In this paper a novel jamming technique is presented. The idea of the proposed jamming technique is based on adding inphase and quadrature impairments to the jamming signal. The jammer is simply a quadrature phase shift keying signal. The bit error rate probability (BER) of the proposed jamming signal is derived analytically and validated with the aid of the software defined radio SystemVue design software. The standard multi input multi output (MIMO) wireless local area network (WLAN) IEEE802.11n communication system is chosen as the victim system. Its BER performance is simulated in the presence of the proposed jamming signal in multipath fading channel. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed jamming signal on the MIMO WLAN IEEE802.11n communication system is practically measured in the laboratory where a practical experiment is held and the efficiency of the proposed jamming signal is compared with the traditional single tone jamming signal. It will be shown practically that the proposed jamming technique outperforms the traditional single tone jamming signal by nearly 15 dBm on the impact of efficiently jam the MIMO WLAN IEEE802.11n communication system.
Recently, multipath routing in wireless sensor networks (WSN) has got immense research interest due to its capability of providing increased robustness, reliability, throughput, and security. However, a theoretical analysis on the energy consumption behavior of multipath routing has not yet been studied. In this paper, we present a general framework for analyzing the energy consumption overhead (i.e., energy tax) resulting from multipath routing protocol in WSN. The framework includes a baseline routing model, a network model, and two energy consumption schemes for sensor nodes, namely, periodic listening and selective wake-up schemes. It exploits the influence of node density, link failure rates, number of multiple paths, and transmission environment on the energy consumption. Scaling laws of energy-tax due to routing and data traffic are derived through analysis, which provide energy profiles of single-path and multipath routing and serve as a guideline for designing energy-efficient protocols for WSN. The crossover points of relative energy taxes, paid by single-path and multipath routing, reception, and transmission, are obtained. Finally, the scaling laws are validated and performance comparisons are depicted for a reference network via numerical results. 相似文献
Bovine M. semimembranosus from different sexes of cattle were held at temperatures ranging from 0 to 35 °C until rigor and aged for up to 9 weeks. The waterholding capacity (WHC) of the beef increased with ageing as evidenced by the decline in drip loss measured gravimetrically, centrifugally and by pressure. Drip viscosity (P < 0.01), meat protein extractability (P < 0.05), spreadability (P < 0.01) and compressibility also increased with ageing. Evidence of structural changes was seen in SDS-PAGE confirming the physical changes. Meat spreadability under pressure and WHC were higher in samples with inherently higher pH relative to lower pH. The outcome of this study supports a hypothesis that the increase in WHC with ageing is due to the breakdown in meat structure and the creation of “sponge effect”, which disrupts the channels through which moisture is lost and physically entraps the free water in meat and reduce the amount that drips out. 相似文献
Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) have been widely applied because of their broad spectrum of antimicrobial activities against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. However, little research has been done to evaluate their effects on Cronobacter sakazakii, an opportunistic pathogen usually infecting infants and having a high fatality rate. The aims of this work were to investigate the antibacterial property of novel, synthesized, positively charged silver nanoparticles against C. sakazakii and to discuss the potential antibacterial mechanisms involved. In this study, the spherical and face-centered cubic silver nanoparticles had a mean particle size of 31.2 nm and were synthesized by reducing Ag+ using citrate and dispersed by glycerol and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) under alkaline conditions. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) and inhibition zone tests showed that the AgNP exhibited strong antibacterial activity against 4 tested C. sakazakii strains with mean MIC of 62.5 to 125 mg/L and average inhibition zone diameters of 13.8 to 16.3 mm. Silver nanoparticles caused cell membrane injury accompanied by adsorption of AgNP onto the cell surface, as shown by changes in cell morphology, cell membrane hyperpolarization, and accelerated leakage of intracellular reducing sugars and proteins outward from the cytoplasm. In addition, dysfunction of the respiratory chain was induced after treatment with AgNP, which was supported by a decrease in intracellular ATP and inhibition of related dehydrogenases. This research indicates that AgNP could be a novel and efficient antibacterial agent to control C. sakazakii contamination in environments producing powdered infant formulas from milk. 相似文献
