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Female wild black rhinoceroses in Zimbabwe were monitored non-invasively using faecal progesterone metabolite analysis and observation of reproductive behaviour. A postpartum period of reproductive inactivity of at least 4 months, followed by a period of 4-7 months of oestrous cyclicity, was detected in six multiparous females. Three-quarters of the oestrous cycles (n = 21) had a total duration (mean +/- SEM) of 26.8 +/- 1 days. Other types of cycle were characterized either by an extended luteal phase, lasting on average twice as long as the normal cycle, or by an extended follicular phase. These extended cycles may have resulted from early embryo loss and heat stress. Female rhinoceroses did not conceive before 8 months after giving birth and some females (n = 2) most likely aborted after 3.0-3.5 months of gestation. The detected period of cyclic oestrus occurred between May and March in females (n = 9), and there was a 3 month extended interoestrous interval in nulliparous females during the period of decreasing daylengths that can be presumed to be the period of poorest fertility for the black rhinoceros under tropical latitudes. In contrast, the period of optimum fertility in the Southern hemisphere coincided with the late spring and early summer, and corresponded to the early rainy season. As a result, a higher incidence of births was detected in the late rainy season, providing the lactating female with the most suitable environment in terms of nutritional requirements.  相似文献   
Secondary structure prediction: combination of three different methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A combination of three complementary secondary structure predictionmethods is presented. The methods used are the GOR III method,the Homologue method and a new method, the bit pattern method,which is based on hydrophilic/hydrophobic residue patterns.For this purpose a hydropathy scale was developed and is presentedhere. The combination algorithm (Combine method) was designedto take the best results of each method and use their differencesin order to improve the prediction. The combination yields 65.5%correctly predicted residues in three states: -helix (H), ß-strand(E) and aperiodic structure (C) which is an improvement rangingfrom 2.5 to 6.5% compared with the individual methods when testedwith a 67-polypeptide chain database. Seventy-five per centof the regular secondary structure (H and E) runs are correctlylocated and ß-sheet runs are much better located bythe Combine method in comparison to the other methods.  相似文献   
In order to point out the effect of the second metal in platinum-based catalysts, a synthesis method by colloidal route derived from that of Bönnemann was used to prepare non-alloyed Pt1−xCrx/C electrocatalysts active towards the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). The non-alloyed character of the catalysts was showed by XRD analysis. The Pt/Cr electrocatalyst having an nominal atomic ratio, as determined by EDX then corresponding to bulk composition and not surface composition, close to (0.8:0.2) showed higher activity for ORR in methanol-free oxygen saturated electrolyte, whereas the catalyst having an atomic ratio of (0.7:0.3) displayed higher activity for ORR at low overpotentials in saturated oxygen electrolyte containing 0.1 M methanol.Correlation of XRD and electrochemical results allows us to point out the effect of electronic interactions in catalyst activity towards ORR. It was also shown that adding chromium to platinum does not alter the reaction mechanism of oxygen reduction, and that in presence of low methanol concentration, the ORR occurs via the four-electron process according to the same mechanism as in methanol-free solution.  相似文献   
Despite the existence of a number of published results, the data on the solubility of carbon in alpha iron are still inaccurate. An analysis of published experimental results shows that available values vary greatly (between 50 and 100 ppm by wt, for example, at 600 °C). These discrepancies make it difficult to optimize the metallurgical processes of low-carbon or ultralow-carbon alloys. An experimental methodology, using the measurement of the thermo-electric power (TEP) of the alloy, was set up. This enabled us to deduce the quantity of free interstitials in the matrix by measuring the amount of interstitials which segregate on dislocations after a deformation of the sample. This technique was used in the case of an Al-killed steel containing 0.2 pct Mn. The limit of solubility of carbon was determined with a precision of ±2 ppm between 550 °C and 730 °C. This limit of solubility can be analytically described by the relation C(wt pct)=6.63 exp (−11.8kcal·mol −1/RT), which is shown to be valid only for temperatures above 400 °C. We show experimentally that the residual concentration of carbon at low temperature is much greater than the value predicted by the extrapolation of this relation. Complementary studies on steels with various C and Mn contents allow us to verify the validity of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   
In this study, we developed a high-throughput antifungal activity screening method using a cheese-mimicking matrix distributed in 24-well plates. This method allowed rapid screening of a large variety of antifungal agent candidates: bacterial fermented ingredients, bacterial isolates, and preservatives. Using the proposed method, we characterized the antifungal activity of 44 lactic acid bacteria (LAB) fermented milk-based ingredients and 23 LAB isolates used as protective cultures against 4 fungal targets (Mucor racemosus, Penicillium commune, Galactomyces geotrichum, and Yarrowia lipolytica). We also used this method to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration of a preservative, natamycin, against 9 fungal targets. The results underlined the strain-dependency of LAB antifungal activity, the strong effect of fermentation substrate on this activity, and the effect of the screening medium on natamycin minimum inhibitory concentration. Our method could achieved a screening rate of 1,600 assays per week and can be implemented to evaluate antifungal activity of microorganisms, fermentation products, or purified compounds compatible with dairy technology.  相似文献   
