Nowadays, consumers demand healthy, safe, and ready-to-eat horticultural products because of their lifestyle. In this regard, new legume-based food product development with eco-innovative technologies seems to be an interesting market. The effect on quality of an innovative pesto sauce, made of fresh faba bean seeds, of an alternative continuous microwave treatment pasteurization (MW, 11 kW; 30 s) regarding a conventional pasteurization (85 °C; 5 min) throughout 20 days at 5 °C was studied. Non-heated blended samples were used as control. The microbial quality was satisfactory in all treatments. MW treatment improved the sensorial quality of pesto sauce and decreased condensed tannins. Additionally, MW-treated samples showed the best texture, consistency, and color, preserving its chlorophyll and carotenoid content. On the other hand, thermal treatments showed a decrease in total phenolic compounds (TPC) and antioxidant capacity (TEAC) after heating, regarding control samples; however, TPC and TEAC remained quite constant throughout the storage. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of microwave-vacuum pretreatment conducted at 100, 500 and 800 W on the drying kinetics of whole cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon) during hybrid osmotic and microwave-vacuum drying. Additionally, the effect of microwave-vacuum pretreatment and subsequent osmo-microwave-vacuum drying on selected quality indicators of dried cranberries, including phenolic content, antioxidant activity and color, was studied, and the quality of samples was compared with freeze dried, microwave-vacuum dried and osmo-microwave-vacuum dried samples. Irrespective of microwave power, the initial pretreatment accelerated mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of cranberries, and the Weibull model well fitted the experimental data. Final microwave-vacuum drying of cranberries was a two-stage process involving a relatively long phase with a constant drying rate, followed by a short period with a decreasing drying rate. Microwave-vacuum and osmo-microwave-vacuum drying resulted in similar retention of polyphenols and similar antioxidant activity, both of which were relatively higher than in freeze-dried cranberries. However, microwave-vacuum pretreatment at low microwave power (100 W) before dehydration also resulted in high retention of phenolic compounds, high antioxidant activity and attractive color, which were consistent with the high content of total anthocyanins and flavonoids. Microwave-vacuum, osmo-microwave-vacuum and osmo-microwave-vacuum drying combined with microwave-vacuum pretreatment at low microwave power (100 W) were the most suitable methods for the production of high-quality dried whole cranberries. 相似文献
Washing and sanitation of fresh produce are critical for detachment and inactivation of pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms. The overall goal of this study was to evaluate the influence of processing conditions such as washing time, shear stress, and a food grade surfactant on the detachment of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from lettuce leaf surfaces during a simulated washing process. A benchtop scale rotating disk washing device was designed to simulate the processing conditions used in commercial washing systems. Numerical simulations were carried out to calculate the flow profile and shear stress near the leaf surface. Removal of E. coli O157:H7 as a function of processing conditions in the rotating disk washing device was evaluated by enumeration of bacterial population using plate counting and changes in bioluminescence intensity and further confirmed by bioluminescence imaging. The results showed that shear stress was necessary to remove attached bacteria from inoculated leaf samples and simple incubation of inoculated leaves with wash water was not effective. Furthermore, detachment of bacteria from inoculated leaf samples increased with increasing shear stress and incubation time. Shear stress values in the range of 0 – 300 mPa were adequate to induce removal of approximately 1.5 log CFU/cm2 of bacteria from inoculated samples. The addition of a surfactant increased the removal of bacteria from inoculated leaf samples by 0.5 log CFU/cm2. Overall, these results may guide the design of new produce wash systems as well as current industrial practice related to flow conditions and use of surfactants during washing of fresh produce. 相似文献
