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Dr. W. Mack 《Acta Mechanica》1989,77(1-2):91-99
Summary The axisymmetric bulging of circular cylindrical rubber bars under end thrust is investigated. The results for different forms of the strain energy function are compared with experimental results.With 2 Figures 相似文献
Dr. A. Klar 《Computing》1995,55(3):207-221
We consider the numerical computation of nonlinear functionals of distribution functions approximated by point measures. Two methods are described and estimates for the speed of convergence as the number of points tends to infinity are given. Moreover, numerical results for the entropy functional are presented. 相似文献
Dr. J. Awrejcewicz 《Acta Mechanica》1989,77(1-2):111-120
Summary The paper presents an analysis of the transition from regular to chaotic motion in a Van der Pol-Duffing's oscillator with delay after a Hopf bifurcation. The conditions for the occurrence of the Hopf bifurcation have been determined by means of the approximate method. For the parameters near the bifurcation point a computer simulation of the vibrating system had been performed and the evolution of the system from regular motion to chaos has been analysed at the decrease of the value of the dimensionless damping coefficient.With 2 Figures 相似文献
Summary The MATMOD-4V-DISTORTION model has been derived [1] with the intent of improving the MATMOD-4V model by adding the capability to predict distortions of small strain offset yield surfaces. This model is compared against a variety of experimental data to verify its behavior. Model simulations are compared with experimental data for proportional and nonproportional prestress histories and the effect of yield definition is also investigated. Finally, the same model which predicts a flattening of the yield surface in
space is used to predict a rotation of the yield surface in 1-2 coordinates.With 9 Figures 相似文献
Dipl.-Ing. P. Raitsios Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Safacas 《Electrical Engineering (Archiv fur Elektrotechnik)》1992,75(6):411-417
Übersicht Die vorliegende Arbeit befaßt sich mit der gesamten Stromdichte- und Magnetfeldverteilung in vielen flachen leitenden Platten konstanter Permeabilität, die bei einer Anordnung aus diesen Platten und vielen parallelen stromführenden Leitern angeordnet in mehreren Lagen entsteht. Unter Anwendung der Maxwellschen Differentialgleichungen und durch Einführung des Vektorpotentials werden allgemeine Gleichungen für die Komponenten der magnetischen Induktion im zweidimensionalen Feldraum aufgestellt. Die Stromdichteverteilung in den leitenden Platten, in denen Wirbelströme entstehen, wird aus dem Vektorpotential hergeleitet. Zunächst werden die Platten unendlich lang angenommen und die entsprechenden Gleichungen in Integralform aufgestellt, für deren Lösung die Gauss-Laguerresche Methode angewandt wird. Dann werden die Platten beiderseits durch Eisenwände begrenzt, womit die Gleichungen unter Berücksichtigung der Randbedingungen in Summenform ausgedrückt werden.
Liste der Symbole A Vektorpotential - B Magnetische Induktion - I 1 Stromstärke eines Leiters - N 1 Anzahl der parallelen Leiter - N 2 Anzahl der parallelen Platten - Permeabilität des Plattenmaterials - r Relative Permeabilitätskonstante des Plattenmaterials - Leitfähigkeit - b Breite des Hauptstreukanals - i Stromdichte der Platten samt Wirbelströme - h 1 Höhe der Leiter - a 1 Breite der Leiterlagen - a Plattendicke - s Breite des Nebenstreukanals - c Abstand der letzten Platte von der Eisenwand - g Plattenhöhe - x, z, , Dimensionen - Q, K Integrationskonstanten - k ganze Zahl 相似文献
Distribution of current and magnetic field density in flat conductive plates in an array composed from plates and many parallel conductors
Contents In the present research work the overall distribution of current and magnetic field density in many flat plates of constant magnetic permeability has been investigated, which applies to an array composed from the flat plates and many parallel conductors installed in many layers. Use of Maxwell's differential equations and vector potential results in general equations for the components of magnetic density in two dimensional field space. The distribution of current density in the conductive plates, where eddy currents are taken into account, is obtained from the vector potential. Initially the flat plates are considered being of infinite length, and with appropriate arrangement of the boundary conditions, the model applies to flat plates limited to both sides by iron partitions. Examples are given for both cases, where for the plates of infinite length the Gauss-Laguerre method is applied.
Liste der Symbole A Vektorpotential - B Magnetische Induktion - I 1 Stromstärke eines Leiters - N 1 Anzahl der parallelen Leiter - N 2 Anzahl der parallelen Platten - Permeabilität des Plattenmaterials - r Relative Permeabilitätskonstante des Plattenmaterials - Leitfähigkeit - b Breite des Hauptstreukanals - i Stromdichte der Platten samt Wirbelströme - h 1 Höhe der Leiter - a 1 Breite der Leiterlagen - a Plattendicke - s Breite des Nebenstreukanals - c Abstand der letzten Platte von der Eisenwand - g Plattenhöhe - x, z, , Dimensionen - Q, K Integrationskonstanten - k ganze Zahl 相似文献
Prof. Dr. A. Kaveh 《Acta Mechanica》1986,62(1-4):189-196
Summary A combinatorial method is presented for examining the rigidity of planar structures. In this approach, an expansion process is used for the formation of a statically determinate substructure, known as a -tree of a structure. The algorithm of Lováz and Yemini, and the method of Sugihara are employed for the recognition of the elementary subgraphs, during this process.With 4 Figures 相似文献
Dr.Liebermann 《中国陶瓷》2002,38(6):1-5
6 各种电瓷结构分析实例证实结构的差别下面介绍各种电瓷结构分析的结果。从扫描电镜照片 (REM)的判读中可见到这些材料的差别。试样a:日本瓷绝缘子C1 1 0 /1 1 2 ,制造年代 1 997试样b :西门子瓷绝缘子C1 2 0 ,C1 3 0 ,制造年代 2 0 0 1试样c:高强度矾土瓷绝缘子 ,西门子 2 0 0 1开发陶瓷岩相试样的制备系经多级金刚石研磨和抛光以及化学浸蚀。为判定气孔状态 ,对磨片作了透光照片 ,在其光亮区放大倍数为 1 0 0∶1 ,而且扫描电镜照片放大倍数为2 0 0∶1。图 5a 试样a光片的LM(透光显微镜 )和REM(扫描电镜 )图象 ,放大倍… 相似文献