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The transverse acoustic impedanceZ=R–iX of dilute solutions of3He in superfluid4He has been measured at a frequency (/2) of 20.5 MHz at temperaturesT from 30 mK to the transition at T. The3He concentrations studied werec=0.014, 0.031, 0.053, 0.060, and 0.092 below 1 K, thoughc decreased slightly near the point. The impedance was found from the temperature dependence of the quality factor and the resonant frequency of anAT-cut quartz crystal resonator immersed in the liquid. Below 1 K,Z is due to the Fermi gas of3He quasiparticles, and in the collisionless limit, 1 ( is a relaxation time),R remains constant whileX goes to zero. Measurements ofR(c, T) andX(c, T) were analyzed to determine the momentum accommodation coefficient (c, T) and (c, T). The relaxation times were in good agreement with previous work, while (c, T) was independent ofc, but increased from 0.29±0.03 below 0.1 K to 1.0±0.1 above 0.8 K. Various mechanisms are suggested to explain this. Between 1.0 and 1.5 K the3He quasiparticles and the thermally excited rotons are in the hydrodynamic region, 1. Values of the total viscosity (c, T) were obtained and analyzed to give the3He gas viscosity and the3He-3He and roton-3He scattering rates, both of which were energy-dependent. The superfluid healing length a was also measured. Near the point we founda=(0.1±0.03)–2/3 nm, where =1–T/T, proportional to the phase coherence length . Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that s/T is a universal constant for superfluid dilute solutions, where s is the superfluid density. Between 1.0 and 1.8 K we found thata(c, T) was comparable to measurements in3He-4He films.  相似文献   
Eutectic tin-bismuth alloys, used as fusible cores for high polymer injection moulding, were studied in order to identify structural and dimensional modifications during ageing at temperatures ranging from 4 to 110°C. Optical and scanning electron microscopies together with X-ray diffraction were used to observe the coarsening of the eutectic structure and to plot an isothermal transformation diagram. Thermal cycles around the eutectic temperature promoted the dissociation of the eutectic structure into light tin dendrites at the top of the ingots and heavy bismuth crystals at the bottom. Differential scanning calorimetry and thermomechanical analysis were performed to observe possible phase transformations.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a multi-stage approach consisting of deep learning-based image classification, process trace clustering, and visual/statistical knowledge discovery of process data. The proposed decision augmentation solution aims to facilitate the production planners in estimating the process-specific production parameters such as activity duration, idle time, or machine utilization. This study focuses on ‘one-of-a-kind production’ (OKP). Planning in OKP is especially challenging due to the increasing individualization of customer requirements. Furthermore, the uniqueness of products adds complexity to data and information structuring. To tackle this issue, we first train deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) with image data of production parts obtained from computer-aided design (CAD) systems to extract meaningful features. After cross-validation, uncertainty, and robustness assessment of the adopted deep learning approach, we use the data representation from the penultimate layer as input for clustering production parts. The goodness of clustering results is evaluated using a series of internal clustering validation indices. Finally, process event log data provided by manufacturing execution systems (MES) is mapped to each production part, allowing us to conduct statistical and visual knowledge discovery of process parameters for each cluster. The relevance of our proposed approach has been validated by studying a real-world use case in a small, medium-sized enterprise (SME) operating in the fixture and jig manufacturing industry.  相似文献   
Coir (Cocos nucifera) is a natural fibre known to retain its strength and resist biodegradation far better than other industrial natural fibres. However, systematic studies in this discipline are scarce. Geotextiles are usually exposed to diverse pH, salinity, moisture, and microbial association conditions. In the present work, specific surface modifications of coir geotextiles using a natural agent (cashew nut shell liquid) have been carried out to enhance their long-term performance depending on the end applications. The modified and unmodified geotextiles were subjected to acidic, alkaline, and neutral pH conditions, saline conditions, alternate wetting and drying cycles, and thermal cycles for the assessment of their durability, measured in terms of tensile strength. In situ soil burial studies in a tropical climate were conducted in specially prepared soil to follow the biodegradation behaviour of geotextiles at various depths. The surface-modified geotextiles were found to resist adverse chemical, physical, and biological conditions much better than the unmodified geotextiles. Alkaline conditions marginally accelerated the degradation rates when compared to acidic environments. The saline conditions, as well as alternate wetting and drying conditions, resulted in marginal loss of tensile strength (<7%). The surface-modified geotextiles buried within lower depths of soil under field conditions retained 70–80% of their initial tensile strength after 12 months, whereas the unmodified geotextiles lost 88% strength in four months. The positive impact of surface modification on durability is confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The results indicate the excellent potential of suitably surface-modified coir geotextiles for long-term use in adverse conditions.  相似文献   
