, June and July in the dry season. The increase in numbers in the post‐sunset samples related to the vertical migration of the zoqplankton in the reservoir upstream. The aerial weekly application of Abate CE 200 solutions at very high lethal concentrations did not seem to affect the Microcrustacea population probably because (a) Microcrustacea drifting into the reservoir from upstream sustained populations in the reservoir; (b) Microcrustacea living at the banks of the reservoir escaped the abate effect flowing downstream; and (c) spraying was done around noon, when the majority of the zooplankton population had migrated to the bottom of the reservoir. 相似文献