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Enterocin AS-48 was tested in apple juice against the cider-spoilage, exopolysaccharide-producing strain Lactobacillus diolivorans 29 in combination with high-intensity pulsed-electric field (HIPEF) treatment (35 kV/cm, 150 Hz, 4 μs and bipolar mode). A response surface methodology was applied to study the bactericidal effects of the combined treatment, with AS-48 concentration and HIPEF treatment time as process variables. At subinhibitory bacteriocin concentrations, microbial inactivation by the combined treatment increased as the bacteriocin concentration and the HIPEF treatment time increased (from 0.5 to 2.0 μg/ml and from 100 to 1000 μs, respectively). Highest inactivation (4.87 logs) was achieved by 1000 μs HIPEF treatment in combination with 2.0 μg/ml AS-48. While application of treatments separately did not protect juice from survivors during storage, survivors to the combined treatment were inactivated within the following 24 h of storage, and the treated samples remained free from detectable lactobacilli for at least 15 days at temperatures of 4 °C as well as 22 °C. The combined treatment could be useful for inactivation of exopolysaccharide-producing L. diolivorans in apple juice.  相似文献   
The development of fast, reliable and culture-independent molecular tools to detect bacteria producing biogenic amines deserves the attention of research and ultimately of the food industry in order to protect consumers' health. Here we present the application of a simple, low-cost, fast and sensitive method to perform microdroplet-based multiplex PCR, directly on a food matrix, for the simultaneous detection of bacterial genes involved in biogenic amine biosynthesis. After inoculating wine with Lactobacillus brevis IOEB 9809, cell lysis and DNA amplification are performed in one single step, without preliminary nucleic acid extraction or purification treatments. The assay is performed in about 30 min, requiring 150 nL of starting sample and it enables the detection of down to 15 bacterial cells. With respect to traditional culture techniques, the speed, the simplicity and the cheapness of this procedure allow an effective monitoring of microbial cells during food-making and processing.  相似文献   
In the present work, the compared effect of milk base and starter culture on acidification, texture, growth, and stability of probiotic bacteria in fermented milk processing, was studied. Two strains of probiotic bacteria were used, Lactobacillus acidophilus LA5 and L. rhamnosus LR35, with two starter cultures. One starter culture consisted only of Streptococcus thermophilus ST7 (single starter culture); the other was a yogurt mixed culture with S. thermophilus ST7 and L. bulgaricus LB12 (mixed starter culture). For the milk base preparation, four commercial dairy ingredients were tested (two milk protein concentrates and two casein hydrolysates). The resulting fermented milks were compared to those obtained with control milk (without enrichment) and milk added with skim milk powder. The performance of the two probiotic strains were opposite. L. acidophilus LA5 grew well on milk but showed a poor stability during storage. L. rhamnosus LR35 grew weakly on milk but was remarkably stable during storage. With the strains tested in this study, the use of the single starter culture and the addition of casein hydrolysate gave the best probiotic cell counts. The fermentation time was of about 11 h, and the probiotic level after five weeks of storage was greater than 106 cfu/ml for L. acidophilus LA5 and 10(7) cfu/ml for L. rhamnosus LR35. However, an optimization of the level of casein hydrolysate added to milk base has to be done, in order to improve texture and flavor when using this dairy ingredient.  相似文献   
Sustainable intensification (SI) has been proposed as a solution to meeting the challenge of feeding a growing global population under increasing land pressure. This paper explores the level of ambivalence felt towards SI and towards experts promoting SI based solutions to meet food security. A web-based experiment was conducted with 600 respondents who had varying degrees of knowledge about food security issues. We found a diversity of public ambivalence towards sustainable intensification and a high level of felt ambivalence towards experts promoting SI as a solution to global food security. High levels of ambivalence towards experts seemed to influence how messages on global food security were accepted. Moreover, within the respondents here sustainable consumption and greater equity ranked higher than production based sustainable intensification solutions. This paper represents the first application of the psychological construct of ambivalence applied to the topic of sustainable intensification and we argue this helps to localise the debate around SI as it offers the opportunity to capture or disentangle responses towards food security issues.  相似文献   
The formation of large bubbles was observed by MRI during freezing. This was attributed to the compression of gases in a structure that cannot globally deform (due to the frozen “shell”), the consecutive rupture of dough films and the coalescence of neighbouring bubbles. The fraction occupied by these large bubbles was consistent with the hypothesis of thermal contraction, though this was not the only mechanism in play. Conversely medium-sized bubbles initially present in the dough did not grow during freezing, suggesting that maximum stress was dependent on location.These large bubbles were suspected to contribute greatly to dough collapse just after thawing since they were still present in the thawed dough, but in an elongated form. Collapse was related to delayed expansion during the second fermentation stage. The longer the duration of the first fermentation stage, the more collapsed the dough structure became just after thawing and the coarser the dough structure was at the end of the second fermentation period.  相似文献   
