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Recent studies, on cells cultured in 3D collagen gels, have shown that, beside from their well known biochemical role, fibronectin (FN) and laminin (LM) affect cell functions via a modification of mechanical and structural properties of matrix due to interaction with collagen molecules. Though biochemical properties of FN and LM have been widely studied, little is known about their role in collagen matrix assembly. The aim of this work was to characterize FN- and LM-based collagen semi-interpenetrating polymer networks (semi-IPNs), in order to understand how these biomacromolecular species can affect collagen network assembly and properties. Morphology, viscoelasticity and diffusivity of collagen gels and FN- and LM-based collagen semi-IPNs were analysed by Confocal Laser Scanning microscopy (CLSM), Environmental Scanning Electron microscopy (ESEM), Transmission Electron microscopy (TEM), Rheometry and Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP) techniques. It was found that FN and LM were organized in aggregates, interspersed in collagen gel, and in thin fibrils, distributed along collagen fibres. In addition, high FN and LM concentrations affected collagen fibre assembly and structure and induced drastic effects on rheological and transport properties.  相似文献   
We pose a new visualization challenge, asking Graph Drawing algorithms to cope with the requirements of Streaming applications. In this model a source produces a graph one edge at a time. When an edge is produced, it is immediately drawn and its placement cannot be altered. The drawing has an image persistence, that controls the lifetime of edges. If the persistence is k, an edge remains in the drawing for the time spent by the source to generate k edges, and then it fades away. In this model we study the area requirement of planar straight-line grid drawings of trees and we assess the output quality of the presented algorithms by computing the competitive ratio with respect to the best known offline algorithms.  相似文献   
The main objective of this study was to produce the functionally improved whey protein hydrolysate with high bioaccessible antioxidant activity. The hydrolysate with highest antioxidant activity, mainly composed of hydrophilic antioxidant peptides and suitable for preventing oxidation in polar food matrices, was produced by tryptic hydrolysis conducted at 37 °C and an enzyme/substrate (E/S) ratio of 0.5%. The hydrolysate exerted significantly improved antioxidant activity (80.0%), digestibility (95.9%) and bioaccessibility (124.6%) compared to the native whey proteins (32.1%, 87.1% and 106.3%, respectively) as widely used food supplement. The high bioaccessibility indicates the preservation of hydrolysate bioactivity during the process of gastrointestinal digestion, as a particular challenge in its application.  相似文献   
Physical exercise is a well-proven neurogenic stimulus, promoting neuronal progenitor proliferation and affecting newborn cell survival. Besides, it has beneficial effects on brain health and cognition. Previously, we found that three days of physical activity in a very precocious period of adult-generated granule cell life is able to antedate the appearance of the first GABAergic synaptic contacts and increase T-type Ca2+ channel expression. Considering the role of GABA and Ca2+ in fostering neuronal maturation, in this study, we used short-term, voluntary exercise on a running wheel to investigate if it is able to induce long-term morphological and synaptic changes in newborn neurons. Using adult male rats, we found that: (i) three days of voluntary physical exercise can definitively influence the morpho-functional maturation process of newborn granule neurons when applied very early during their development; (ii) a significant percentage of new neurons show more mature morphological characteristics far from the end of exercise protocol; (iii) the long-term morphological effects result in enhanced synaptic plasticity. Present findings demonstrate that the morpho-functional changes induced by exercise on very immature adult-generated neurons are permanent, affecting the neuron maturation and integration in hippocampal circuitry. Our data contribute to underpinning the beneficial potential of physical activity on brain health, also performed for short times.  相似文献   
Herein, we analyze answers achieved, open questions, and future perspectives regarding the analysis of the pathogenetic variants (PV) of DNA damage response (and repair) (DDR) genes in prostate cancer (PC) patients. The incidence of PVs in homologous recombination repair (HRR) genes among men with metastatic PC varied between 11% and 33%, which was significantly higher than that in non-metastatic PC, and BRCA2 mutations were more frequent when compared to other DDR genes. The determination of the somatic or germline PVs of BRCA2 was able to define a tailored therapy using PARP inhibitors in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) progression after first-line therapy, with significant improvements in the radiologic progression-free survival (rPFS) and overall survival (OS) rates. We propose testing all metastatic PC patients for somatic and germline HRR mutations. Somatic determination on the primary site or on historic paraffin preparations with a temporal distance of no longer than 5 years should be preferred over metastatic site biopsies. The prognostic use of DDR PVs will also be used in selected high-risk cases with non-metastatic stages to better arrange controls and therapeutic primary options. We anticipate that the use of poly-ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors in hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (HSPC) and in combination with androgen receptor signaling inhibitors (ARSI) will be new strategies.  相似文献   
The updated Bioeconomy Strategy document “A sustainable bioeconomy for Europe: strengthening the connection between economy, society and the environment”, which was issued by the European Commission in October 2018, encourages the exploitation of organic wastes according to a pyramidal hierarchy in which the extraction of valuable biomolecules, which will be used as they are or as precursors of high-added-value compounds, is a priority in biofuel production. This review considers a biorefinery platform in which food waste and sewage sludge are adopted to produce volatile fatty acids (VFAs) through a dark fermentation process. VFA fermentation is optimized by slightly acid pH (6–7), short hydraulic retention time (1–7 days) and high organic load rate (more than 10 gTS L−1 d−1). Attention has been focused on VFA exploitation for polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production via a ‘feast and famine’ strategy performed in sequencing batch reactors. The obtained PHA yields are around 0.4–0.5 gPHA gCOD−1. Moreover, VFAs allow for the production of biofuels, such as hydrogen and methane, through single- or double-staged anaerobic digestion. Innovative bioelectrochemical upgrade strategies for biogas helps producers to obtain biomethane for the automotive sector. Moreover, biogas has recently been tested for the production of polyhydroxybutyrate, a biodegradable and biocompatible thermoplastic made by microorganisms from C1 carbon sources (CO2 and CH4). Digestates from anaerobic bioreactors are still rich in nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. These latter compounds have been identified as critical raw materials due to their low availability in the European Union and to increasing demand from the growing global population. Thus, nutrient recovery from digestate allows users to close the loop of the ‘circular economy’ approach. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The available lysine contents during industrial production of wheat, rye, barley and oat flakes have been investigated. Obtained results show that hydrothermal treatment (120°C, 60 min, 1·99×105 Pa) of whole cereal grain as well as flaking process (70°C, gap 0·3 mm) did not significantly affect lysine availability. When summary effects in particular processing phases, including thermal treatment (100°C) of oat grains—before fragmentation and hydrothermic treatment—is calculated, the loss of available lysine was significant during production of rye flakes (4·90%) and oat flakes (8·22%). Protein nutritive quality, expressed as a chemical score based on the available lysine contents in relation to NAS/NRC reference pattern was on the average 47·9%, 46·5%, 41·0% and 38·6% for oat, rye, barley and wheat flakes, respectively. © 1997 SCI  相似文献   
The design of a CMOS ultra-wideband (UWB) pulse generator for impulse radio system transmission in the 3.1-10.6 GHz frequency band is presented. The pulse generator uses an elementary pulse combiner, which appears to be well suited to tune the synthesised pulse. The generator is designed with no inductors or external filter in order to reduce the die area and the production cost. Simulations with a standard 0.13 mum CMOS design kit show a 600 mVpp pulse that satisfies the FCC regulation mask and a power consumption of 2.64 mW with a 100 MHz pulse repetition frequency.  相似文献   
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