The safety of gas cooled reactors (High Temperature Reactors (HTR), Very High Temperature Reactors (VHTR) or Gas Cooled Fast Reactors (GFR)) must be ensured by systems (active or passive) which maintain loads on component (fuel) and structures (vessel, containment) within acceptable limits under accidental conditions. To achieve this objective, thermal–hydraulics computer codes are necessary tools to design, enhance the performance and ensure a high safety level of the different reactors. Some key safety questions are related to the evaluation of decay heat removal and containment pressure and thermal loads. This requires accurate simulations of conduction, convection, thermal radiation transfers and energy storage. Coupling with neutronics is also an important modeling aspect for the determination of representative parameters such as neutronics coefficient (Doppler coefficient, Moderator coeffcient, …), critical position of control rods, reactivity insertion aspects, …. For GFR, the high power density of the core and its necessary reduced dimension cannot rely only on passive systems for decay heat removal. Therefore, forced convection using active safety systems (gas blowers, heat exchangers, …) are highly recommended. Nevertheless, in case of station black-out, the safety demonstration of the concept should be guaranteed by natural circulation heat removal. This could be performed by keeping a relatively high back-up pressure for pure helium convection and also by heavy gas injection. So, it is also necessary to model mixing of different gases, the on-set of natural convection and the pressure and thermal loads onto the proximate or guard containment. In this paper, we report on the developments of the CAST3M/ARCTURUS thermal–hydraulics (Lumped Parameter and CFD) code developed at CEA, including its coupling to the neutronics code CRONOS2 and the system code CATHARE. Elementary validation cases are detailed, as well as application of the code to benchmark problems such as the HTR-10 thermal–hydraulic exercise. Examples of containment thermal–hydraulics calculations for fast reactor design (GFR) are also detailed.  相似文献   
This retrospective long-term study analyzes the clinical function, failures, and radiographic status of 131 Richards Series 2 prostheses in total hip arthroplasties (THAs) performed during 1981 and 1982. After a minimum follow-up period of 11 years, the results were evaluated. Sixty two (54%) patients with 71 THAs were available for follow-up; 44 (38%) patients with 49 THAs had died. Three patients with three THAs were lost to follow-up, and seven patients with eight THAs were unable to participate in the examination due to causes not related to their present hip status. Ten patients underwent revision THA during the observation period. The median hip functional index (HFI) was 8.6 preoperatively and 15.8 at follow-up. Hip functional index correlated to radiographic signs of loosening. With revision as endpoint, the Kaplan-Meier survivorship for all 131 hips was 93% after 10 years and 91% after 12 years. The radiographic examination at follow-up revealed 5 (8%) definite loose cups and 12 (19%) definite loose stems. Including the number of aseptic loosened cups and stems confirmed at revision, aseptic loosening was found in 6% of all cups and 13% of all stems. This radiographic evaluation confirmed that lack of containment of the cup and varus position of the stem were factors influencing the long-term stability of the prostheses, whereas etiology, type of arthritis, and ectopic ossification did not. A fixation and stability score that was modified for cemented prostheses was developed and was of value in detecting the prostheses at risk. The long-term results of the Richards Series 2 THA are acceptable and comparable with other long-term studies on conventional prosthetic designs. Ten percent to 20% revision THAs due to aseptic loosening can be expected. In addition, patients younger than age 60 at surgery and especially men were found to belong to a high-risk group with regard to revision THA. These patients must be evaluated carefully so that revision THA can be performed before the bone bed is destroyed.  相似文献   
The thermal behavior of hollow conductive particles filled in epoxy resin has been investigated using 3D finite element computation. The effect of the filler concentrations associated with the particle/matrix interfacial resistance on the effective thermal conductivity of the composites was considered. The relationship between the out-of-plane effective thermal conductivity, the wall thickness of the hollow particles, and the ratio of the thermal conductivities of the filler to the matrix material were also taken into account. The numerical results show an increase of the effective thermal conductivity with increasing wall thickness of the hollow particles. However, for a large contact resistance and/or for a high effective thermal conductivity, it is shown that the contact resistance has a dominant influence on the effective thermal conductivity of the composites. The numerical results were also compared to some well-known analytical effective thermal conductivity models.  相似文献   
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