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Growth of carbon nanotubes (CNT) or carbon nano-fibres (CNF) on carbon fibrous substrates is a way to increase the fracture toughness of fibre reinforced composites (FRC), with encouraging results reported in the recent years. If these nano-engineered FRC (nFRC) are destined to leave laboratories and enter industrial-scale production, a question of adapting the existing composite manufacturing methods will arise. The paper studies compressibility of woven carbon fibre performs (two types of fabrics) with CNT/CNF grown on the fibres using the CVD method. The results include pressure vs thickness and pressure vs fibre volume fraction diagrams for one and four layers of the fabric. Morphology of the nFRC is studied with SEM. It is shown that the pressure needed to achieve the target fibre volume fraction of the preform increases drastically (for example, from 0.05 MPa to more than 0.5 MPa for a fibre volume fraction of 52%) when CNT/CNF are grown on it. No change in nesting of the fabric plies is noticed. The poor compressibility can lower the achievable fibre volume fraction in composite for economical vacuum assisted light-RTM techniques and increase the pressure requirements in autoclave processing.  相似文献   
Ultrasonic tissue characterization has become an area of intensive research. This procedure generally relies on the analysis of the unprocessed echo signal. Because the ultrasound echo is degraded by the non-ideal system point spread function, a deconvolution step could be employed to provide an estimate of the tissue response that could then be exploited for a more accurate characterization. In medical ultrasound, deconvolution is commonly used to increase diagnostic reliability of ultrasound images by improving their contrast and resolution. Most successful algorithms address deconvolution in a maximum a posteriori estimation framework; this typically leads to the solution of l(2)-norm or (1)-norm constrained optimization problems, depending on the choice of the prior distribution. Although these techniques are sufficient to obtain relevant image visual quality improvements, the obtained reflectivity estimates are, however, not appropriate for classification purposes. In this context, we introduce in this paper a maximum a posteriori deconvolution framework expressly derived to improve tissue characterization. The algorithm overcomes limitations associated with standard techniques by using a nonstandard prior model for the tissue response. We present an evaluation of the algorithm performance using both computer simulations and tissue-mimicking phantoms. These studies reveal increased accuracy in the characterization of media with different properties. A comparison with state-of-the-art Wiener and l(1)-norm deconvolution techniques attests to the superiority of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   
Phosphorelays are extended two-component signalling systems found in diverse bacteria, lower eukaryotes and plants. Only few of these systems are characterized, and we still lack a full understanding of their signalling abilities. Here, we aim to achieve a global understanding of phosphorelay signalling and its dynamical properties. We develop a generic model, allowing us to systematically analyse response dynamics under different assumptions. Using this model, we find that the steady-state concentration of phosphorylated protein at the final layer of a phosphorelay is a linearly increasing, but eventually saturating function of the input. In contrast, the intermediate layers can display ultrasensitivity. We find that such ultrasensitivity is a direct result of the phosphorelay biochemistry; shuttling of a single phosphate group from the first to the last layer. The response dynamics of the phosphorelay results in tolerance of cross-talk, especially when it occurs as cross-deactivation. Further, it leads to a high signal-to-noise ratio for the final layer. We find that a relay length of four, which is most commonly observed, acts as a saturating point for these dynamic properties. These findings suggest that phosphorelays could act as a mechanism to reduce noise and effects of cross-talk on the final layer of the relay and enforce its input–response relation to be linear. In addition, our analysis suggests that middle layers of phosphorelays could embed thresholds. We discuss the consequence of these findings in relation to why cells might use phosphorelays along with enzymatic kinase cascades.  相似文献   
The methyllysine reader protein Spindlin1 has been implicated in the tumorigenesis of several types of cancer and may be an attractive novel therapeutic target. Small‐molecule inhibitors of Spindlin1 should be valuable as chemical probes as well as potential new therapeutics. We applied an iterative virtual screening campaign, encompassing structure‐ and ligand‐based approaches, to identify potential Spindlin1 inhibitors from databases of commercially available compounds. Our in silico studies coupled with in vitro testing were successful in identifying novel Spindlin1 inhibitors. Several 4‐aminoquinazoline and quinazolinethione derivatives were among the active hit compounds, which indicated that these scaffolds represent promising lead structures for the development of Spindlin1 inhibitors. Subsequent lead optimization studies were hence carried out, and numerous derivatives of both lead scaffolds were synthesized. This resulted in the discovery of novel inhibitors of Spindlin1 and helped explore the structure–activity relationships of these inhibitor series.  相似文献   
We show that a polymer‐based route to ceramics can be implemented into additive manufacturing by reducing the time for pyrolysis to about a second, which we call flash pyrolysis. Repetitive deposition of nanometer scale coatings of the ceramic, in this way, is employed to create defect‐free infiltrations of carbon fiber composites. The mechanical strength of the fibers is retained in the composite. Excellent wetting properties of the polymer precursor permits three‐dimensional, conformal coating through the three stages of infiltration: nanoscale coating of the single fibers, filling of interstitial spaces between the fibers, and a buildup of the coating over the entire composite. The flash pyrolysis method will enable a new genre of polymer‐derived ceramics made into net shape by this unusual method of additive manufacturing.  相似文献   