In 51 actively purging cholera patients the efficacy of doxycycline, a long-acting tetracycline, was compared with a placebo and tetracycline hydrochloride. Seventeen patients who were given doxycycline at the recommended dose of 2 mg/kg at the beginning of the study, at 12 h, and at the repeated dose once daily purged a mean volume of 5.1 liters of stool and received an average of 5.7 liters of intravenous fluid. Nineteen patients receiving the placebo purged 10.1 liters of stool and received 9.7 liters of fluid. Fifteen patients given tetracycline hydrochloride at 6-h intervals passed 4.8 liters of stool and received 5.5 liters of fluid. The durations of diarrhea calculated in 8-h periods were 3.5, 8.0, and 4.1 h in the respective groups receiving doxycycline, placebo, and tetracycline. The differences between the doxycycline and placebo treatments and the tetracycline and placebo treatments were statistically significant. Those receiving doxycycline became vibrio-free in about 3 days as compared with 2 days for those receiving tetracycline; the group given the placebo were vibrio positive for the duration of their hospitalization. The results show that in the treatment of cholera the administration of doxycycline once daily has effects equal to those when tetracycline is administered at 6-h intervals. This is a distinct advantage because it decreases the demand on nursing personnel in epidemics. Also, doxycycline may be safely administered in cases of suspected renal failure from prolonged shock in cholera. 相似文献
Sodium nitrite (SNT) widely used as a curative agent in meat processing industry possesses cell-transforming mutagenic and cytogenic properties. Dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω-3 PUFA) has been shown to reduce the severity of certain types of cancers, cardiovascular and renal diseases. The present study examined whether feeding of fish oil (FO)/flaxseed oil (FXO) has protective effect against SNT-induced toxicity. SNT significantly altered the activities of serum creatinine (Crt), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), metabolic and brush border membrane (BBM) enzymes. SNT caused significant imbalances in the antioxidant system associated with increased lipid peroxidation (LPO). Feeding of FO and FXO with SNT ameliorated the changes in various parameters caused by SNT. Nephrotoxicity parameters lowered and enzyme activities of carbohydrate metabolism, BBM and radioactively labeled inorganic phosphate (32Pi) transport were improved to near control values. The results of the present study suggest that ω-3 PUFA-enriched FO and FXO from sea-foods and plant sources respectively are similarly effective in reducing SNT-induced nephrotoxicity and oxidative damage. 相似文献
The use of arsenic (As) contaminated groundwater for irrigation of crops has resulted in elevated concentrations of arsenic in agricultural soils in Bangladesh, West Bengal (India), and elsewhere. Paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the main agricultural crop grown in the arsenic-affected areas of Bangladesh. There is, therefore, concern regarding accumulation of arsenic in rice grown those soils. A greenhouse study was conducted to examine the effects of arsenic-contaminated irrigation water on the growth of rice and uptake and speciation of arsenic. Treatments of the greenhouse experiment consisted of two phosphate doses and seven different arsenate concentrations ranging from 0 to 8 mg of As L(-1) applied regularly throughout the 170-day post-transplantation growing period until plants were ready for harvesting. Increasing the concentration of arsenate in irrigation water significantly decreased plant height, grain yield, the number of filled grains, grain weight, and root biomass, while the arsenic concentrations in root, straw, and rice husk increased significantly. Concentrations of arsenic in rice grain did not exceed the food hygiene concentration limit (1.0 mg of As kg(-1) dry weight). The concentrations of arsenic in rice straw (up to 91.8 mg kg(-1) for the highest As treatment) were of the same order of magnitude as root arsenic concentrations (up to 107.5 mg kg(-1)), suggesting that arsenic can be readily translocated to the shoot. While not covered by food hygiene regulations, rice straw is used as cattle feed in many countries including Bangladesh. The high arsenic concentrations may have the potential for adverse health effects on the cattle and an increase of arsenic exposure in humans via the plant-animal-human pathway. Arsenic concentrations in rice plant parts except husk were not affected by application of phosphate. As the concentration of arsenic in the rice grain was low, arsenic speciation was performed only on rice straw to predict the risk associated with feeding contaminated straw to the cattle. Speciation of arsenic in tissues (using HPLC-ICP-MS) revealed that the predominant species present in straw was arsenate followed by arsenite and dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA). As DMAA is only present at low concentrations, it is unlikely this will greatly alter the toxicity of arsenic present in rice. 相似文献
The experimental results presented in this paper indicate that the cement/aggregate ratio, the water/cement ratio, the size of aggregate, and the rate of cooling have significant influence on the modulus of rupture of sulfur-infiltrated concrete (SIC). Using sand only as aggregate and 65% cement, SIC of over 3500 psi in flexural tension was obtained from the test of 1″ × 1″ × 4″ specimens. 相似文献