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针对新疆维吾尔自治区高中学业水平考试信息管理系统的使用需求,并对相应的多文种报表生成等特殊要求,本文首先设计基于J2EE框架(JSF+Spring+Hibernate)的考籍变更子系统结构及各模块功能,根据需求制定考籍变更原则和流程,实现相应的变更算法,并用iText技术,有效解决B/S系统中的准考证、转出(入)申请表等多文种报表的生成。实践结果表明,本文所提出的相关算法具有实时性和鲁棒性,具有很好的实用效果。  相似文献   
Water Resources Management - Considering the great importance of flood prediction, flood routing based on Shark Algorithm (SA) and Four-Parameter Nonlinear Muskingum (FPNM) has been proposed in the...  相似文献   
Windows Mobile拥有微软的掌上版本操作系统,在与桌面PC和Office办公的兼容性方面具有先天的优势,用户越来越多。该文章将介绍基于Windows Mobile的多语种电子辞典的开发技术。始终考虑新疆维吾尔自治区的多民族特征,在双向汉维翻译,相关工具,界面的多语种化方面尽量给使用者提供方便的翻译功能。主要技术包括在Windows Mobile中维吾尔文的处理,界面的多语种化,UI元素,字体,图像对不同屏幕的自适应。  相似文献   
目前针对印刷体维吾尔文档图像的切分研究主要集中在字母切分上,单词切分的文献较少,且存在着标点符号难处理,未合并被拆分书写的单词等问题,同时单词切分准确率有待进一步提高。在对文档图像进行投影处理的基础上,通过[K]均值聚类算法[(K]-means)对文本行中所有连体段之间的间隙进行聚类分析得出最佳的间隙判别阈值,然后对所有连体段进行筛选和粗略识别,并结合对间隙的阈值判别结果来确定单词的精确切分点和获取被拆分书写单词的位置信息。在选取的100张文档图像中测试时,结果表明该方法能有效去除标点符号对切分结果的影响,准确合并被拆分书写的单词,并且平均单词切分准确率保持在99%以上。  相似文献   

Heat and mass transfer in unsteady non-coaxial rotating flow of viscous fluid over an infinite vertical disk is investigated. The motion in the fluid is induced due to two sources. Firstly, due to the buoyancy force which is caused because of temperature and concentration gradients. Secondly, because of non-coaxial rotation of a disk such that the disk executes cosine or since oscillation in its plane and the fluid is at infinity. The problem is modeled in terms of coupled partial differential equations with some physical boundary and initial conditions. The dimensionless form of the problem is solved via Laplace transform method for exact solutions. Expressions for velocity field, temperature and concentration distributions are obtained, satisfying all the initial and boundary conditions. Skin friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number are also evaluated. The physical significance of the mathematical results is shown in various plots and is discussed for several embedded parameters. It is found that magnitude of primary velocity is less than secondary velocity. In limiting sense, the present solutions are found identical with published results.

印刷维吾尔文特征提取之方向码   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特征提取方法的选择是影响识别率的一个至关重要的因素。而印刷识别中的分类特征很多,让每一类特征具有良好的分类能力和稳定性是仍需要解决的问题。现就以具有高稳定性和抗干扰能力的八方向码特征为例,对其提取方法进行了全面的阐述。  相似文献   
In this paper the thermal buckling load of a curved beam made of functionally graded material (FGM) with doubly symmetric cross section is considered. By instability conditions we mean the in-plane and out-of-plane buckling. The stability equations are derived using the variational principles. The curved beam is under temperature rise for thermal loading. The solution for critical thermal buckling load is obtained using the stability equations and the Galerkin method. The critical thermal buckling load is obtained.  相似文献   
A new method of estimating the coefficients of an autoregressive (AR) model using real-valued neural network (RVNN) technique is presented in this paper. The coefficients of the AR model are obtained from the synaptic weights and adaptive coefficients of the activation function of a two layer RVNN while the number of neurons in the hidden layer is estimated from over-constrained system of equations.The performance of the proposed technique has been evaluated using sinusoidal data and recorded speech so as to examine the spectral resolution and line splitting as well as its ability to detect voiced and unvoiced data section from a recorded speech. Results obtained show that the method can accurately resolve closely related frequencies without experiencing spectral line splitting as well as identify the voice and unvoiced segments in a recorded speech.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the maximum throughput of a rechargeable secondary user (SU) sharing the spectrum with a primary user (PU). The SU is assumed to be an energy harvesting node, which harvests energy packets from the environmental energy sources (e.g. solar, wind and acoustics) with a certain harvesting rate. The PU is equipped with a data buffer to store the randomly arrived data packets at its receiver. In addition to its own data buffer, the SU is equipped with another data buffer for storing the unsuccessfully decoded packets at the primary destination in a given time slot due to channel fading. Moreover, it has an energy buffer for storing the energy packets harvested from the environment. We propose a new cooperative cognitive relaying protocol that allows the SU to gain channel access when it relays a fraction of the undelivered primary packets. We consider an interference channel model [or a multipacket reception (MPR) channel model], where simultaneous transmissions can be decoded correctly at the corresponding destinations with certain decoding probabilities characterised by the complement of channel outages under interference. Our proposed protocol exploits the PU's data burstiness because of the random and sporadic packet arrival at its queue. Moreover, the proposed protocol takes advantage of the receivers' MPR capabilities. In addition, it efficiently expends the secondary energy packets under the objective of secondary throughput maximisation. Our numerical results show the benefits of cooperation, receivers' MPR capabilities and secondary energy queue arrival rate on the system's performance from a network layer standpoint. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Organometal lead-halide perovskites demonstrate excellent photovoltaic performance in the visible (Vis) region. However, their lack of response in the near-infrared (NIR) region limits their applications in broadband photodetectors. Here, PbS quantum dots (QDs) were successfully embedded in MAPbCl0.5Br2.5 single crystal by solution-processed epitaxial growth. Perovskites can effectively act as efficient charge transporters. The mobility of MAPbCl0.5Br2.5 with 1 wt% PbS quantum dots crystal is about 85 cm2/(V·S), which is similar to that of pure MAPbCl0.5Br2.5 single crystal. Meanwhile, the composite crystal exhibited a broadband response wavelength from the Vis (625 nm) to the NIR (850 nm) with fast response times (τonoff = 6/9 ms and τonoff = 19/43 ms in the Vis and NIR regions, respectively). The photodetector demonstrates a responsivity of 0.02 mA/W with a specific detectivity of 1.2 × 108 Jones under 5.1 mW/cm2 850-nm illumination at 10-V bias. These results suggest that we have obtained high-quality composite crystals with improved photo response in the Vis to NIR region.  相似文献   
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