The association between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and chronic kidney disease has attracted interest and attention over recent years. However, no data are available in children. We determined whether children with NAFLD show signs of renal functional alterations, as determined by estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and urinary albumin excretion. We studied 596 children with overweight/obesity, 268 with NAFLD (hepatic fat fraction ≥5% on magnetic resonance imaging) and 328 without NAFLD, and 130 healthy normal-weight controls. Decreased GFR was defined as eGFR < 90 mL/min/1.73 m2. Abnormal albuminuria was defined as urinary excretion of ≥30 mg/24 h of albumin. A greater prevalence of eGFR < 90 mL/min/1.73 m2 was observed in patients with NAFLD compared to those without liver involvement and healthy subjects (17.5% vs. 6.7% vs. 0.77%; p < 0.0001). The proportion of children with abnormal albuminuria was also higher in the NAFLD group compared to those without NAFLD, and controls (9.3% vs. 4.0% vs. 0; p < 0.0001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that NAFLD was associated with decreased eGFR and/or microalbuminuria (odds ratio, 2.54 (confidence interval, 1.16–5.57); p < 0.05) independently of anthropometric and clinical variables. Children with NAFLD are at risk for early renal dysfunction. Recognition of this abnormality in the young may help to prevent the ongoing development of the disease.  相似文献   
The prevalence of metabolic disorders, such as type 2 diabetes (T2D), obesity, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which are common risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD), has dramatically increased worldwide over the last decades. Although dietary habit is the main etiologic factor, there is an imperfect correlation between dietary habits and the development of metabolic disease. Recently, research has focused on the role of the microbiome in the development of these disorders. Indeed, gut microbiota is implicated in many metabolic functions and an altered gut microbiota is reported in metabolic disorders. Here we provide evidence linking gut microbiota and metabolic diseases, focusing on the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying this association.  相似文献   
In this study, the interfacial properties between E‐glass fibers with different commercial sizings have been investigated on model composites with a nylon‐6 matrix. In particular, the fiber critical length was measured by means of the single‐fiber fragmentation test over a wide range of temperatures (from 25 to 175°C) and strain rates (from 0.0008 to 4 min−1). The general trend observed is that the fiber critical aspect ratio increases as the temperature increases and it decreases as strain rate is increased. The fiber critical aspect ratio for unsized fibers resulted to be reasonably well linearly related to the square root of the fiber to matrix modulus ratio. This results is in accordance with the Cox's shear‐lag theoretical model and the Termonia's numerical simulations. Sized fibers display an higher deviation from the theoretical prevision probably because of the presence of interphases whose properties are different from the bulk matrix. As a consequence, the interfacial shear strength values resulted to be dependent on the fiber sizing. In particular, the fibers coated with an epoxy sizing showed a superior thermal stability of the fiber matrix‐interface with respect to the unsized or nylon compatible sized fibers.  相似文献   
The unsteady-state kinetics of the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NO with NH3 is studied over V2O5–WO3/TiO2 model catalysts by means of the transient response method. NH3 strongly adsorbs onto the catalyst surface whereas NO does not adsorb appreciably. A dynamic mathematical model based on a Temkin-type desorption process for NH3 and a SCR reaction rate with a complex dependence on the ammonia surface coverage is well suited to represent the data.  相似文献   
Reactivity of V2O5&z.sbnd;WO3TiO2 de-NOx catalysts by transient methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The reactivity of ternary V2O5&z.sbnd;WO3TiO2 de-NOxing catalysts with compositions similar to those of commercial catalysts (WO3 ca. 9% w/w, V2O5 < 2% w/w) is investigated by transient techniques (temperature programmed desorption, TPD; temperature programmed surface reaction, TPSR; and temperature programmed reaction, TPR). The results indicate that the reactivity of the ternary catalysts in the SCR reaction increases on increasing the vanadia loading, and that the ternary catalysts are more active than the corresponding binary vanadia-titania samples with the same V2O5 loading. Indeed the SCR reaction is monitored at lower temperatures and high NO conversions are also preserved at high temperatures. TPSR and TPR data show that at low temperatures the SCR reaction occurs via a redox mechanism that involves at first the participation of the catalyst lattice oxygen and then the reoxidation of the reduced sites by gas-phase oxygen. Based on TPSR and TPR data, the higher reactivity of the ternary catalysts has been related to their superior redox properties, in line with previous chemico-physical characterisation studies. The catalyst redox properties thus appear as a key-factor in controlling the reactivity of V2O5&z.sbnd;WO3TiO2 de-NOxing catalysts at low temperatures. The results also show that at high temperatures the surface acidity plays an important role in the adsorption and activation of ammonia.  相似文献   
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