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Sudden release of platelet-activating factor (PAF) into the circulation can cause hypotension, tachycardia, and circulatory collapse. To further examine this response, we performed detailed studies of cardiovascular function after PAF administration to young domestic pigs and newborn piglets. Our results indicate that circulatory dysfunction after PAF reflects severe constriction of pulmonary resistance vessels and consequent acute right ventricular failure. Although PAF-induced coronary artery constriction and contractile depression may be complicating problems, left ventricular underperfusion and dysfunction after PAF are mainly the result of systemic arterial hypotension and diminished left ventricular filling. The adverse hemodynamic effects of PAF are accompanied by substantial release of thromboxane A2 (TxA2). These effects are mimicked by the TxA2 agonist U-46619 and partially blocked by specific and nonspecific inhibitors of TxA2 synthesis (OKY-046 and indomethacin). Even more potent blockade of PAF action is exerted by the TxA2 receptor blocker, SQ 29,548. Taken together, these findings indicate that severe pulmonary vascular constriction and hemodynamic collapse soon after intravenous PAF are at least partially mediated by PAF-induced TxA2 release. Tachyphylaxis to PAF influence has been observed in studies of leukocyte and platelet function. We hypothesized that tachyphylaxis to PAF might also occur in our studies of constrictor responses in pulmonary vessels. Recently, we have examined the capacity of PAF to produce sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction in openchested, anesthetized newborn piglets. Infusions sufficient to produce 100% increase in mean pulmonary artery pressure after 3 min showed no loss of efficacy when sustained for 30 min. The same was true for infusions of U-46619. Thus, the pulmonary vasoconstrictor influence of PAF or U-46619 is not readily diminished by tachyphylaxis. These findings favor the viewpoint that PAF or TxA2 release during inflammatory processes could have prolonged adverse actions on pulmonary and systemic circulations. Based on a paper presented at the Third International Conference on Platelet-Activating Factor and Structurally Related Alkyl Ether Lipids, Tokyo, Japan, May 1989. The opinions or assertions contained here are those of the authors. They do not reflect the views of the Department of Defense or the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. The experiments reported here were conducted according to the principles set forth in the “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals,” Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (NIH Publ. 85-23, 1985).  相似文献   
Compared a total of 159 male Long-Evans rat pups and adults on their ability to learn taste aversions with 1- and 2-bottle tests, 2 different illness-inducing agents and flavors, and varying taste–illness delays. Rat pups learned taste aversions with either 1- or 2-bottle tests, but only with short taste–illness delays. Delays of 60 min were sufficient to block taste aversion learning in pups. Pups also failed to demonstrate neophobia to a novel taste. These findings suggest that pups forget taste information more rapidly than adults, perhaps because taste information is not so salient for pups as for adults. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Reports an error in the original article by D. H. Crowell et al (Developmental Psychology, 1976[Jul], 12(4), 373-397). Corrections to equations 1, 2, and 3 on pages 381 and 382 are presented. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1976-20687-001.) Three experiments demonstrated that human newborn heart rate level can be reliably modified through classical conditioning procedures. The theory of sensitization served as a frame of reference for Exps I and II, and drive reduction served for Exp III. In Exp I the delay, delay-trace, and control groups, with 10 2-day-old newborns in each, received 5 preconditioning trials of the CS alone, 16 conditioning trials with CS-UCS pairings differing for each group, and 5 extinction trials. Exp II was a replication of the 1st study and involved only the delay and delay-trace groups with 10 infants each. In both studies the delay group curves showed significant monophasic acceleratory responses during extinction. Results support the sensitization hypothesis (i.e., the CR occurring in the interstimulus interval was fashioned out of the response to the CS). In Exp III, the measure of conditioning was the response to the probe technique. 10 experimental Ss received preconditioning trials of nitrogen puff (UCS-sub-1) administered to the abdomen, followed by 10 CS-UCS-sub-2 (500-Hz tone acetic acid) pairings with an interstimulus interval of 3 sec. 10 controls received the same design with a CS-UCS-sub-2 interval of 40 sec. Analyses of the probe stimulus trials showed significant changes for the control group and none for the experimental group. The CS-UCS-sub-2 pairings in the experimental group are interpreted as producing increased drive and adaptive damping of the heart rate response. Findings show that early learning may occur under a variety of conditions and that the results can be incorporated by different theories. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Many drugs are bitter and overcoming this bitter taste is a major barrier in developing a successful product, especially for pediatric patients. Approaches to mask taste include changing taste perception, creating a physical barrier to separate the drug from interacting with taste buds, and changing drug solubility. This review is focused on polymers and the different ways these materials are used to achieve taste masking. Attention is given to systems that are easily swallowed, as swallowability is another concern in developing palatable products for pediatrics. Variables that should be considered when selecting a taste-masking approach are also presented.  相似文献   
In this article, we report the synthesis of a new bimodal surface ligand morphology on silica nanoparticles. Combining grafting‐to and grafting‐from approaches, in this study, we demonstrated the efficacy of anthracene surface modification for improving the dielectric breakdown strength (DBS) under alternating‐current and direct‐current conditions and that of a matrix‐compatible polymer brush for controlling the nanofiller (NF) dispersion. Ligand‐modified spherical colloidal SiO2 nanoparticles (~14 nm in diameter) were mixed into polypropylene, and the resulting dispersion was improved over the unmodified particles, as shown with transmission electron microscopy. The results suggest that the electronic structure of the anthracene‐modified particle surface was critical to the improvement in DBS. In addition, the DBS of the composite was shown to depend on the dispersion state of the filler and the mode of stress; this indicated that the individually dispersed nanoparticles were not necessarily the optimal morphology for all stress conditions. Additionally, the precise nature of the matrix‐compatible brush was less important than the NF dispersion it produced. The bimodal grafted architectural design has provided a promising solution for the control of the dispersion and surface properties, especially for high‐molecular‐weight polymer matrices. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2016 , 133, 44347.  相似文献   
Thermal properties of duck fatty liver (foie gras), foie gras emulsion and fatty liver fat, as well as regular duck fat, were determined as a function of temperature. Density of foie gras and foie gras fat and emulsion at 20°C was measured as 947, 836, and 928 kg/m3, respectively. Differential scanning calorimetry thermograms for foie gras fat resulted in melting points ranging from –20 to 40°C. Values for the specific heat at 65°C for the fatty liver, its emulsion and fat, and duck fat were 1.79, 2.38, 1.71, and 2.48 J/g°C, respectively. Thermal conductivity of foie gras (organ) and its emulsion at 40°C was determined as 0.330 and 0.428 W/m°C, respectively. Mathematical models based on composition and temperature were developed for all the thermal properties obtained in this work.  相似文献   
This article discusses the research findings from a year-long investigation funded by a Digital R&D for the Arts grant. The overarching aims of this research project were to understand how arts and cultural organisations can access mixed-reality environments and digital technology for creative play and learning, and how they can enable children and young people to access meaningful digital realm engagement. The article starts by introducing the underlying philosophical and cognitive framework built from embodiment philosophy, gaming theory and digital pedagogy that helped the research team determine what was meant by meaningful engagement in mixed reality. This is woven into an analysis of the four action-research case studies, followed by a discussion on the potential future areas for investigation. The conclusion evaluates how the resultant Pop Up Play product (free software download, supporting materials and bespoke digital creative play framework http://thesparkarts.co.uk/popupplay/) can be considered an environment for communications skill development, innovative thinking and immersive exploration through experiential play.  相似文献   
Performing and composing for interactive audiovisual system presents many challenges to the performer. Working with visual, sonic and gestural components requires new skills and new ways of thinking about performance. However, there are few studies that focus on performer experience with interactive systems. We present the work Blue Space for oboe and interactive audiovisual system, highlighting the evolving process of the collaborative development of the work. We consider how musical and technical demands interact in this process, and outline the challenges of performing with interactive systems. Using the development of Blue Space as a self-reflective case study, we examine the role of gestures in interactive audiovisual works and identify new modes of performance.  相似文献   
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