Vacuum cooling has notable advantages including fast cooling rate, cleanness, and high energy efficiency. However, the weight loss of food after being vacuum cooled was unsatisfactory, especially for meat products. Immersion vacuum cooling can significantly reduce the weight loss of food compared with traditional vacuum cooling procedures, but the cooling rate is unacceptable. To overcome this problem, here, a novel vacuum cooler, bubbling vacuum cooler, was designed and evaluated for the small-size cubic cooked pork with a side length of 1.5 cm from about 60 to 4 °C. Experimental results indicated that bubbling vacuum cooling can reduce the weight loss (about ??2.3%) of food compared to both vacuum cooling (about 12.4%) and immersion vacuum cooling (about 0.5%) (P?<?0.05). Further, bubbling vacuum cooling can cool the sample with a slightly more rapid cooling rate (0.10 °C/s) contrasted with immersion vacuum cooling (0.07 °C/s) (P?>?0.05). For the chromatism value of sample, no significant difference was found between immersion vacuum cooling and bubbling vacuum cooling (P?>?0.05). The textural property of sample cooled by bubbling vacuum cooling was close to (for hardness, elasticity, chewiness, and shear force, P?>?0.05) and better (for cohesiveness, P?<?0.05) than that of immersion vacuum cooling. Thus, our experiment demonstrated that cooked pork cooled by bubbling vacuum cooling has a lower weight loss rate and a more rapid cooling rate than that of immersion cooling. 相似文献
The impact of heat moisture treatment (HMT) of flours on the techno-functional and nutritional patterns of binary flour bread matrices (wheat/barley, WT/CB, 60:40, w/w) was investigated in untreated (?) and HMT (+) samples made at 160 and 170 dough yield (DY) levels. Assessment was performed by determining viscoelastic (stress relaxation test) and mechanical (double compression test) behaviours, volume (seed displacement), colour (Photoshop system), crumb grain (digital image analysis), starch digestibility (enzyme hydrolysis) and staling kinetics (Avrami equation), bioaccessible polyphenol content (digestive enzymatic mild extraction) and anti-radical activity (DPPH●). A superior functional profile was provided by HMT of CB flour in the blend WT?CB+ when hydrated at DY 170 compared to the untreated control WT?CB?. The sample exhibited a similar specific volume, more cohesive, springier, more resilient crumb, with similar rate and extent of crumb firming on ageing, and similar colour pattern but finer and more uniformly sized cell structure, and deserved similar sensory ratings as the control WT?CB? concerning cell uniformity, smoothness and typical smell and taste. Digestible starch kinetic curves of blended breads pointed out samples WT?CB+ and WT+CB+ as matrices expliciting a lower degree and slower rate of starch hydrolysis when mixed at low and high DY, respectively. A similar anti-radical activity for composite bread matrices was evidenced regardless of either HMT or DY. 相似文献
In this work, the effect of Détente Instantanée Contrôlée (DIC) (French for instant controlled pressure drop) on the total polyphenol, flavonoids, α-tocopherol contents, and antioxidant activities of olive leaves was studied. Olive leaf extracts were pre-treated at one cycle DIC under 0.1 MPa pressure for 11 s and followed by an extraction with 95% ethanol at 55 °C during 3 h. The phenolic compounds, flavonoïds, oleuropein, and α-tocopherol contents were determined, showing 66.63 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g db, 12 mg catechin equivalent (CE)/g db, 43.9 mg/g db, and 0.15 mg/g db for the untreated leaves against 239.37 mg GAE/g db, 28 mg CE/g db, 70.3 mg/g db, and 0.59 mg/g db for DIC-treated leaves, respectively. Therefore, DIC allows more availability of bioactive compounds contributing to a high antiradical activity (DPPH) compared to a synthetic antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). Both extracts showed a total antioxidant capacity (method of phosphomolybdenum) greater than that of the standard BHT. Likewise, both extracts have a reducing power (FRAP test) significant concentration-dependent. The DIC-treated leaves showed a higher antioxidant capacity compared to that of untreated leaves. Thus, DIC could be an effective treatment to promote the extraction of bioactive molecules of high antioxidant activities from olive leaves. 相似文献
Spectral analysis employing multivariate techniques was employed to differentiate plain maize flours from formulations containing maize with added milled chia or quinoa seeds for producing cereal breakfast extrudates. The physicochemical changes of the enriched formulations due to processing stages and formulation were evaluated by using FTIR and chemometric analysis, which allowed a rapid and non-destructive discrimination between sample processing and compositional aspects. Specific IR frequencies were selected which provided highest sample discrimination. Selected IR absorbance relationships at those specific wavenumbers were useful to track changes promoted by extrusion for carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. The complexes between amylose and lipids, that takes place during extrusion, underwent distinctive changes as confirmed by XRD. The crystallinity loss, after extrusion (with an average value of 50%), shows evidence of amylose-lipid complexes formation of type Eh and Vh. Correlations between the textural behavior, composition, and selected FTIR indices were obtained. 相似文献
