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An area-efficient low-power and low-latency 550-MSample/s FIR filter for magnetic recording read channel applications is presented. A parallel direct type II architecture operates on real-time deinterleaved (even and odd) input data samples and employs a fast low-area multiplier based on selection of radix-8 premultiplied coefficients in conjunction with one-hot encoded bus leading to a very compact layout and reduced power dissipation. The chip has been fabricated using a 0.18-μm L-effective CMOS technology and is currently being used in commercial applications  相似文献   
A local error method based on an analytical scheme previously developed for the scalar optical fiber channel is applied to the second-order symmetrized split-step Fourier simulation of polarization multiplexed signal propagation through dispersion compensated optical fiber links. It is found that the global simulation accuracy for the vector propagation can be satisfied using the local error bound from a scalar propagation model for the same global error over a large range of simulation accuracy, chromatic dispersion, and differential group delay. Furthermore, carefully designed numerical simulations are used to show that similar local simulation error are obtained for vector simulations and that the similar local error leads to higher computational efficiency compared to other prevalent step-size selection schemes. The scaling of the global simulation error with respect to the number of optical fiber spans is demonstrated, and global error control for multi-span simulations is proposed. Combining the local error and global error control, the developed simulation scheme can significantly speed up the time-consuming simulations in coherent optical fiber communication system analysis and design.  相似文献   
Mobile WiMAX is a 3rd generation broadband wireless technology that enables the convergence of mobile and fixed broadband networks through a wide area radio-access. Since January 2007, the IEEE 802.16 working group has been developing a new amendment the IEEE 802.16 standard i.e. IEEE 802.16 m as an advanced air interface to meet the requirements of ITU-R/IMT-Advanced for 4G systems. The mobile WiMAX air interface adopts orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) as multiple access technique for its uplink and downlink to improve signal performance affected by multipath distortion. All OFDMA based networks, including mobile WiMAX, experience the problem of high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). This paper presents a discrete-sine-transform precoding technique based random-interleaved OFDMA (RI-OFDMA) uplink system for PAPR reduction in mobile WiMAX. The PAPR of proposed system is analyzed with root-raised-cosine pulse shaping filter to keep out of band radiation low and to fulfill the spectrum mask requirements. Simulation results show that, the proposed system has low PAPR compared to the Hadamard transform precoded RI-OFDMA uplink systems and the conventional RI-OFDMA uplink systems.  相似文献   
In general, online signature capturing devices provide outputs in the form of shape and velocity signals. In the past, strokes have been extracted while tracking velocity signal minimas. However, the resulting strokes are larger and complicated in shape and thus make the subsequent job of generating a discriminative template difficult. We propose a new stroke-based algorithm that splits velocity signal into various bands. Based on these bands, strokes are extracted which are smaller and more simpler in nature. Training of our proposed system revealed that low- and high-velocity bands of the signal are unstable, whereas the medium-velocity band can be used for discrimination purposes. Euclidean distances of strokes extracted on the basis of medium velocity band are used for verification purpose. The experiments conducted show improvement in discriminative capability of the proposed stroke-based system.  相似文献   
主要针对雷电电磁脉冲对高速公路电子系统造成的巨大危害,从影响的方式和途径入手,提出雷电电磁脉冲防护的要求以及相应的防雷接地方案  相似文献   
Using full 3D TCAD, an evaluation of process parameter space of bulk FinFET is presented from the point of view of DRAM, SRAM and I/O applications. Process and device simulations are performed with varying uniform fin doping, anti-punch implant dose and energy, fin width, fin height and gate oxide thickness. Bulk FinFET architecture with anti-punch implant is introduced beneath the channel region to reduce the punch-through and junction leakage. For 30 nm bulk FinFET, anti-punch implant with low energy of 15 to 25 keV and dose of 5.0 × 1013 to 1.0 × 1014 cm−2 is beneficial to effectively suppress the punch-through leakage with reduced GIDL and short channel effects. Our simulations show that bulk FinFETs are approximately independent of back bias effect. With identical fin geometry, bulk FinFETs with anti-punch implant show same ION-IOFF behavior and approximately equal short channel effects like SOI FinFETs.  相似文献   
Off-state degradation in drain-extended NMOS transistors is studied. Carefully designed experiments and well-calibrated simulations show that hot carriers, which are generated by impact ionization of surface band-to-band tunneling current, are responsible for interface damage during off-state stress. Classical on-state hot carrier degradation has historically been associated with broken equivSi-H bonds at the interface. In contrast, the off-state degradation in drain-extended devices is shown to be due to broken equivSi-O- bonds. The resultant degradation is universal, which enables a long-term extrapolation of device degradation at operating bias conditions based on short-term stress data. Time evolution of degradation due to broken equivSi-O- bonds and the resultant universal behavior is explained by a bond-dispersion model. Finally, we show that, under off-state stress conditions, the interface damage that is measured by charge-pumping technique is correlated with dielectric breakdown time, as both of them are driven by broken equivSi-O- bonds.  相似文献   
刘勉  王革思  羿宗琪 《信息技术》2009,33(12):171-174
详细地介绍了将工程应用问题引入实验教学的过程;采用EDA技术进行频率计电路的设计与仿真;硬件电路已在自主研发的FPGA创新开发实验箱上实现,技术性能达到了设计要求。  相似文献   
细粒度图片具有结构多变、背景干扰大、类间差异小、类内差异大等特点,准确地定位与提取判别性局部特征至关重要.本文提出一种多层聚焦卷积网络,通过首层聚焦网络能够准确、有效地聚焦于识别局域并生成定位区域,根据定位区域对原图像分别进行裁剪和遮挡后输入下一层的聚焦网络进行训练分类.其中单层聚焦网络以In-ception-V3网络...  相似文献   
Recently, Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) has witnessed significant attention from both academia and industries in research and development, due to the growing number of applications for wide range of purposes including commercial, scientific, environmental and military. Some of the major applications include pollution monitoring, tactical surveillance, tsunami warnings and offshore exploration. Efficient communication among sensors in UWSNs is a challenging task due to the harsh environments and peculiar characteristics of UWSNs. Therefore, design of routing protocol for efficient communication among sensors and sink is one of the fundamental research themes in UWSNs. In this context, this paper proposes a location-free Reliable and Energy efficient Pressure-Based Routing (RE-PBR) protocol for UWSNs. RE-PBR considers three parameters including link quality, depth and residual energy for balancing energy consumption and reliable data delivery. Specifically, link quality is estimated using triangle metric method. A light weight information acquisition algorithm is developed for efficient knowledge discovery of the network. Multi-metric data forwarding algorithm is designed based on route cost calculation which utilizes residual energy and link quality. Simulations are carried out in NS-2 with Aqua-Sim package to evaluate the performance of RE-PBR. The performance of the proposed protocol is compared with the stat-of-the-art techniques: DBR and EEDBR. The comprehensive performance evaluation attests the benefit of RE-PBR as compared to the state-of-the-art techniques in terms of network lifetime, energy consumption, end-to-end delay and packet delivery ratio.  相似文献   
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