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中段目标进动雷达特征提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文总结了弹道导弹目标雷达识别的研究现状,推导了进动锥体目标对雷达波的姿态角计算公式,分析了目标RCS和姿态角的关系,使用进动锥体目标的RCS时间序列估计了目标进动参数和惯量比,使用惯量比作为特征,提出了识别弹头和诱饵的方法,最后给出了仿真结果。  相似文献   
蒋麦占 《变频器世界》2006,(1):108-112,115
本文介绍了电气设备发射的谐波电流大小以及与设备的哪些参数有关和如何估算大小,指明了近代出现电压型谐波源的谐波量更大,比较分析了单相负载中有不同的谐波源时,如何估算中性线电流IN的大小,简单介绍了谐波阻抗计算的难点所在。  相似文献   
介绍松下电器和松下电工变频器的发展及相应的故障处理。  相似文献   
一、引言 第三代移动通信主要是在传输声音和数据的速度上的提升,它能够处理图像、音乐、视频流等多种媒体形式,提供包括网页浏览、电话会议、电子商务等多种信息服务。  相似文献   
直接数字频率合成(DDS)是一种新型的频率合成技术。介绍了如何利用DDS技术来产生调频波形及其他的数字调制波形;阐述了一种新的适合于软件无线电实现的算法,即采用预先计算后存贮在贮存器中的波形来代替实时运算,直接合成数字调制波形(DWS);研究了一种压缩查找表的方法。此外,还对此算法在实现过程中遇到的截断误差、运算量和存贮量的问题进行了探讨。对于所提及的算法,给出了仿真结果。  相似文献   
采用电化学电容-电压(ECV)法对等离子体掺杂制备的Si超浅p n结进行了电学表征.通过对超浅p n结样品ECV测试和二次离子质谱(SIMS)测试及比较,发现用ECV测试获得的p 层杂质浓度分布及结深与SIMS测试结果具有良好的一致性,但ECV测试下层轻掺杂n型衬底杂质浓度受上层高浓度掺杂影响很大.ECV测试具有良好的可控性与重复性.对不同退火方法等离子体掺杂形成的超浅结样品的ECV系列测试结果表明,ECV能可靠地表征结深达10nm,杂质浓度达1021cm-3量级的Si超浅结样品,其深度分辨率可达纳米量级,它有望在亚65nm节点CMOS器件的超浅结表征中获得应用.  相似文献   
采用GaAs pin二极管,完成了15~40GHz的单刀单掷开关单片的设计、制作.GaAs pin二极管SPST开关单片具有低插损、高隔离、高功率的特点,在15~20GHz带内插损0.6dB,驻波优于1.5,隔离度大于40dB;在20~40GHz带内插损小于1.1dB,驻波优于1.35,隔离度大于35dB.pin二极管SPST开关单片的1dB功率压缩点P-1大于2W.GaAs pin二极管开关单片采用MOCVD生长的GaAs 纵向pin二极管材料结构,76mm GaAs圆片工艺加工制作.  相似文献   
The reliability of low-K flip-chip packaging has become a critical issue owing to the low strength and poor adhesion qualities of the low-K dielectric material when compared with that of SiO2 or fluorinated silicate glass (FSG). The underfill must protect the solder bumps and the low-K chip from cracking and delamination. However, the material properties of underfill are contrary to those required for preventing solder bumps and low-K chip from cracking and delamination. This study describes the systematic methodologies for how to specify the adequate underfill materials for low-K flip-chip packaging. The structure of the test vehicle is seven copper layers with a low-K dielectric constant value of 2.7-2.9, produced by the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. Initially, the adhesion and the flow test of the underfill were evaluated, and then the low-K chip and the bumps stress were determined using the finite element method. The preliminary screened underfill candidates were acquired by means of the underfill adhesion and flow test, and balancing the low-K chip and the bumps stress simulation results. Next, the low-K chips were assembled with these preliminary screened underfills. All the flip-chip packaging specimens underwent the reliability test in order to evaluate the material properties of the underfill affecting the flip-chip packaging stress. In addition, the failed samples are subjected to failure analysis to verify the failure mechanism. The results of this study indicate that, of the underfill materials investigated, those with a glass transition temperature (Tg) and a Young’s modulus of approximately 70–80 °C and 8–10 GPa, respectively, are optimum for low-K flip-chip packaging with eutectic solder bumps.  相似文献   
A polyaniline/polystyrene composite film with a lotus‐leaf‐like structure is prepared via a simple electrospinning method. The film shows stable superhydrophobicity and conductivity, even in many corrosive solutions, such as acidic or basic solutions over a wide pH range, and also in oxidizing solutions. The special surface composition and morphology are the two important aspects that induce such unusual properties. The polystyrene content can strongly influence the morphology of the composite films, which thus display different superhydrophobicities and conductivities.  相似文献   
The synthesis of three‐dimensionally ordered, transparent gold‐nanocrystal (NC)/silica superlattice thin films using the self‐assembly (by spin‐coating) of water‐soluble gold nanocrystal micelles and soluble silica is reported by Fan and co‐workers on p. 891. The robust, 3D NC/silica superlattice films are of interest for the development of collective optical and electronic phenomena, and, importantly, for the integration of NC arrays into device architectures. Nanocrystals and their ordered arrays hold many important applications in fields such as catalysis, surface‐enhanced Raman spectroscopy based sensors, memory storage, and electronic and optical nanodevices. Herein, a simple and general method to synthesize ordered, three‐dimensional, transparent gold nanocrystal/silica superlattice thin films by self‐assembly of gold nanocrystal micelles with silica or organosilsesquioxane by spin‐coating is reported. The self‐assembly process is conducted under acidic sol–gel conditions (ca. pH 2), ensuring spin‐solution homogeneity and stability and facilitating the formation of ordered and transparent gold nanocrystal/silica films. The monodisperse nanocrystals are organized within inorganic host matrices as a face‐centered cubic mesostructure, and characterized by transmission electron spectroscopy and X‐ray diffraction.  相似文献   
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