Propolis presents several health benefits due to the presence of bioactive compounds, mainly phenolic compounds; however, its application in food is limited due to undesirable odor and low water solubility. The bioactive compounds are usually susceptible to degradation by exposure to light, heat, or oxygen or by interaction with other compounds, which may limit its biological activity. The study aimed the propolis extract microencapsulation using rice, pea, soybean, and ovoalbumin proteins as wall material by spray drying and to analyze their in vitro digestion. The propolis extract presented a high concentration of apigenin. Encapsulation efficiency was greater than 70%, and it was maintained the antioxidant activity of propolis (88% inhibition of DPPH for propolis extract and >?73% for the microparticles). The DSC, ATR-FTIR, and X-ray diffraction techniques confirmed the encapsulation. The microparticles showed different shapes, sizes, and physical characteristics. The microparticles encapsulated with pea protein could be used in formulations of Minas Frescal cheese due to the controlled released, whereas the other microparticles could be used in pudding formulations. 相似文献
Curcumin is a natural yellow pigment extracted from dried roots of turmeric, used in food applications. Despite its applicability in food products, this phenolic compound is also used in the pharmaceutical field. It is reported to have health benefits such as anticancer, antitumor, and antiviral effects. However, curcumin is a very unstable compound. Therefore, this work proposes the microencapsulation of curcumin, in order to protect it and to improve its stability and solubility in water, by spray-drying, using the gum arabic as an encapsulating agent in three different concentrations 10, 15, and 20% (weight/volume (w/v)). Emulsions were prepared with coconut oil and used to prepare the curcumin microparticles. For this purpose, different analysis and studies were performed. A product yield ranging from 44 to 52% and from 29 to 42% was obtained for the production of microparticles without and with curcumin, respectively. The curcumin microcapsules and empty capsules were characterized and evaluated. All the microparticles presented a spherical form, had a diameter around 7–9 μm (considering a volume distribution), and had a rough surface. The efficiency of encapsulation was between 75 and 85%, being higher for the particles prepared with higher concentrations of encapsulating agents. Considering the controlled release studies, the microcapsules were prepared with different concentrations of gum arabic but showed similar release profiles. However, it was also concluded that increasing the amount of gum arabic used in the formulation of the microparticles, the amount of curcumin released in the first minutes decreases; therefore, the release tends to be slower (63.2% of the release varied between 25.5 and 69.0 min). Fitting the experimental results to a linearized equation of the Weibull model, it was possible to obtain a good correlation coefficient (R2 varying from 0.94 to 0.97), indicating that this model adapts to the experimental data obtained.
Graphical Abstract SEM images for the microparticles prepared with curcumin using gum arabic, as encapsulating agent and experimental and Weibull model release profiles
This study developed principal component analysis and radial basis function neural networks (PCA-RBFNNs) for predicting freshness in tilapia fillets stored at different temperatures by integrating an electronic nose and electronic tongue. Total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), total aerobic counts (TAC), and K value increased at 0, 4, 7, and 10 °C, while sensory scores decreased significantly. The electronic nose and tongue acquired the volatiles and dissolved chemical compounds in the stored samples. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) verified the changes in gas species and contents in fillets stored for different periods of time at different temperatures. PCA-RBFNNs based on data fusion were developed and presented good performance for prediction of TVB-N, TAC, K value, and sensory score in tilapia fillets. The established PCA-RBFNNs based on feature variables of the electronic nose and tongue is a promising method to predict changes in the freshness of fillets stored from 0 to 10 °C in the cold chain. 相似文献