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One cannot not interact   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mihai Nadin 《Knowledge》2001,14(8):437-440
As the digital becomes part of the underlying structure of human existence and activity (just as electricity was integrated in the infrastructure), human interaction will be less and less direct. Mediated through various interfaces, human interaction via all kinds of networks becomes increasingly an expression of the semiotic condition of the human being in the post-industrial age. Professionals dedicated to human–computer interaction (HCI, a more suitable acronym than CHI) and semioticians must realize that they would benefit mutually if they would collaborate better than they have until now. Therefore, this paper submits working hypotheses to HCI practioners and to semioticians dedicated to aspects of human interaction.  相似文献   
In this paper, the problem of providing a fully predictable execution environment for critical and hard real-time applications on embedded and DSP-based platforms is studied from the viewpoint of system architecture and operation.We introduce a set of homogenous models for time, signals and tasks, which will further serve as a basis for describing the architecture and operation of a particular hard real-time kernel – “HARETICK”. The kernel provides support for concurrent operation of hard real-time tasks (the HRT execution environment), using non-preemptive scheduling algorithms, along with soft real-time tasks (the SRT environment), using classical, preemptive, priority-based scheduling algorithms.A set of applications has been developed to test the correct operation of the HARETICK kernel according to the theoretical models and to evaluate its abilities to provide high predictability of execution for critical applications. Some of the main testing results are also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to analyze surface topography of Pt Schottky contacts on quaternary n-Al0.08In0.08Ga0.84N thin film. To understand how the effect of temperature changes the layers surface, the surface topography was characterized through atomic force microscopy (AFM) and fractal analysis. Pt Schottky contacts grown on nanostructure Al0.08In0.08Ga0.84N thin film grown by molecular beam epitaxy technique on sapphire substrate at annealing temperatures range of 300–500 °C were used. AFM analysis was performed in contact mode, on square areas of 10 × 10 μm2, by using a Nanosurf Easyscan 2 AFM system. Detailed surface characterization of the surface topography was obtained using statistical parameters of 3D surface roughness, according with ISO 25178-2: 2012, provided by the AFM software. The results revealed that the high quality Schottky contact with the Schottky barrier heights and ideality factor of 0.76 and 1.03 respectively can be obtained under 30 min annealing at 400 °C in N2 ambience. The surface roughness of Pt Schottky contacts on quaternary n-Al0.08In0.08Ga0.84N thin film revealed a fractal structure at nanometer scale. Results obtained by fractal analysis confirm the relationship between the value of the fractal dimension and the statistical surface roughness parameters. AFM and fractal analysis are accurate tools that may assist manufacturers in developing Pt Schottky contacts on quaternary n-Al0.08In0.08Ga0.84N thin film with optimal surface characteristics and provides different yet complementary information to that offered by traditional surface statistical parameters.  相似文献   
A new method for filtering the coherence map issued from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometric data is presented. For each pixel of the interferogram, an adaptive neighborhood is determined by a region-growing technique driven by the information provided by the amplitude images. Then pixels in the derived adaptive neighborhood are complex averaged to yield the filtered value of the coherence, after a phase-compensation step is performed. An extension of the algorithm is proposed for polarimetric interferometric SAR images. The proposed method has been applied to both European Remote Sensing (ERS) satellite SAR images and airborne high-resolution polarimetric interferometric SAR images. Both subjective and objective performance analysis, including coherence edge detection, shows that the proposed method provides better results than the standard phase-compensated fixed multilook filter and the Lee adaptive coherence filter.  相似文献   
This work provides a practical application of a coupled experimental-computational system devised for the full characterization of the thermal behavior of complex three-dimensional active submicron electronic devices. A thermoreflectance thermography (TRTG) technique is used to non-invasively measure the 2D surface temperature field of an activated device, with submicron spatial resolution. The measured planar temperature distribution field is then used as input for an ultra-fast inverse computational solution to derive the three-dimensional temperature distribution throughout the device. For the purposes of this investigation, test micro-heater devices were constructed on epitaxial layers of natural (Si) and isotopically pure (Si28) silicon. Then, all devices were activated and measured with the TRTG technique. In order to demonstrate the coupled experimental-computational system, the measured temperature fields of the samples whose thermal properties are known (Si) were used to extract critical physical parameters (the oxide layer thickness and the effective heater length). Then, since the devices with unknown thermal properties (Si28) share the same construction with the Si devices, the extracted parameters were used together with the measured planar temperature fields to derive the thermal conductivity of Si28. The extracted oxide layer thickness and thermal conductivity of Si28 compared very closely to values obtained by other independent direct methods.  相似文献   
In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the performance and lifetime are significantly affected by the indoor propagation and the interference from other technologies using the 2.4 GHz band. Next to an overview of the propagation and coexistence issues in the literature, we present a model for analysing these effects in WSNs. We also present our measurements results on the indoor propagation, the interference of the microwave oven (MWO) and their impact on the performance of the WSN. The propagation measurements reveal significant influence of the multipath: changing a node position with a few centimetres or changing the communication channel can lead up to 30 dB difference in the received power. The power leakage of MWO has been observed around $-$ 20 dBm at 1 m distances to the oven. This leads to extra retries of the 802.15.4 messages which matches our simulation results: the packet success ratio at first try decreases to 30–40 %, which increases the average active time of the sensor, closely located to the MWO. We observe that the ON–OFF pattern of the MWO could be exploited by WSNs to improve the performance.  相似文献   
Exact Cover with Light   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We suggest a new optical solution for solving the YES/NO version of the Exact Cover problem by using the massive parallelism of light. The idea is to build an optical device which can generate all possible solutions of the problem and then to pick the correct one. In our case the device has a graph-like representation and the light is traversing it by following the routes given by the connections between nodes. The nodes are connected by arcs in a special way which lets us to generate all possible covers (exact or not) of the given set. For selecting the correct solution we assign to each item, from the set to be covered, a special integer number. These numbers will actually represent delays induced to light when it passes through arcs. The solution is represented as a subray arriving at a certain moment in the destination node. This will tell us if an exact cover does exist or not.
Mihai OlteanEmail: URL: www.cs.ubbcluj.ro/~moltean
Solving the subset-sum problem with a light-based device   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
We propose an optical computational device which uses light rays for solving the subset-sum problem. The device has a graph-like representation and the light is traversing it by following the routes given by the connections between nodes. The nodes are connected by arcs in a special way which lets us to generate all possible subsets of the given set. To each arc we assign either a number from the given set or a predefined constant. When the light is passing through an arc it is delayed by the amount of time indicated by the number placed in that arc. At the destination node we will check if there is a ray whose total delay is equal to the target value of the subset sum problem (plus some constants). The proposed optical solution solves a NP-complete problem in time proportional with the target sum, but requires an exponential amount of energy.  相似文献   
The focal point of this paper is to develop a measure of closed‐loop non‐linearity. In this work, the Vinnicombe metric and the Quasi‐Linear Parameter Varying representation of a non‐linear system are exploited for this purpose. It is expected that the proposed measure can serve as a decision making tool for control engineers when considering whether a linear or a non‐linear control strategy should be employed to close the loop for a non‐linear system operating in a prescribed range.  相似文献   
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