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Since the successful demonstration of a blue light-emitting diode (LED), potential materials for making short-wavelength LEDs and diode lasers have been attracting increasing interest as the demands for display, illumination and information storage grow. Zinc oxide has substantial advantages including large exciton binding energy, as demonstrated by efficient excitonic lasing on optical excitation. Several groups have postulated the use of p-type ZnO doped with nitrogen, arsenic or phosphorus, and even p-n junctions. However, the choice of dopant and growth technique remains controversial and the reliability of p-type ZnO is still under debate. If ZnO is ever to produce long-lasting and robust devices, the quality of epitaxial layers has to be improved as has been the protocol in other compound semiconductors. Here we report high-quality undoped films with electron mobility exceeding that in the bulk. We have used a new technique to fabricate p-type ZnO reproducibly. Violet electroluminescence from homostructural p-i-n junctions is demonstrated at room-temperature.  相似文献   
The effect of gravity on dissolution of GaSb in InSb melt and growth of InGaSb was experimentally investigated. Experiments were carried out in a GaSb(seed)/InSb/GaSb(feed) sandwich system under an imposed temperature gradient. In the experiments, the GaSb feed crystal dissolved into the InSb melt to supply the required GaSb component for the growth of In0.1Ga0.9Sb crystal. Two parameters were considered: (1) the inclination angle (θ) of the sample for gravity as 0° and 53°, and (2) the sample diameter (D) as 9 mm and 5mm. When θ was 0°, the interface was almost flat, indicating that convection was axisymmetric and stable. Whereas the interface was distorted towards gravitational direction when θ was 53°, indicating that solutal convection was dominant. The decrease of growth temperature and sample diameter reduced the distortion of interface and the dissolution amount of GaSb feed. The homogeneous crystals were grown at the initial growth stage by supplying the GaSb component during growth.  相似文献   
To realize new TES imaging for high energy X-ray or gamma-ray spectrometer with a large pixel array and high count rate, we will try to develop a new radiation absorber self-adjusting the operating temperature and adopting an original reading out method of large pixel array using parallel biasing scheme. Our first prototype TES pixel using Au/Ti/Au tri-layer which consists of the small heat sensors and the radiation absorption area, and these are biased in serial. In this device, the current pulse with the decay time constant of less than 20 microseconds of incident X-rays from 55Fe source were observed.   相似文献   
Cooperative behavior of various agents in dynamic environment   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The multi-agent model is a model in which agents with limited ability cooperate each other to accomplish a goal. In this paper, we introduce a multi-agent model in which agents are created to imitate real ants. There are two different type of agents, each type of which has a particular task. We designed agents to communicate each other by using pheromone considering noise. On this model, we observed cooperative behavior of agents and evaluated conditions to make an order of behavior in the model.  相似文献   
The frequency stability of a semiconductor laser deteriorated under direct frequency shift keying (FSK) when stabilization depended entirely upon an external frequency reference. Therefore, the PEAK method was devised for the purpose of improving frequency stability. This method requires two distinct frequency components and, therefore, will not work effectively in a communications system that produces a succession of identical frequencies, as does the FSK method on occasion. This paper, then, explains the results of our comparative analysis of the two modulation methods. The evaluation of frequency stability requires us to use a beat note between two stabilized laser beams, referred to here, as “signal” and “reference,” lasers. The reference laser is stabilized by a method that takes advantage of the magneto-optical effect. This laser restrains the tendency of the beat note frequency to broaden in other stabilization methods, and even makes it possible to predetermine the beat frequency to be employed. The improvement in frequency stability obtained is about one order of magnitude. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 125(2): 44–51, 1998  相似文献   
This paper describes approaches for machine learning of context free grammars (CFGs) from positive and negative sample strings, which are implemented in Synapse system. The grammatical inference consists of a rule generation by “inductive CYK algorithm,” mechanisms for incremental learning, and search. Inductive CYK algorithm generates minimum production rules required for parsing positive samples, when the bottom-up parsing by CYK algorithm does not succeed. The incremental learning is used not only for synthesizing grammars by giving the system positive strings in the order of their length but also for learning grammars from other similar grammars. Synapse can synthesize fundamental ambiguous and unambiguous CFGs including nontrivial grammars such as the set of strings not of the form ww with w∈{a,b}+.  相似文献   
Machine Learning - We consider the problem of learning a binary classifier from only positive and unlabeled observations (called PU learning). Recent studies in PU learning have shown superior...  相似文献   
A DC (data center) demands air-conditioning power as large as the 1/3-1/2 of total electricity consumption. Thus, energy saving of cooling power of DC yields considerable effect on both economic and environmental views. PV (Photovoltaic) and absorption refrigerator with CGS (cogeneration systems) or gas boiler are possible power saving options. The waste warm air from DC would be utilized for greenhouse heating when DC and greenhouse locate near in the suburbs. In this study, the authors develop an energy network model to assess the potential contribution of DC as a major electric power and chilled air consumer as well as the warm air supplier in a district to the energy efficiency improvement. The evaporation heat of LNG (liquefied natural gas) utilization is also considered as well as PV, CGS. This model is applied to the cases of the urban area in Tokyo which involves athletic center, shops and hospital and the suburbs including greenhouse and then compared.  相似文献   
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