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Nanosized ZrO2 clusters were prepared by electrospinning a poly(vinylpyrrodine) (PVP)/ZrO2 mixture for calcination to remove PVP template and sizing. The morphological, chemical, structural, and thermal resistance changes during preparation stages were investigated using scanning electron microscope, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, transmission electron microscope, X-ray diffraction, and thermogravimetric analysis. The obtained ZrO2 clusters were used for preparation of nanocomposite membranes by dispersion in 2,6-pyridine polybenzimidazole (2,6-Py-PBI) matrix at 5?wt% content followed by phosphoric acid (PA) doping. The ZrO2 nanoclusters were found to be uniformly distributed in 2,6-Py-PBI/PA matrix leading to a remarkable increase in the PA doping level and proton conductivity of the obtained composite membrane.  相似文献   
This study evaluated the behavior of Salmonella and Shigella (5–6 log CFU/g) in tomato–cucumber (TC) salad without additives (control), TC with 1.0% lemon juice and 0.5% salt, TC with 10% wt/wt tahini, coleslaw, and toum sauce at 4, 10, or 24°C for 5 days. At 4°C, both pathogens survived well in all salads, with a 0.2–1.6 log CFU/g reduction after 5 days (except for toum sauce with >3.5 log CFU/g reduction after 4 days). At 10°C, Salmonella in the different TC salads remained constant, whereas Shigella numbers significantly increased by 1.0–1.7 log CFU/g after 5 days. Yet, both pathogens significantly decreased by 1.2–1.4 log CFU/g in coleslaw after 5 days and by >3.5 log CFU/g in toum sauce after 3 days. At 24°C, Salmonella significantly increased in TC salad without additives by 1.4 log CFU/g after 5 days and were below the detection level in the other types of salad after 5 days. However, Shigella numbers significantly increased by 1.0 log CFU/g in TC with tahini, but they significantly declined by 1.9–2.9 log CFU/g in TC salads after 5 days, and the pathogen was not detected in coleslaw and toum sauce after 4 days.  相似文献   
The ice melting is investigated inside a square cavity with two isothermally partially active walls. The concept of dispersing hybrid alumina–Cu nanoparticles and hybrid silica–multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) nanoparticles is recommended for thermal performance enhancement in this thermal energy storage (TES) system. The two-dimensional explicit lattice Boltzmann convection melting scheme in the single-phase model is applied to account for the natural convection flow induced in the melt region and evolution of the solid–liquid interface. The complete melting time for the pure phase change material (PCM) using case (II) is 33.3% lower compared with other cases. If the price of hybrid Al2O3–Cu nanoparticles and heat storage capacity is important, the full melt time diminishes by 16.6% with a volume fraction of 0.01 in case (II). Once hybrid silica–MWCNT nanoparticles with a volume fraction of 0.01 are utilized inside case (II), the lowest charging time is achieved. The complete melting time abates by 23.66% in contrast to the pure PCM melting. The use of single/hybrid nanoparticles to enhance the PCM melting is not necessarily economical as efficient positions of active parts could further lessen the charging time. The efficiency of hybrid nanoparticles is linked to the type and weight proportions of nanoparticles, and positions of thermally active parts.  相似文献   
This article investigates the issue of anti-modal-asynchrony sliding mode control (SMC) for discrete semi-Markov jump systems with bi-boundary sojourn time. Asynchronous mechanism refers to the mismatch phenomenon between the system mode and the controller mode, in which the modal lag is mode-dependent to reduce some conservatism compared with traditional mode-independent lag. In contrast to traditional semi-Markov jump systems, the sojourn time of each mode in this article is considered to have upper-and-lower bounds, representing better characteristics than the upper bound. Based on the semi-Markov kernel and the Lyapunov function related to the elapsed time of current mode, a sufficient condition is proposed to ensure that the mean-square stability of the underlying system is achieved under an equivalent SMC mechanism. The conditions for the existence of the designed controller are obtained, which shows that the constructed SMC mechanism is effective against asynchronous mode jumps. An anti-modal-asynchrony SMC mechanism is constructed to achieve the reachability of discrete quasi-sliding mode. Finally, the F-404 aircraft engine model is given to validate the effectiveness of the control strategy.  相似文献   
Listeria monocytogenes is an opportunistic pathogen that has been involved in several deadly illness outbreaks. Future outbreaks may be more difficult to manage because of the emergence of antibiotic resistance among L. monocytogenes strains isolated from food products. The present review summarizes the available evidence on the emergence of antibiotic resistance among L. monocytogenes strains isolated from food products and the possible ways this resistance has developed. Furthermore, the resistance of food L. monocytogenes isolates to antibiotics currently used in the treatment of human listeriosis such as penicillin, ampicillin, tetracycline, and gentamicin, has been documented. Acquisition of movable genetic elements is considered the major mechanism of antibiotic resistance development in L. monocytogenes. Efflux pumps have also been linked with resistance of L. monocytogenes to some antibiotics including fluoroquinolones. Some L. monocytogenes strains isolated from food products are intrinsically resistant to several antibiotics. However, factors in food processing chains and environments (from farm to table) including extensive or sub‐inhibitory antibiotics use, horizontal gene transfer, exposure to environmental stresses, biofilm formation, and presence of persister cells play crucial roles in the development of antibiotic resistance by L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   
The present work is aimed to fabricate a new set of composite materials containing conducting poly(azomethine-ether) reinforced with single-walled carbon nanotubes in the form of single-walled carbon nanotube/poly(azomethine-ether)1–5 for excellent enhanced thermal as well as conducting behavior of poly(azomethine-ether). Single-walled carbon nanotubes of variable loading have been embedded into conducting poly(azomethine-ether) using in situ polymerization technique. Before attempting the polymerization, 1,3-thiazole established poly(azomethine-ether) and its conformable monomers have been prepared and their chemical structures have been correlated by spectral analyses. Furthermore, ηinh and Mw values for poly(azomethine-ether) were found 0.89?dL?g?1 and 39723.6, respectively. The fabricated single-walled carbon nanotube/poly(azomethine-ether)1–5 composites were specified and characterized by wide-angle X-ray diffraction patterns, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermal behavior, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy characterization techniques. A perfect indicative response for this composite material was estimated by Fourier transform infrared spectra and X-ray diffraction as well. Both techniques displayed all intensive characteristic peaks regarding single-walled carbon nanotubes and poly(azomethine-ether) in the spectra or diffraction pattern for single-walled carbon nanotube/poly(azomethine-ether)1–5. The role of single-walled carbon nanotubes on the performance of poly(azomethine-ether) was considerably examined. Single-walled carbon nanotube/poly(azomethine-ether)1–5 showed relatively higher thermal stability. Single-walled carbon nanotube/poly(azomethine-ether)1 displayed the lowest final composite degradation temperature value (552°C), whereas single-walled carbon nanotube/poly(azomethine-ether)5 displayed the highest value (621°C). T10 and T25 values showed a gradual temperature increased while single-walled carbon nanotubes increased. Single-walled carbon nanotube/poly(azomethine-ether)1 showed the lowest thermal stability and single-walled carbon nanotube/poly(azomethine-ether)5 showed the highest thermal stability between all fabricated products. Furthermore, transmission electron microscopy images showed a prominent increase in single-walled carbon nanotubes diameters (40–60?nm). The conductivity values were significantly increased while single-walled carbon nanotubes content was increased and reached to the semiconductors. ε′ values were also increased in both single-walled carbon nanotube/poly(azomethine-ether)4,5 which have higher single-walled carbon nanotubes content.  相似文献   
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