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Nine electric power companies in Japan have been collecting lightning data with lightning location systems. Five years of the lightning data (2009–2013) are summarized and analyzed in this paper. The recent annual number of lightning flashes of which the current is more than 10 kA in Japan is around 1 million. The variations of lightning occurrence characteristics by areas, seasons, and so on, are clarified. Meteorological conditions that may affect lightning occurrence are also discussed. Furthermore, we show that there is a clear correlation between the number of lightning strikes and the outage rate of transmission lines. © 2016 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Abstract — This paper proposes a new process to manufacture cover glass that overcomes a strength trade‐off between the face and the edge. In the process, alkali barrier films are deposited on glass faces before an ion exchange process in order to control face stress properties without inhibiting the edge strengthening. As a demonstration of the process, alkali‐alumino‐silicate glass sheets with sputter‐deposited SiO2 films were chemically strengthened, and then their stress properties and strengths were investigated. As a result, thicker SiO2 films cause lower face DOL (depth of strengthened layer), and it is observed that the faces have lower DOL than the edges. In strength tests corresponding to major fracture modes of smartphone cover glass, specimens with 80–100 nm films have more balanced face performance and better edge impact strengths than the no‐film specimen.  相似文献   
Developing trans-free alternative fat solutions suitable for specific applications remains a challenge in edible fats and other domains. This is particularly true for palm oil-based puff pastry margarines, which suffer from post crystallization problems, leading to dramatic loss of functionality. This research is aimed at investigating the influence of triacylglycerol (TAG) compositions of palm oil-based puff pastry margarines on the physical properties of the fat crystal network, which determine the functionality of such products. Three model puff pastry margarines are produced at pilot scale under the same crystallization conditions. They share the same fatty acid composition and close solid fat content (SFC) profiles, whereas the proportions of major TAG (tripalmitoylglycerol (PPP), 1,3-di-palmitoyl-2-oleoylglycerol (POP), 1,2-di-palmitoyl-3-oleoylglycerol (PPO), 1,2-dioleoyl-3-palmitoylglycerol (POO)) are different. Polymorphism, melting profile, hardness, microscopic structures, and baking performance (puffing effect) of the model fats are examined during a period of 6 months. The following results are obtained: 1) The TAG composition significantly influences the post crystallization processes occurring in palm oil-based margarines. 2) High amounts of POP show negative influences. 3) The proportions of POP, PPO, and PPP should be carefully balanced to prevent detrimental crystal network rearrangements, leading to textural modifications (hardness increase) and significant reduction in baking performance. Practical Applications : The results presented in this work could be helpful for edible fat products developers, especially for roll-in fat applications. This research provides an overview of the relevant properties to study for the assessment of puff pastry margarine functionality. It also highlights the importance of ensuring long-term stability of palm oil-based fat products. Finally, it emphasizes that certain combinations of fat materials should be avoided to maintain the quality of palm oil-based puff pastry margarines.  相似文献   
In a consecutive series of 146 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), 10 patients (6.8%) were found to have one or two extrahepatic malignancies (EHM). Of these, eight had double cancers and two, triple cancers. The associated malignancies included eight cases of gastric cancer and four cases of colon cancer. Among the 12 lesions, eight were in the early stage. All the 10 patients were hepatitis B surface antigen negative. The incidence of coexisting liver cirrhosis and the retention rate of indocyanin green in 15 minutes among HCCs with EHM were significantly lower than those among HCC alone. These results suggest that the etiology of HCC with EHM is different from the etiology of HCC alone in Japan.  相似文献   