An improved method to analyze lipid classes of edible oils and fats by solid-phase extraction (SPE) and high-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) is presented. A mixture of lipid standards was fractionated by the solid-phase extraction procedure (NH2 phase) into polar and nonpolar fractions; these were then submitted to analysis by HPSEC. The size-exclusion chromatographic columns were three styrene/divinylbenzene columns with pore sizes of 100 Å and 50 Å. Light-scattering was used for the detection system, and the parameters of the detector were optimized to minimize the difference between the responses of the compounds studied. With this procedure it was possible to separate the following lipid classes: triacylglycerols, diacylglycerols, monoacylglycerols and free fatty acids, sterols, sterol esters, tocopherols and carotenoids. Quantitative analysis was studied for a light-scattering detector with several lipid standards of different molecular weights and unsaturation levels.  相似文献   
Steady-state compressive creep rate of La0.5Sr0.5Fe0.5Co0.5O3−δ (LSFC) and La0.5Sr0.5CoO3−δ (LSC) is reported in the temperature region 900°–1050°C and stress range 5–28 MPa. The stress exponents for the two materials were 1.71±0.18 and 1.24±0.15, respectively. The activation energy for creep was considerably higher for LSC (619±56 kJ/mol) than for LSFC (392±28 kJ/mol). The grain size exponent for LSC was 1.28±0.14. Considerably higher creep rates were observed for both materials in N2 compared with air. Relaxation by creep of chemical-induced stresses in oxygen-permeable membranes is addressed, especially at low partial pressure of oxygen.  相似文献   
Niemann-Pick type C disease (NPC) is a rare inherited neurodegenerative disorder characterized by an accumulation of intracellular cholesterol within late endosomes and lysosomes due to NPC1 or NPC2 dysfunction. In this work, we tested the hypothesis that retromer impairment may be involved in the pathogenesis of NPC and may contribute to increased amyloidogenic processing of APP and enhanced BACE1-mediated proteolysis observed in NPC disease. Using NPC1-null cells, primary mouse NPC1-deficient neurons and NPC1-deficient mice (BALB/cNctr-Npc1m1N), we show that retromer function is impaired in NPC. This is manifested by altered transport of the retromer core components Vps26, Vps35 and/or retromer receptor sorLA and by retromer accumulation in neuronal processes, such as within axonal swellings. Changes in retromer distribution in NPC1 mouse brains were observed already at the presymptomatic stage (at 4-weeks of age), indicating that the retromer defect occurs early in the course of NPC disease and may contribute to downstream pathological processes. Furthermore, we show that cholesterol depletion in NPC1-null cells and in NPC1 mouse brains reverts retromer dysfunction, suggesting that retromer impairment in NPC is mechanistically dependent on cholesterol accumulation. Thus, we characterized retromer dysfunction in NPC and propose that the rescue of retromer impairment may represent a novel therapeutic approach against NPC.  相似文献   
Inhaled Aspergillus fumigatus spores can be internalized by alveolar type II cells. Cell lines stably expressing fluorescently labeled components of endocytic pathway enable investigations of intracellular organization during conidia internalization and measurement of the process kinetics. The goal of this report was to evaluate the methodological appliance of cell lines for studying fungal conidia internalization. We have generated A549 cell lines stably expressing fluorescently labeled actin (LifeAct-mRuby2) and late endosomal protein (LAMP1-NeonGreen) following an evaluation of cell-pathogen interactions in live and fixed cells. Our data show that the LAMP1-NeonGreen cell line can be used to visualize conidia co-localization with LAMP1 in live and fixed cells. However, caution is necessary when using LifeAct-mRuby2-cell lines as it may affect the conidia internalization dynamics.  相似文献   
Stress adaptation is of utmost importance for the maintenance of homeostasis and, therefore, of life itself. The prevalence of stress-related disorders is increasing, emphasizing the importance of exploratory research on stress adaptation. Two major regulatory pathways exist: the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenocortical axis and the sympathetic adrenomedullary axis. They act in unison, ensured by the enormous bidirectional connection between their centers, the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN), and the brainstem monoaminergic cell groups, respectively. PVN and especially their corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) producing neurons are considered to be the centrum of stress regulation. However, the brainstem seems to be equally important. Therefore, we aimed to summarize the present knowledge on the role of classical neurotransmitters of the brainstem (GABA, glutamate as well as serotonin, noradrenaline, adrenaline, and dopamine) in stress adaptation. Neuropeptides, including CRH, might be co-localized in the brainstem nuclei. Here we focused on CRH as its role in stress regulation is well-known and widely accepted and other CRH neurons scattered along the brain may also complement the function of the PVN. Although CRH-positive cells are present on some parts of the brainstem, sometimes even in comparable amounts as in the PVN, not much is known about their contribution to stress adaptation. Based on the role of the Barrington’s nucleus in micturition and the inferior olivary complex in the regulation of fine motoric—as the main CRH-containing brainstem areas—we might assume that these areas regulate stress-induced urination and locomotion, respectively. Further studies are necessary for the field.  相似文献   
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