Radial freezing experiments on wastewater models were conducted in the presence of imposed stirring in order to remove impurities. The studied samples (dilute Na-montmorillonite suspensions charged with nitrates and with zinc or lead) were placed inside a cylindrical annulus, cooled at a controlled temperature around -7 degrees C at its inner wall which rotated around a vertical axis. The freezing front propagated toward the still outer wall which was maintained at a constant temperature around +1 degrees C. Thanks to stirring, considerable purification rates up to 99.97% were attained. It was also demonstrated that combining radial freezing and stirring ended in residual concentrations which agreed with drinking water standards. 相似文献
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - De nombreux exemples témoignent de la nécessité qu'il y a à connaître et, si possible, à prévoir... 相似文献
Titanium alloys are processed to develop a wide range of microstructure configurations and therefore material properties. While these properties are typically measured experimentally, a framework for property prediction could greatly enhance alloy design and manufacturing. Here a microstructure-sensitive framework is presented for the prediction of strength and ductility as well as estimates of the bounds in variability for these properties. The framework explicitly considers distributions of microstructure via new approaches for instantiation of structure in synthetic samples. The parametric evaluation strategy, including the finite element simulation package FEpX, is used to create and test virtual polycrystalline samples to evaluate the variability bounds of mechanical properties in Ti-6Al-4V. Critical parameters for the property evaluation framework are provided by measurements of single crystal properties and advanced characterization of microstructure and slip system strengths in 2D and 3D. Property distributions for yield strength and ductility are presented, along with the validation and verification steps undertaken. Comparisons between strain localization and slip activity in virtual samples and in experimental grain-scale strain measurements are also discussed.
Analysing a schedule is beneficial to help stakeholders understand the scheduled project. Project schedules, which create time plans based on the critical path method (CPM) or on resource‐constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) optimization, are targets herein. The Theory of Constraints (TOC) treats a schedule as a system. Schedule elements are suspected constraints and a goal depends on the schedule creation policy. Resource information is further surveyed herein to identify true constraints. A framework is proposed to integrate identified constraints on a schedule, and the critical resource chain concept is introduced. Three scenarios illustrate the proposed framework under different scheduling considerations. Results explain schedule constraints, and several schedule analysis issues are discussed. 相似文献
How can architecture emerge from the prison of its current forms of representation? Grahame Shane11 D.G. Shane, “Balkanization and the Postmodern City,” in Peter Lang (ed.), Mortal City, New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1995, pp. 55-69. interprets the concluding diagram of Robin Evans' Projective Cast: Architecture and its Three Geometries22 Robin Evans, The Projective Cast: Architecture and Its Three Geometries, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995. as a critique of postmodern architecture's self-reflection and lack of engagement with the world. Shane argues that Evan's diagram depicts architectural representation as a self-reinforcing, closed, conceptual triangle of mirrored reflections between the human observer, the scopic regime of perspective, orthographic architectural drawing conventions, and designed objects. Shane draws his interpretation from Evans's early work on Victorian prison architecture as well as one of Evan's last public lectures. Shane characterized Evans' critical view of postmodern architectural practice and representation as a “self-correcting means of stabilization and pacification of the physical, built environment.”33 Shane, “Balkanization and the Postmodern City,” p. 68 This essay develops a theory of Cinemetrics that demonstrates how contemporary architectural production, with the aid of digital tools, has the capacity to break this closed system with open-ended, embodied cybernetic feed-back loops within a wider public culture engaged in the making and imagining of architecture.44 Brian McGrath and Jean Gardner, Cinemetrics: Architectural Drawing Today, London: Wiley-Academy, 2007. This essay argues that this break can only be accomplished by embodying architectural representation through a careful engagement with Gilles Deleuze's philosophy of movement and time images derived from cinema,55 Gilles Deleuze, Cinema 1: the movement image, Hugh Tomlinson and Habberjam (trans.), Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, 1986; Cinema 2: the time-image, Hugh Tomlinson and Robert Galeta (trans.), Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, 1989. Henri Bergson's theories of memory, attention and duration,66 Henri Bergson, Creative Evolution, Arthur Mitchell (trans.), Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1991; Henri Bergson, Matter and Memory, M.N. Paul and W.S. Palmer (trans.), New York: Zone Books, 1991. and from Charles Sanders Peirce's pragmatic semiosis.77 Charles Sanders Peirce, The Essential Peirce: Selected Philosophical Writings, Vol. 2 (1893-1913), Peirce Edition Project, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1998.相似文献