The rates of melt crystallization and phase transformation of three polymorphs of tripalmitin were examined by optical microscopy, X-ray diffractometry and DSC with and without surfactant additives (sorbitan mono- and tristearates). The following results were obtained: (a) Crystallization rate increased in order ofα, β′ andβ; (b) transformation rate was slower than crystallization rate for each polymorph at the same temperature examined; (c) when the most stableβ form was recrystallized from the melt just after the melting ofα, its recrystallization rate was much higher than that by simple melt-cooling; (d) surfactant additives retarded both the crystallization and transformation of all the polymorphs, yetβ′ was influenced the most. A mechanistic interpretation based on the molecular structures both of the melt and of each polymorph is presented.  相似文献   
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius), a native Andean plant, has been cultivated as a crop and locally used as a traditional folk medicine for the people suffering from diabetes and digestive/renal disorders. However, the medicinal properties of this plant and its processed foods have not been completely established. This study investigates the potent antioxidative effects of herbal tea leaves from yacon in different free radical models and a ferric reducing model. A hot‐water extract exhibited the highest yield of total polyphenol and scavenging effect on 1,1‐diphenyl‐2‐picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) radical among four extracts prepared with hot water, methanol, ethanol, and ethylacetate. In addition, a higher reducing power of the hot‐water extract was similarly demonstrated among these extracts. Varying concentrations of the hot‐water extract resulted in different scavenging activities in four synthetic free radical models: DPPH radical (EC50 28.1 μg/mL), 2,2′‐azinobis(3‐ethylbenzothiazoline‐6‐sulfonic acid) cation radical (EC50 23.7 μg/mL), galvinoxyl radical (EC50 3.06 μg/mL), and chlorpromazine cation radical (EC50 475 μg/mL). The yacon tea‐leaf extract further demonstrated superoxide anion (O2?) radical scavenging effects in the phenazine methosulfate‐NADH‐nitroblue tetrazolium (EC50 64.5 μg/mL) and xanthine oxidase assay systems (EC50 20.7 μg/mL). Subsequently, incubating human neutrophilic cells in the presence of the tea‐leaf extract could suppress the cellular O2? radical generation (IC50 65.7 μg/mL) in a phorbol 12‐myristate 13‐acetate‐activated cell model. These results support yacon tea leaves may be a good source of natural antioxidants for preventing O2? radical‐mediated disorders.  相似文献   
In this letter, an efficient algorithm is proposed for finding all solutions of non‐linear (not piecewise‐linear) resistive circuits. This algorithm is based on interval analysis, the dual simplex method, and the contraction methods. By numerical examples, it is shown that the proposed algorithm could find all solutions of systems of 500–700 non‐linear circuit equations in acceptable computation time. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this letter, an effective technique is proposed for improving the computational efficiency of the contraction‐type LP test algorithm, which is an algorithm for finding all solutions of piecewise‐linear resistive circuits. Using the proposed technique, all solutions of a large‐scale problem, where the number of variables is 100 and the number of linear regions is 10100, could be found in less than 10 min using a 360 MHz computer. Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Structures of Rh/1 AL (atomic layer) GeO2/SiO2 were studied during reduction and oxidation processes by means of in situ XAFS (X-ray absorption fine structure). It was found that RhGe bimetallic particles with Rh--Rh and Rh--Ge distances at 0.266 and 0.242 nm were formed after reduction at 723 K, respectively. Subsequent oxidation at 673 K regenerated 1 AL GeO2 structure on the SiO2 surface. This reversible structure transformation is discussed in relation to reactivity and volatility of Ge oxide species.  相似文献   
Effects of seeding of fat crystals on the crystallization kinetics of cocoa butter and dark chocolate were examined with a rotational viscometer. The seed crystals employed were cocoa butter, 1,3-distearoyl-2-oleoylglycerol (SOS), 1,3-dibehenoyl-2-oleoylglycerol (BOB) and 1,2,3-tristearoylglycerol (SSS). The seed powders were prepared by pulverization below —50°C, the dimensions being in a range from 20–70 μm. Particular attention was paid to the influence of polymorphism of the seed crystal. We found that all of the above seed materials accelerated the crystallization, the degree of acceleration being in a following order; SOS (β 1) > cocoa butter (Form V) > SOS (a mixture ofβ’ andβ 2) > BOB (β 2) > BOB (pseudo-β’) > SSS (β). Precise measurements of the crystallization kinetics showed that the most influential factors in the seeding effects are the physical properties of the seed materials—above all, thermodynamic stability, and similarity in the crystal structure to cocoa butter are the most determinative.  相似文献   
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