We developed a dual-probe (DP) atomic force microscopy (AFM) system that has two independently controlled probes. The deflection of each cantilever is measured by the optical beam deflection (OBD) method. In order to keep a large space over the two probes for an objective lens with a large numerical aperture, we employed the OBD sensors with obliquely incident laser beams. In this paper, we describe the details of our developed DP-AFM system, including analysis of the sensitivity of the OBD sensor for detection of the cantilever deflection. We also describe a method to eliminate the crosstalk caused by the vertical translation of the cantilever. In addition, we demonstrate simultaneous topographic imaging of a test sample by the two probes and surface potential measurement on an α-sexithiophene (α-6T) thin film by one probe while electrical charges were injected by the other probe. 相似文献
We recently reported the analysis of the frequency noise in the frequency modulation atomic force microscopy (FM-AFM) both in high-Q and low-Q environments [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 043708 (2009)]. We showed in the paper that the oscillator noise, the frequency fluctuation of the oscillator, becomes prominent in the modulation frequency lower than f(0)∕2Q, where f(0) and Q are the resonance frequency and Q-factor. The magnitude of the oscillator noise is determined by the slope of the phase versus frequency curve of the cantilever at f(0). However, in actual FM-AFM in liquids, the phase versus frequency curve may not be always ideal because of the existence of various phase shifting elements (PSEs). For example, the spurious resonance peaks caused by the acoustic excitation and a band-pass filter in the self-oscillation loop increase the slope of the phase versus frequency curve. Due to those PSEs, the effective Q-factor is often increased from the intrinsic Q-factor of the cantilever. In this article, the frequency noise in the FM-AFM system with the PSEs in the self-oscillation loop is analyzed to show that the oscillator noise is reduced by the increase of the effective Q-factor. It is also shown that the oscillation frequency deviates from the resonance frequency due to the increase of the effective Q-factor, thereby causing the reduction in the frequency shift signal with the same factor. Therefore the increase of the effective Q-factor does not affect the signal-to-noise ratio in the frequency shift measurement, but it does affect the quantitativeness of the measured force in the FM-AFM. Furthermore, the reduction of the frequency noise and frequency shift by the increase of the effective Q-factor were confirmed by the experiments. 相似文献
Ordered structures of barium titanate (BT) nanocubes, strontium titanate (ST) nanocubes and BT/ST nanocubes mixture were directly fabricated on Si and Pt-coated Si substrates using a capillary force assisted assembly method. The morphology of self-assembled structures was observed using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and scanning probe microscopy (SPM). It was revealed that nanocubes were arranged with various degrees of ordering to develop multilayer and monolayer regions at the surface of substrates. The elemental mapping of the structure consisting of the nanocubes mixture was also investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). It was revealed that BT and ST nanocubes coexisted homogeneously in the structure and had possibility to be arranged in order to each other. The piezoresponse properties obtained by scanning probe microscopy (SPM) indicated that the hetero-interface between BT and ST nanocubes would introduce anomaly in piezoelectric properties. 相似文献
The activity of Rh/CeO2 for NO reduction by C3H6 was gradually deceased by mixing with ZrO2 until 68 mol%. Rh supported on CeO2–ZrO2 with higher OSC was found to show lower catalytic activity. High OSC of CeO2–ZrO2 would probably stabilize the surface of Rh in oxidized state, resulting in low activity and low efficiency of C3H6 utilization for NO reduction. In situ FT-IR spectroscopy suggested that mononitrosyl species such as Rh(NO)δ? and Rh(NO)δ+ are reaction intermediates in the NO–C3H6–O2 reaction over Rh/CeO2–ZrO2 catalysts. 相似文献
Research and development of firefighters’ protective clothing relies on a large number of fire disaster experiments in order to assess the thermal performance. It would be substantially advantageous to substitute a virtual numerical experiment for a real one in terms of time, cost and safety. The present article reports the development of an integrated numerical simulator that makes possible the estimation of burn injuries originating from fire disasters. In the simulator, a general-purpose computational fluid dynamics program computes the fluid flow and heat transfer in an in situ fire event, while a one-dimensional program calculates the radiative–conductive heat transfer through the clothing and human skin. A data interface combines the two simulations by loose coupling so as to give the real-time burn injury progress output. The predicted surface heat fluxes and burn degrees agree with experimental measurements reasonably well. Possible numerical error sources are discussed that call for potential improvements in the future. 相似文献
The antioxidant activities of 9H-xanthene-2,7-diols and α-tocopherol were studied during the oxidation of linoleic acid in a homogeneous solution and in an
aqueous micelle dispersion. The antioxidant activities of 9H-xanthene-2,7-diols for both systems were 1.0–2.4 times greater relative to α-tocopherol. In addition, the 1,3,4,5,6,8-hexamethylxanthene-2,7-diol
showed less cytotoxicity toward human fibroblasts than did 2,6-di-t-butyl-4-methylphenol. 相似文献
The ultrasonic attenuation of the excitonic state in pure Bi in high magnetic fields is studied theoretically. Use is made of the mean-field approximation to describe the excitonic state in pure Bi in the extreme quantum limit, where the motion of the electron and the hole is limited only in the direction parallel to the magnetic field. The attenuation constant of the longitudinal sound has a broad peak below the excitonic transition temperatureTcand then decreases rapidly as the temperature decreases, which agrees qualitatively with a recent observation by Sakaiet al.相似文献
We calculate the complex conductivity of a superconducting thin film in a tilted magnetic field. Use is made of the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations to deal with the dynamical behavior of the order parameter associated with the vortex motion in response to the microwave. The reactive part of the conductivity at zero frequency vanishes identically due to the vortex motion and the conductivity resembles that in the flux-flow regime of the type-II superconductor, unless the dc magnetic field is parallel to the film surface with high precision. 相似文献
4S reactor is a sodium-cooled fast reactor developed as a small-decentralized power supply. The name of “4S” in this reactor stands for Super-Safe, Small and Simple, and they show representative features of the reactor.
The purpose of the present work is to evaluate quantitatively the super-safety of 4S reactor, and the safety performance is analyzed with ARGO-3, which is a plant dynamics code of a sodium-cooled fast reactor.
In this evaluation, some events, such as Unprotected Loss of Flow (ULOF) and Unprotected Transient Overpower (UTOP), are selected as typical cases from various transients and accidents. After metrics concerned with safety design is defined for each event, it is evaluated with statistical methods whether each metric satisfies acceptance criteria in a given criteria level.
Result about ULOF is as follows. The coolant temperature in the nominal hottest assembly outlet, “Tc” is selected as metric, and the upper side value of 95% confidential section in Tc is below 900 °C that is acceptance criteria. Also in UTOP, it is shown that the fuel maximum temperature in the nominal hottest assembly, “Tf” satisfies acceptance criteria. This result shows that 4S reactor has margin for safety acceptance criteria. 相似文献