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Recently, a snow crab by-products hydrolysate has demonstrated antibacterial properties due to a peptide with a molecular weight of about 800 Da, but only at high concentration. Consequently, peptide hydrolysate has been fractionated to obtain peptides in a more purified form. The aim of this work was to separate a snow crab by-products hydrolysate by electrodialysis with ultrafiltration membranes (EDUF). EDUF, which allows separation of molecules according to their charges and molecular weights, was used to recover and concentrate the active antibacterial fraction. Two different ultrafiltration membranes (20 and 50 kDa) and two electrical field strengths (2 and 14 V/cm) were used as separation parameters. After EDUF separation, the 300-600 Da peptide molecular weight range was the most recovered with an abundance of 94%. Moreover, fractionation at 14 V/cm with ultrafiltration membranes of 50 kDa allowed the recovery of an anionic fraction which showed antibacterial properties on Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Listeria innocua HPB 13.  相似文献   
17Beta-trenbolone acetate (TBA) is a synthetic androgenic steroid hormone administered as a subcutaneous implant for growth promotion in beef cattle. TBA is converted metabolically to primarily 17alpha-trenbolone and trendione, and excreted in manure from implanted cattle. To predict the persistence of synthetic androgens once land-applied, aerobic degradation rates in two contrasting agricultural soil types (clay loam and a sandy soil) of both trenbolone isomers (17alpha and 17beta) and their primary metabolite trendione were measured and isomer interconversion was assessed. The impact of manure application was also evaluated in the clay loam soil. A pseudo first-order exponential decay model was derived assuming irreversible transformation and no impact of sorption on availability for degradation. The model generally resulted in good fits to the data. Both isomers degraded to trendione in a similar manner with half-lives (t1/2) on the order of a few hours to 0.5 days at applied concentrations of < or = 1 mg/kg. Similar degradation rates were observed in the presence and absence of manure applied at rates typical for land-application of cattle manure. Trenbolone degradation was concentration-dependent with degradation rates decreasing with increasing applied concentrations. Trendione, whether applied directly or produced from trenbolone, persisted longer than trenbolone with t1/2 values of 1 to 4 days. A small amount (1.5%) of conversion of trendione back to 17beta-trenbolone was observed during aerobic incubation regardless of the applied concentration. A small amount of 17alpha-isomer also converted back to 17beta-trenbolone, presumably through trendione. In autoclaved soils, no degradation of 17alpha- or 17beta-trenbolone was observed during the first 3 days, and trendione degradation was relatively small compared to a microbially active soil.  相似文献   
Recent efforts have focused on improving the application of ozone technology as a pest management tool for stored grain. This study evaluated the efficacy of a modified screw conveyor to treat grain with ozone in a continuous-flow system. The ozone concentration delivered into the screw conveyor was 47,800 ppm and the average retention time for a corn kernel moving through the system was 1.8 min. Under these conditions, 100% mortality of adult red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)) and adult maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais (Motsch.)) was achieved after three passes through the screw conveyor, which equated to a concentration × time (CT) product value of 258,120 ppm-min. The potential effectiveness of the continuous treatment to reduce mold on the surface of corn kernels was also explored. Aspergillus flavus counts were reduced by 96% in a single pass through the screw conveyor. Three passes through the screw conveyor reduced the mold count by more than 2-log units. Ozone treatment also reduced aflatoxin applied to the grain; however, the reduction was not sufficient enough to be of commercial value. The results of this study provide valuable information for estimating the parameters needed for effectively treating grain in a commercial scale continuous-flow treatment system.  相似文献   
Alkali metal zeolites and metal oxides were used for the aldol condensation of n-butanal to 2-ethyl-2-hexenal. The order of activity at 150 °C and 1 atm. was: CsNaY > NaY > LiNaY > MgO >Al2O3. Selectivity to 2-ethyl-2-hexenal was 100% for both pure and mixed isomer feed. Infrared spectroscopic studies showed that stable catalysts were produced by propene pretreatments which blocked Lewis acid sites. Adsorption of ammonia and carbon dioxide on CsNaY during aldol condensation of n-butanal causes a decrease in rate. This result, along with the order of activity, suggests that the presence of both acid and basic sites produce higher activity than strongly basic MgO.Work performed at San Jose State University.  相似文献   
The technique of analytical pyrolysis has been used to characterize 40 similar mid-rank western Kentucky coals of widely differing ASTM Gieseler plasticity. Certain pyrolysis/g.c. variables were shown to correlate well with both ASTM Gieseler and isothermal plasticity. Highly plastic coals were shown to exhibit certain characteristic peaks in the 450 °C pyrogram which were absent in the pyrogram of the non-plastic coals. Two coals, representing the two extremes in plasticity, were selected for further study. After extraction with solvents such as DMF the characteristic peaks were absent in the 450 °C pyrogram of the extraction residue of the highly plastic coal. These peaks were also shown to decrease with increasing severity of air oxidation of the plastic coal. This technique appears to be a useful tool for the analysis of mid-rank plastic coals and supports the view that the substances contained in the bitumen fraction of these coals are involved in the development of the plastic state.  相似文献   
