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Key elements of present investment decision-making regarding energy efficiency of new buildings and the refurbishment of existing buildings are the marginal costs of energy efficiency measures and incomplete knowledge of investors and architects about pricing, co-benefits and new technologies. This paper reports on a recently completed empirical study for the Swiss residential sector. It empirically quantifies the marginal costs of energy efficiency investments (i.e. additional insulation, improved window systems, ventilation and heating systems and architectural concepts). For the private sector, first results on the economic valuation of co-benefits such as improved comfort of living, improved indoor air quality, better protection against external noise, etc. may amount to the same order of magnitude as the energy-related benefits are given. The cost–benefit analysis includes newly developed technologies that show large variations in prices due to pioneer market pricing, add-on of learning costs and risk components of the installers. Based on new empirical data on the present cost-situation and past techno-economic progress, the potential of future cost reduction was estimated applying the experience curve concept. The paper shows, for the first time, co-benefits and cost dynamics of energy efficiency investments, of which decision makers in the real estate sector, politics and administrations are scarcely aware.  相似文献   
Technological learning in bioenergy systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main goal of this article is to determine whether cost reductions in different bioenergy systems can be quantified using the experience curve approach, and how specific issues (arising from the complexity of biomass energy systems) can be addressed. This is pursued by case studies on biofuelled combined heat and power (CHP) plants in Sweden, global development of fluidized bed boilers and Danish biogas plants. As secondary goal, the aim is to identify learning mechanisms behind technology development and cost reduction for the biomass energy systems investigated. The case studies reveal large difficulties to devise empirical experience curves for investment costs of biomass-fuelled power plants. To some extent, this is due to lack of (detailed) data. The main reason, however, are varying plant costs due to differences in scale, fuel type, plant layout, region etc. For fluidized bed boiler plants built on a global level, progress ratios (PRs) for the price of entire plants lies approximately between 90–93% (which is typical for large plant-like technologies). The costs for the boiler section alone was found to decline much faster. The experience curve approach delivers better results, when the production costs of the final energy carrier are analyzed. Electricity from biofuelled CHP-plants yields PRs of 91–92%, i.e. an 8–9% reduction of electricity production costs with each cumulative doubling of electricity production. The experience curve for biogas production displays a PR of 85% from 1984 to the beginning of 1990, and then levels to approximately 100% until 2002. For technologies developed on a local level (e.g. biogas plants), learning-by-using and learning-by-interacting are important learning mechanism, while for CHP plants utilizing fluidized bed boilers, upscaling is probably one of the main mechanisms behind cost reductions.  相似文献   
We investigate different micro-powders that can be used as base materials for THz lenses fabricated by compression molding. For this application materials with a very weak THz absorbance and low dispersion are required. By measuring the THz absorption coefficient and refractive index of pellets pressed from the different micro-powders, we identify several materials that are well suited for the fabrication of compression molded THz lenses (CMLs). In addition, a considerable range of the refractive index is covered by the samples, which will allow for the fabrication of CMLs with different focal lengths for one and the same lens design.  相似文献   
Twenty-four-hour ambulatory pH monitoring is an essential tool for diagnosing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Simultaneous impedance and pH monitoring of the esophagus improves the detection and characterization of GERD. Conventional catheter-based monitoring systems are uncomfortable and interfere with the normal activity of the patient. To overcome these disadvantages, different wireless esophageal monitoring systems have been proposed. A capsule containing sensors for impedance and pH monitoring with wireless communication capabilities is presented. A low cost miniature microcontroller was utilized for interfacing between the sensors and a wireless transmitter. The microcontroller program allowed efficient management of the electric power provided by a 3-V battery. Magnetic holding is proposed as an alternative to surgical affixation of the monitoring capsule. Permanent neodymium magnets separated by 27 cm successfully held the capsule in a test tube. Experimental results demonstrated that friction force can aid magnetic holding to overcome peristalsis. The proposed design efficiently detected acid and nonacid reflux. More research regarding the holding method and capsule packaging are necessary to optimize the mechanical performance of the proposed design in order to facilitate clinical testing on human subjects.  相似文献   
The European Space Agency's Deep-Space Antennas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The European Space Agency (ESA) is today autonomously flying three interplanetary missions: Rosetta traveling to the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko and the two orbiters Mars Express and Venus Express. The capability of supporting these and future deep-space missions is the consequence of a farsighted decision taken in 1996 to expand the ESA network of 15-m tracking antennas into the deep-space domain. The ambitious plan to provide around-the-clock coverage to all ESA interplanetary missions is almost completed: two deep-space antennas, located in New Norcia (Australia) and Cebreros (Spain), have been in operation since 2002 and 2005, respectively, while a third antenna is planned for 2011. This paper presents the two existing antennas starting from the underlying system requirements originated from the Rosetta mission, which was the most demanding in terms of required performance. The selected architecture is then described, followed by a detailed discussion about the critical performances that play a major role in deep-space support and the associated design issues.  相似文献   
Network overloads can seriously degrade the quality or availability of telecommunications services if they are not effectively controlled. This paper explains why overload controls are required and how they should behave for both today's and future networks. The requirements of overload controls are presented, in terms of the conditions under which they must operate and the behaviour they should exhibit. Good design principles are proposed, which include identifying the controlled variable, the control structure, convergence and stability, and parameter configuration, while ensuring that different implementations work together. Relevant network standards are highlighted, and the paper stresses the crucial importance that these standards adequately specify the behaviour of overload controls.  相似文献   
Soft Computing for Intelligent Knowledge-based Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Knowledge-based systems are founded on the idea that knowledge should be declarative, so that it can be easily read, understood, and altered by a human user as well as by a machine. Logic fulfils these criteria, and logic programming has been widely used for implementing knowledge-based systems. One major shortcoming of logic programming is the lack of a mechanism to deal with the uncertainty inherent in many knowledge-based systems. Soft computing is a key technology for the management of uncertainty, although so far its major successes have been centred on fuzzy control rather than higher level information management. This paper outlines some of the issues related to the area of soft computing in knowledge-based systems, and suggests some simple problems to test the capabilities of software. Fril is discussed as an implementation language for knowledge-based systems involving uncertainty, and some of its applications are outlined.  相似文献   
An adaptive analog continuous-time biquadratic filter is realized in a 2-μm digital CMOS process for operation at 300 kHz. The biquad implements the notch, bandpass and low-pass transfer functions. The only parameter adapted is the resonant frequency of the biquad, which is identical to the notch frequency and the bandpass center frequency. The update method is based on a least-means-square algorithm which adapts the notch frequency to minimize the power at the notch filter output. The actual update is modified to reduce the circuit complexity to one biquad and one correlator. When the filter is tracking a sinusoid, this update generates a ripple-free gradient that decreases tracking error. Applications include phase-frequency detectors, FM demodulators (linear and frequency shift keying), clock extractors, and frequency acquisition aids for phase-locked loops and Costas loops. Measured results from experimental prototypes are presented. Nonidealities of an all-analog implementation are discussed, along with suggestions to improve performance  相似文献   
Flowsheeting systems for process simulation. Simulation of process plants with flowsheeting systems has been state of the art in chemical plant design and in the chemical industry for many years. Modern computers now permit steady state simulation of complex chemical plants with sufficient accuracy. This paper outlines the different approaches to steady state process simulation, names the advantages and disadvantages, and gives an outlook on further developments. Process optimization, process integration, and process synthesis will be discussed. The integration of different programs, e.g. the connection between flowsheeting systems and computer-aided design (CAD) will be described. An advance in user friendliness will be reached by latest developments in the field of personal computers and workstations and by database management systems.  相似文献   
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