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The isothermal crystallization behaviour of the polypropylene (PP) phase in PP/multi‐walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) composites has been investigated via differential scanning calorimetric analysis, which showed the influence of the varying dispersion level of MWCNTs in the respective PP matrix. PP/MWCNTs composites were prepared via melt‐blending technique, wherein two different grades of MWCNTs of varying average “agglomerate” size and varying entanglements (N‐MWCNTs and D‐MWCNTs) were utilized. Furthermore, the influence of melt‐viscosity of the PP phase was investigated on the crystallization kinetics of the PP/MWCNTs composites. Heterogeneous nucleation ability of MWCNTs has resulted in a decrease in half time of crystallization (t 1/2) from ~14 min for pure PP to ~6 min for PP/N‐MWCNTs and ~11 min for PP/D‐MWCNTs composites at 1 wt% of MWCNTs at 132 °C. Overall rate of crystallization (k) has significantly increased to 4.9 × 10?2 min?1 for PP/N‐MWCNTs composite as compared with 6.2 × 10?3 min?1 for PP/D‐MWCNTs composite at 0.5 wt% of MWCNTs at 132 °C. Moreover, the effect of a novel organic modifier, Li‐salt of 6‐amino hexanoic acid along with a compatibilizer (PP‐g‐MA) has also been investigated on the crystallization kinetics of the PP phase in PP/MWCNTs composites. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 57:1136–1146, 2017. © 2017 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   
The paper introduces an electroencephalography (EEG) driven online position control scheme for a robot arm by utilizing motor imagery to activate and error related potential (ErrP) to stop the movement of the individual links, following a fixed (pre-defined) order of link selection. The right (left) hand motor imagery is used to turn a link clockwise (counterclockwise) and foot imagery is used to move a link forward. The occurrence of ErrP here indicates that the link under motion crosses the visually fixed target position, which usually is a plane/line/point depending on the desired transition of the link across 3D planes/around 2D lines/along 2D lines respectively. The imagined task about individual link's movement is decoded by a classifier into three possible class labels:clockwise, counterclockwise and no movement in case of rotational movements and forward, backward and no movement in case of translational movements. One additional classifier is required to detect the occurrence of the ErrP signal, elicited due to visually inspired positional link error with reference to a geometrically selected target position. Wavelet coefficients and adaptive autoregressive parameters are extracted as features for motor imagery and ErrP signals respectively. Support vector machine classifiers are used to decode motor imagination and ErrP with high classification accuracy above 80%. The average time taken by the proposed scheme to decode and execute control intentions for the complete movement of three links of a robot is approximately 33 seconds. The steady-state error and peak overshoot of the proposed controller are experimentally obtained as 1.1% and 4.6% respectively.   相似文献   
The changes in nutrient dynamics (nitrate, ammonium, silicate, phosphate and iron concentration) vis‐à‐vis partial pressure of CO2 in water [pCO2(water)] from tropical sewage‐fed aquaculture ponds (East Kolkota Wetlands, India) were analysed by means of a microcosm. A significant relationship between these nutrient’s removal from the system and reduction in pCO2(water) was observed (with few exceptions). These water bodies acted as significant sources of CO2 in pre‐monsoon and monsoon seasons despite having substantial quantity of chlorophyll‐a to make it a net autotrophic system. The study revealed that if conditions favourable for optimum photosynthesis can be maintained in these ponds, the CO2 source character of these ponds can be reversed. In the post‐monsoon season, when the pH of the water column was high, the system acted as sink for CO2 which suggests the use of lime to prevent these systems from becoming hypereutrophic and carbon source at the same time.  相似文献   
This investigation was aimed to enhance the dispersibility of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) using sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Na-PSS) polyelectrolyte. Subsequently, electrically conducting, multi-layer thin films are prepared utilizing layer by layer assembly method with poly(vinyl alcohol) as a host matrix. The highest extent of MWCNT dispersion was observed in MWCNT:Na-PSS ratio of 1:9 (wt/wt), which was estimated from UV-Vis spectroscopic analysis. Zeta potential measurements of Na-PSS modified MWCNT dispersion showed large negative potentials ranging from −52 to −64 mV in the most stable pH range of 4 to 10, suggesting the colloidal stability is due to the long-range repulsive nature of electrostatic interactions from negatively charged sulfonate groups. Complementary molecular dynamics simulations showed that adsorption of Na-PSS imparts a large negative potential to the carbon nanotube surface, which increases with an increase in Na-PSS concentration. The multi-layer thin film of (1:9) MWCNT:Na-PSS exhibited a DC electrical conductivity of 2.96 × 102 S/m.  相似文献   
Herein, electrically conductive natural and synthetic yarns through electrophoretic deposition (EPD) technique were fabricated. A parametric study on the conductivity enhancement of the yarns is carried out by Taguchi method. Using this method, the desirable conditions are determined by studying the effects of important parameters on the electrical conductivity of the yarns in the EPD coating process. Based on the L18 design of experiments table, the preferred combination of factors to obtain the highest electrical conductivity of the yarns is found by Taguchi analysis. In addition, the Pareto ANOVA analysis is conducted to identify the major contributing factors on the electrical conductivity of the yarns. Characterisation techniques, such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in attenuated total reflectance (ATR) mode, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) are utilised for better understanding the microstructure and physical properties. When powered by only 3 V, the maximum temperature of a Joule heated conductive sample based on natural fibre yarns reached 102°C in less than 25 s.  相似文献   