PDZ domains are ubiquitous small protein domains that are mediators of numerous protein–protein interactions, and play a pivotal role in protein trafficking, synaptic transmission, and the assembly of signaling‐transduction complexes. In recent years, PDZ domains have emerged as novel and exciting drug targets for diseases (in the brain in particular), so understanding the molecular details of PDZ domain interactions is of fundamental importance. PDZ domains bind to a protein partner at either a C‐terminal peptide or internal peptide motifs. Here, we examined the importance of a conserved Lys/Arg residue in the ligand‐binding site of the second PDZ domain of PSD‐95, by employing a semisynthetic approach. We generated six semisynthetic PDZ domains comprising different proteogenic and nonproteogenic amino acids representing subtle changes of the conserved Lys/Arg residue. These were tested with four peptide interaction partners, representing the two different binding modes. The results highlight the role of a positively charged amino acid in the β1–β2 loop of PDZ domains, and show subtle differences for canonical and noncanonical interaction partners, thus providing additional insight into the mechanism of PDZ/ligand interaction.  相似文献   
Oil from the marine copepod, Calanus finmarchicus, which contains >86 % of fatty acids present as wax esters, is a novel source of n‐3 fatty acids for human consumption. In a randomized, two‐period crossover study, 18 healthy adults consumed 8 capsules providing 4 g of Calanus® Oil supplying a total of 260 mg EPA and 156 mg DHA primarily as wax esters, or 1 capsule of Lovaza® providing 465 mg EPA and 375 mg DHA as ethyl esters, each with an EPA‐ and DHA‐free breakfast. Plasma EPA and DHA were measured over a 72 h period (t = 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h). The positive incremental area under the curve over the 72 h test period (iAUC0‐72 h) for both EPA and DHA was significantly different from zero (p < 0.0001) in both test conditions, with similar findings for the iAUC0–24 h and iAUC0–48 h, indicating the fatty acids were absorbed. There was no difference in the plasma iAUC0–72 h for EPA + DHA, or DHA individually, in response to Calanus Oil vs the ethyl ester condition; however, the iAUC0–48 h and iAUC0–72 h for plasma EPA in response to Calanus Oil were both significantly increased relative to the ethyl ester condition (iAUC0–48 h: 381 ± 31 vs 259 ± 39 μg*h/mL, p = 0.026; iAUC0‐72 h: 514 ± 47 vs 313 ± 49 μg*h/mL, p = 0.009). These data demonstrate a novel wax ester rich marine oil is a suitable alternative source of EPA and DHA for human consumption.  相似文献   
The concentration of hypromellose (HPMC) is known to significantly impact the viscosity of coating solutions. The purpose of this study was to determine the viscosity of novel low-molecular-weight (LMW) HPMC products as a function of polymer concentration. The mechanical properties and water vapor permeability of free films prepared from these novel LMW HPMC polymers were also determined and the results were compared with films prepared with conventional HPMC. Solutions of LMW and conventional HPMC 2910 and 2906 containing up to 40% polyethylene glycol (PEG) 400 were prepared and the viscosities were measured using a Brookfield viscometer. Solutions were then cast onto glass plates and stored at 30?C and 50% relative humidity until films were formed. A Chatillon digital force gauge attached to a motorized test stand was used to quantify the mechanical properties of the films, whereas water vapor permeabilities were determined according to the ASTM E96 M-05 water method. As expected, the novel LMW polymer solutions exhibited significantly lower viscosities than the conventional comparators at equivalent polymer concentrations. Film strength of the LMW materials was lower than films prepared from the conventional HPMC solutions, although this effect was not as evident for the HPMC 2906 chemistry. Increasing concentrations of the plasticizer resulted in decreased tensile strength and Young?s modulus and increased elongation as well as increased water vapor permeability, irrespective of polymer type. No statistical difference was found between the tensile strength to Young?s modulus ratios of the F chemistry LMW and conventional HPMC polymer films.  相似文献   
The use of a "size-tunable" polyurethane resistive pulse sensor for quantitative sizing of nano- and microparticles is presented. A linear relationship, as first suggested by Maxwell, between particle volume and change in electric resistance across the pore was observed. Particle sizes were quantified for a given size-tunable membrane, by first creating a linear calibration curve to a series of monodisperse carboxylated polystyrene particles of various diameters and then applying this curve to calculate the size of "unknown" nanoparticles. The diameters of a selection of synthetic and biological particles, being PMMA and nonfunctionalized polystyrene particles, along with biological nanoparticles (adenovirus) were calculated using this methodology. Calculated particle diameters and coefficients of variation were shown to be in good agreement with both transmission electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering results.  相似文献   
Cochenour B  Mullen L  Muth J 《Applied optics》2011,50(33):6168-6178
Optical detection, ranging, and imaging of targets in turbid water is complicated by absorption and scattering. It has been shown that using a pulsed laser source with a range-gated receiver or an intensity modulated source with a coherent RF receiver can improve target contrast in turbid water. A blended approach using a modulated-pulse waveform has been previously suggested as a way to further improve target contrast. However only recently has a rugged and reliable laser source been developed that is capable of synthesizing such a waveform so that the effect of the underwater environment on the propagation of a modulated pulse can be studied. In this paper, we outline the motivation for the modulated-pulse (MP) concept, and experimentally evaluate different MP waveforms: single-tone MP and pseudorandom coded MP sequences.  相似文献   
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