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This paper describes the design, realization and use of an analogical, fully reconfigurable experimental setup to analyze the complex dynamics of networks of chaotic circuits. It reports details of the implementation and characterization of the setup, together with representative results, showing its flexibility and potential. The setup allows to choose arbitrarily the coupling strength and interconnection structure among the circuits, the type of link and to select the parameters of the node dynamics. It has a modular structure, and it can accommodate up to 32 nodes interconnected by at most 32 links. The collective dynamics of a relatively large set of different network structures and configurations has been investigated using the setup. Synchronization, pattern formation and other interesting collective phenomena were observed experimentally, their evidence being reported here as an illustration of the potential of the proposed setup. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Topics in Catalysis - Ru-based catalysts supported on A zeolites and alumina were synthesised, characterised (XRD, SEM-EDS, TPR) and tested under realistic conditions for the preferential oxidation...  相似文献   
This study reports the statistical optimisation through response surface methodology of the growth medium for Panus tigrinus manganese‐dependent peroxidase (MnP) production in shaken culture. Three crucial variables, including carbon source, malonic acid and Mn2+, were optimised in a nitrogen‐limited medium. Sucrose was the best carbon source for MnP production. Mn2+ ions and malonic acid significantly stimulated MnP production at an optimal concentration of 53 mg dm?3 and 8.2 mmol dm?3, respectively, resulting in 0.83 U cm?3. Further experiments were performed in lab‐scale stirred tank (STR) and bubble‐column (BCR) reactors using the previously optimised liquid medium. BCR proved to be more adequate than STR in supporting MnP production, leading to 3700 U dm?3 after 144 h with a productivity of 25.7 U dm?3 h?1. On a comparative basis with other production data in lab‐scale reactors, these results appear to be compatible with scale transfer. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
This paper concerns the identification of nonlinear discrete causal systems that can be approximated with the Wiener–Volterra series. Some advances in the efficient use of Lee–Schetzen (L–S) method are presented, which make practical the estimate of long memory and high order models. Major problems in L–S method occur in the identification of diagonal kernel elements. Two approaches have been considered: approximation of gridded data, with interpolation or smoothing, and improved techniques for diagonal elements estimation. A comparison of diagonal elements estimated, with different methods has been shown with extended tests on fifth order Volterra systems.First Online Version Published in July, 2005  相似文献   
In this letter, we provide a study of learning in a Hilbert space of vectorvalued functions. We motivate the need for extending learning theory of scalar-valued functions by practical considerations and establish some basic results for learning vector-valued functions that should prove useful in applications. Specifically, we allow an output space Y to be a Hilbert space, and we consider a reproducing kernel Hilbert space of functions whose values lie in Y. In this setting, we derive the form of the minimal norm interpolant to a finite set of data and apply it to study some regularization functionals that are important in learning theory. We consider specific examples of such functionals corresponding to multiple-output regularization networks and support vector machines, for both regression and classification. Finally, we provide classes of operator-valued kernels of the dot product and translation-invariant type.  相似文献   
In this paper we report the fabrication of thiolene‐based microstructured reactors (MRs) that have been specifically designed to include solid‐supported reagents within the microchannels network. We propose a convenient solution to realize reversible press‐fit, leak‐proof interconnects that greatly simplify the MR coupling to the external environment such as capillary tubing, sample reservoirs and pumps. The MRs have been used to carry out the oxidation of α‐terpinene and methionine using [60]fullerene, covalently linked to Tentagel® and silica gel matrices, as a singlet oxygen sensitizer. High conversions have been observed for both substrates although, in the case of α‐terpinene, a partial photodegradation of the endo‐peroxide product was detected. Interestingly, in the case of methionine, a quantitative conversion to the corresponding sulfoxides was achieved in about 40 seconds, using low‐power, white LED illumination. The reaction time is considerably shorter when compared to the batch procedure that requires, for the same process, about one hour illumination and the use of a 300‐W tungsten halogen lamp.  相似文献   
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been used to study the variations of internal structure and chemical–physical characteristics of cherry tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Shiren), one the most economically valuable horticultural crops, in different harvesting seasons. In particular, the study focused on PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) Pachino cherry tomatoes, characterised by taste and nutritional value, notably in the winter production, amounting about 500 ton/year.  相似文献   
The direct utilization of methanol (MeOH) and ethanol (EtOH) was investigated on Cu-Co(Ru)/Zr0.35Ce0.65O2 anodes for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) prepared by impregnation. Cells had similar performance and stability in H2 and MeOH, while in EtOH the performance varied with time; that is, the power density initially increased, and then declined exponentially. This behavior was likely a consequence of carbon deposition that initially improved electronic conductivity to the anode functional layer, and subsequently blocked active sites. For all cells, the performance was recovered by re-exposing the anode to humidified hydrogen. In some cases, the cell performance exceeded the initial activity measured in hydrogen. Thus, the direct utilization of MeOH and EtOH did not irreversibly deactivate the Co(Ru)/Zr0.35Ce0.65O2 anodes.  相似文献   
The foreseen uptake of hydrogen mobility is a fundamental step towards the decarbonization of the transport sector. Under such premises, both refueling infrastructure and vehicles should be deployed together with improved refueling protocols. Several studies focus on refueling the light-duty vehicles with 10 kgH2 up to 700 bar, however less known effort is reported for refueling heavy-duty vehicles with 30–40 kgH2 at 350 bar. The present study illustrates the application of a lumped model to a fuel cell bus tank-to-tank refueling event, tailored upon the real data acquired in the 3Emotion Project. The evolution of the main refueling quantities, such as pressure, temperature, and mass flow, are predicted dynamically throughout the refueling process, as a function of the operating parameters, within the safety limits imposed by SAE J2601/2 technical standard. The results show to refuel the vehicle tank from half to full capacity with an Average Pressure Ramp Rate (APRR) equal to 0.03 MPa/s are needed about 10 min. Furthermore, it is found that the effect of varying the initial vehicle tank pressure is more significant than changing the ambient temperature on the refueling performances. In conclusion, the analysis of the effect of different APRR, from 0.03 to 0.1 MPa/s, indicate that is possible to safely reduce the duration of half-to-full refueling by 62% increasing the APRR value from 0.03 to 0.08 MPa/s.  相似文献   
This work investigates the exploitation of olive mill wastewater (OMW) for producing hydrogen in a membrane reformer.  相似文献   
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