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Research and development(R&D) activities on partitioning and transmutation of trans-uranium nuclides (TRU) and LLFP and future R&D program in JNC were summarized. Feasibility design studies have been conducting to investigate the characteristics of a fast reactor core with TRU and LLFP transmutation. It was reconfirmed that the fast reactor has a strong potential for transmuting TRU and LLFP, effectively. R&D for establishing partitioning process of TRU apart from the high-level radioactive wastes have been carried out. By several counter-current runs of the TRUEX process using highly active raffinates, a process flow sheet capable of selective partitioning of actinides and fission products was newly developed. JNC has settled a new R&D program concerning partitioning and transmutation of long-lived radioactive waste based on recommendation of check & review for OMEGA program performed by the Ad Hoc Committee under the Atomic Energy Commission of Japan (AEC). The R&D program is composed of the design studies and development of element technologies (fabrication, irradiation) in the “Feasibility Studies” on commercialized fast reactor system and the basic studies with experiments (nuclear data, reactor physics, fuel property, etc.) to establish database and analytical tools for the TRU- and LLFP- containing fuel and core design.  相似文献   
Thermally activated building systems (TABS), which use the building frame as a radiative and thermal storage site, have attracted attention as a means of achieving a thermal environment in office spaces that combines comfort and energy conservation. However, TABS have a large thermal capacity and a slow thermal response, making it desirable to introduce a control method based on model predictive control (MPC). There are problems with this method, such as its inability to predict periodic fluctuations in thermal load. Therefore, in this study, we propose a control method combining MPC and heat load prediction using a Neural Network, a type of supervised learning in machine learning, for an office space with TABS. The method was validated by co-simulation using CFD and MATLAB/Simulink on a one-span (7.20 × 7.20 × 3.87 m) TABS model. As a result, the proposed method reduced the integrated water flow rate and improved the energy performance while improving the control performance.  相似文献   
The present study examined the factors influencing catch per unit effort (CPUE) and standardized the CPUE of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) from offshore angling in Lake Toya, northern Japan. A generalized linear model (GLM), based on a negative binomial error distribution, was used to standardize the catch‐and‐effort data collected from anglers, using questionnaires and interview surveys during the fishing season (June) in 1998, 1999 and 2001–2012. Year, week, fishing area, number of fishing rods, fishing duration and Year × Week were the factors that significantly (P < 0.05) influenced CPUE. Anglers' fishing experience had no significant effect (P = 0.06) on CPUE. Limiting fishing duration, number of anglers and fishing rods may reduce fishing pressure and ensure sustainable management of the fishery. The results of the present study on standardized CPUE can also be useful in fine‐tuning age‐based models, such as Virtual Population Analysis (VPA–ADAPT), for the fish species in the lake, studies that are currently lacking. Regular and interdisciplinary studies that include biophysical factors are required to provide more understanding of the variations in the abundance of the fish species in the lake and in the ecosystem at large.  相似文献   
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