Human factors practitioners (HFPs) play many different roles in the design, creation, operation and maintenance of engineered systems. Less well known are the methods which are aimed at helping with the early stages of design, which are more systems-oriented and often involve questions of the concept of operation in which the engineered system will be fielded. Emerging from the field of cognitive engineering, these methods, including simulation, cognitive work analysis, cognitive task analyses and hierarchical task analysis, will be important as autonomous systems become increasingly capable. Even the most capable systems will continue to interact with humans, and it is at these interfaces between humans and engineered systems that HFP will continue to be needed. This paper describes recent work to leverage these methods to inform concepts of operation in aviation and space, machine learning algorithms and goal-oriented human–machine collaboration.  相似文献   
Effects of random inhomogeneity on wave propagation in the interacting micropolar conducting magneto-generalized thermo-viscoelastic medium are studied. The couple stress theory relevant to micropolar solids is employed. The analysis is carried out under the smooth perturbation technique amenable to stochastic linear differential equations up to the second perturbation. The perturbing field has been assumed to be weakly conducting and weakly thermal. The generalized thermoelasticity has been used. Six different types of waves have been observed to propagate in the medium. The dispersion equations have been derived. Effects due to random variations of micropolar-elastic, conducting-electromagnetic and generalized thermo-visco-parameters have been computed. Effects of random heterogeneity of the conducting magnetic field are readily available up to first order perturbation. However effects of the generalized thermal field are discernible only in the domain of second order perturbation. Change of phase speed occurs on account of randomness. Attenuation coefficients for types of waves have been computed. A special type of generalized theromomechanical auto- and cross-correlation functions has been used to approximately measure effects of random variations of parameters. Uncoupled problem has been formulated for future investigations.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new technique to design fixed‐structure controllers for linear unknown systems using a set of measurements. In model‐based approaches, the measured data are used to identify a model of the plant for which a suitable controller can be designed. Due to the fact that real processes cannot be described perfectly by mathematical models, designing controllers using such models to guarantee some desired closed‐loop performance is a challenging task. Hence, a possible alternative to model‐based methods is to directly utilize the measured data in the design process. We propose an approach to designing structured controllers using a set of closed‐loop frequency‐domain data. The principle of such an approach is based on computing the parameters of a fixed‐order controller for which the closed‐loop frequency response fits a desired frequency response that describes some desired performance indices. This problem is formulated as an error minimization problem, which can be solved to find suitable values of the controller parameters. The main feature of the proposed control methodology is that it can be applied to stable and unstable plants. Additionally, the design process depends on a pre‐selected controller structure, which allows for the selection of low‐order controllers. An application of the proposed method to a DC servomotor system is presented to experimentally validate and demonstrate its efficacy.  相似文献   
A new scaled radix-4 CORDIC architecture that incorporates pipelining and parallelism is presented. The latency of the architecture is n/2 clock cycles and throughput rate is one valid result per n/2 clocks for n bit precision. A 16 bit radix-4 CORDIC architecture is implemented on the available FPGA platform. The corresponding latency of the architecture is eight clock cycles and throughput rate is one valid result per eight clock cycles. The entire scaled architecture operates at 56.96 MHz of clock rate with a power consumption of 380 mW. The speed can be enhanced with the upgraded version of FPGA device. A speed-area optimized processor is obtained through this architecture and is suitable for real time applications.  相似文献   
Strategy logic     
We introduce strategy logic, a logic that treats strategies in two-player games as explicit first-order objects. The explicit treatment of strategies allows us to specify properties of nonzero-sum games in a simple and natural way. We show that the one-alternation fragment of strategy logic is strong enough to express the existence of Nash equilibria and secure equilibria, and subsumes other logics that were introduced to reason about games, such as ATL, ATL1, and game logic. We show that strategy logic is decidable, by constructing tree automata that recognize sets of strategies. While for the general logic, our decision procedure is nonelementary, for the simple fragment that is used above we show that the complexity is polynomial in the size of the game graph and optimal in the size of the formula (ranging from polynomial to 2EXPTIME depending on the form of the formula).  相似文献   
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