A 100-fold reduction of the standard dose for artificial insemination in pigs (3 x 10(9) spermatozoa in 80-100 ml fluid) can be used when spermatozoa are deposited surgically next to the uterotubal junction. The present study was performed to develop a technique for non-surgical deep intrauterine insemination in pigs without sedation of the animal. In Expt 1, sows were weaned, treated to induce oestrus and used to evaluate the difficulties involved in the insertion of a flexible fibre optic endoscope through the cervix and along the uterine horn. Deep uterine catheterizations were performed on each sow at 30-40 h after hCG treatment in the crate in which the animal was housed. The endoscope was inserted through an artificial insemination spirette, moved through the cervical canal and propelled forward along one uterine horn until the entire endoscope was inserted. In 30 sows (90.9%) no or minor difficulties were observed during insertion and in these animals the procedure was completed in 4.1 +/- 0.26 min. Insertion of the endoscope through the cervical canal was not possible in only one sow (3.03%). In Expt 2, endoscopic deep intrauterine insemination at 36 h after hCG treatment was performed in 15, 18 and 13 sows with 100, 20 or 5 x 10(7) spermatozoa, respectively, resulting in farrowing rates of 86.6%, 88.9% and 92.3%, respectively; there were no significant differences among groups. Farrowing rates after deep intrauterine inseminations were also not different from those achieved after standard intracervical insemination with 3 x 10(9) spermatozoa (control group: n = 48; 87.5%). Mean litter size (9.41 +/- 0.38 to 10.02 +/- 0.25) was also similar among the different experimental and control groups. In conclusion, endoscopic non-surgical deep intrauterine inseminations can be performed quickly in sows, and normal farrowing rates and litter sizes can be obtained after insemination with a small number of spermatozoa.  相似文献   
We report the complete sequence of two cosmids, SPCC895 (38457 bp insert, EMBL Accession No. AL035247) and SPCC1322 (42068 bp insert, EMBL Accession No. AL035259), localized on chromosome III of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe genome. Fourteen Coding DNA sequences (CDSs) were identified in SPCC895 and 17 in SPCC1322. Two known genes were found in each cosmid: map2 and gms1 on SPCC895, encoding the mating type P-factor precursor and an UDP-galactose transporter, respectively, and bub1 and ade6 in SPCC1322, encoding a protein kinase and a phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase, respectively. The fission yeast K RNA gene has been localized to SPCC895. Three ribosomal proteins have been predicted among these two cosmids. Nine CDSs similar to known proteins were found on SPCC895, and seven on SPCC1322. They include putative genes for an uridylate kinase, a proteasome catalytic component, an ion transporter, a checkpoint protein, a translation initiation protein, a SNARE complex protein, a protein involved in cytoskeletal organization, a spindle pole body-associating protein, pre-mRNA splicing factor RNA helicase, a 3'-5' exonuclease for RNA 3' ss-tail, an UTP-glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase, a leukotriene A(4) hydrolase, a member of the RanBP7-importin beta-Cse1p superfamily, a Ca(++)-calmodulin-dependent serine/threonine protein kinase and a prohibitin antiproliferative protein. One CDS is predicted to be an integral membrane protein. One CDS from SPCC895 is similar to a CDS of unknown function from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and three from SPCC1322 are similar to CDSs of unknown function from Candida albicans, S. cerevisiae and Sz. pombe, respectively. Finally, one CDS of SPCC895 and three of SPCC1322 correspond to orphan genes.  相似文献   
Mycobacteria are waterborne emerging pathogens causing infections in human. Mycobacteria have been previously isolated from wastewater and sludge, but their densities were not estimated due to cultural biases. In order to evaluate the impact of wastewater treatment processes on mycobacteria removal, we used a real time PCR method. First we compared six DNA extraction methods and second we used the more efficient DNA extraction procedure (i.e., enzymatic lysis combined with hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide-NaCl procedure) in order to quantify Mycobacterium. With the aim to identify parameters that could serve as indicator of mycobacterial behavior, mycobacterial densities were measured in parallel to those of Escherichia coli and enterococci, and to concentrations of chemical parameters usually monitored in wastewater. Mycobacterium reached 5.5 × 10? ± 3.9 × 10? copies/L in the influent, but was not detected in the effluent after decantation and biofiltration. Most mycobacteria (98.6 ± 2.7%, i.e. 2.4 ± 0.7 log??) were removed by the physical-chemical decantation, and the remaining mycobacteria were removed by biofiltration. In contrast, enterococci and E. coli were lightly removed by decantation step and mainly removed by biofiltration. Our results showed that Mycobacterium corresponds to a hydrophobic behavior linked to insoluble compound removal, whereas enterococci and E. coli refer to hydrophilic behaviors linked to soluble compound removals.  相似文献   
Comprehensive life cycle assessments show that current transport biofuels often do worse than conventional fossil transport fuels as to the emission of greenhouse gases. Biofuels from microalgae grown with present technology and lignocellulosic biofuels from current arable land or land that is to be deforested are unlikely to do better regarding the emission of greenhouse gases than fossil transport fuels. When crops characterized by relatively low fossil fuel inputs and relatively high biomass yields are grown on abandoned agricultural and marginal soils which currently sequester little carbon, cropping for transport biofuels may help in limiting climate change without an impact on food prices. For such cropping one probably has to go beyond the market mechanism. Worldwide, there is some scope for the use of harvest residues in biofuel production. However, European arable soils show on average large losses of soil carbon and this rather favors increased addition of such residues to soils. Received: November 17, 2008; accepted: December 3, 2008  相似文献   
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