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A modified steam distillation method was developed to extract furfural from crude palm oil (CPO). The collected distillates were analysed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with an ultraviolet diode detector at 284 nm. The HPLC method allowed identification and quantification of furfural in CPO. The unique thermal extraction of CPO whereby the fresh fruit bunches (FFB) are first subjected to steam treatment, distinguishes itself from other solvent-extracted or cold-pressed vegetable oils. The presence of furfural was also determined in the fresh palm oil from FFB (without undergoing the normal extraction process), palm olein, palm stearin, olive oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, soya oil and corn oil. The chromatograms of the extracts were compared to that of standard furfural. Furfural was only detected in CPO. The CPO consignments obtained from four mills were shown to contain 7.54 to 20.60 mg/kg furfural.  相似文献   
Cheddar cheese is a biochemically dynamic product that undergoes significant changes during ripening. Freshly made curds of various cheese varieties have bland and largely similar flavors and aroma and, during ripening, flavoring compounds are produced that are characteristic of each variety. The biochemical changes occurring during ripening are grouped into primary events including glycolysis, lipolysis, and proteolysis followed by secondary biochemical changes such as metabolism of fatty acids and amino acids which are important for the production of secondary metabolites, including a number of compounds necessary for flavor development. A key feature of cheese manufacture is the metabolism of lactose to lactate by selected cultures of lactic acid bacteria. The rate and extent of acidification influence the initial texture of the curd by controlling the rate of demineralization. The degree of lipolysis in cheese depends on the variety of cheese and may vary from slight to extensive; however, proteolysis is the most complex of the primary events during cheese ripening, especially in Cheddar-type cheese.  相似文献   
In this study we determined the composition (proportion of native proteins, soluble and insoluble aggregates) and quantified the gelling properties (gel strength and water holding capacity) of pre-texturized whey proteins by dry heating under controlled physicochemical conditions. For this purpose, a commercial whey protein isolate was dry heated at 80 °C (up to 6 days), 100 °C (up to 24 h) and 120 °C (up to 3 h) under controlled pH (2.5, 4.5 or 6.5) and water activity (0.23, 0.32, or 0.52). Gelling properties were quantified on heat-set gels prepared from reconstituted pre-texturized proteins at 10% and pH 7.0. The formation of dry-heat soluble aggregates enhanced the gelling properties of whey proteins. The maximal gelling properties was achieved earlier by increasing pH and water activity of powders subjected to dry heating. An optimized combination of the dry heating parameters will help to achieve better gelling properties for dry heated whey proteins.  相似文献   
β-Glucan is a valuable functional ingredient and various extraction techniques are available for its extraction. Choice of an appropriate extraction technique is important as it may affect the quality, structure, rheological properties, molecular weight, and other functional properties of the extracted β-glucan. These properties lead to the use of β-glucan into various food systems and have important implications in human health. This review focuses on the extraction, synthesis, structure, molecular weight, and rheology of β-glucan. Furthermore, health implications and utilization of β-glucan in food products is also discussed.  相似文献   
Arif M  Heo K  Lee BY  Lee J  Seo DH  Seo S  Jian J  Hong S 《Nanotechnology》2011,22(35):355709
We report a simple but efficient method to prepare metallic nanowire-graphene (MN-G) hybrid nanostructures at a low temperature and show its application to the fabrication of flexible field emission devices. In this method, a graphene layer was transferred onto an anodic alumina oxide template, and vertically aligned Au nanowires were grown on the graphene surface via electrodeposition method. As a proof of concept, we demonstrated the fabrication of flexible field emission devices, where the MN-G hybrid nanostructures and another graphene layer on PDMS substrates were utilized as a cathode and an anode for highly flexible devices, respectively. Our field emission device exhibited stable and high field emission currents even when bent down to the radius of curvature of 25 mm. This MN-G hybrid nanostructure should prove tremendous flexibility for various applications such as bio-chemical sensors, field emission devices, pressure sensors and battery electrodes.  相似文献   
Cells comprising a tissue migrate as part of a collective. How collective processes are coordinated over large multi-cellular assemblies has remained unclear, however, because mechanical stresses exerted at cell-cell junctions have not been accessible experimentally. We report here maps of these stresses within and between cells comprising a monolayer. Within the cell sheet there arise unanticipated fluctuations of mechanical stress that are severe, emerge spontaneously, and ripple across the monolayer. Within that stress landscape, local cellular migrations follow local orientations of maximal principal stress. Migrations of both endothelial and epithelial monolayers conform to this behaviour, as do breast cancer cell lines before but not after the epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Collective migration in these diverse systems is seen to be governed by a simple but unifying physiological principle: neighbouring cells join forces to transmit appreciable normal stress across the cell-cell junction, but migrate along orientations of minimal intercellular shear stress.  相似文献   
Zinc oxide (ZnO) and cerium oxide (CeO2) nanoparticles were deposited on the surface of preformed silica spheres with diameters ranging from 60 to 750 nm. Ultrasonic irradiation was employed to promote the deposition of the metal oxide nanoparticles on the surface of silica. Silica-supported zinc oxide or cerium oxide was used as a catalyst in the glycolysis of polyethylene terephthalate, one of the key processes in the depolymerization of polyethylene terephthalate. The effect of the support size on the catalytic activity was studied in terms of monomer yield, and the monomer concentration was analyzed via high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The morphologies and surface properties of the catalysts were characterized using a scanning electron microscope, a transmission electron microscope, and a BET surface area analyzer, while the monomer was characterized via HPLC and nuclear-magnetic-resonance spectroscopy. Both the zinc oxide and cerium oxide deposited on a smaller support showed better distribution and less aggregation. The high specific surface area of the smaller support catalysts provided a large number of active sites. The highest monomer yield was obtained with a catalyst of 60-nm silica support.  相似文献   
The effects of doping of MgAl2O4 by a binary mixture of Co and Zn ions on the absorbance, electrical resistivity, capacitance, thermal conductivity, heat capacity and thermal diffusivity are reported in this paper. The materials with the nominal composition Mg1−2x(Co,Zn)xAl2O4 (x = 0.0-0.5) are synthesized by solution combustion synthesis assisted by microwave irradiation. The substituted spinels are produced with a Scherrer crystallite size of 18-23 nm, as opposed to 45 nm for undoped samples, indicated by X-ray diffraction and confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. These materials also show better thermal stability in the temperature range of 298-1773 K. Three strong absorption bands at 536, 577 and 630 nm are observed for the doped samples which are attributed to the three spin allowed (4A2 (F) → 4T1 (P)) electronic transitions of Co2+ at tetrahedral lattice sites while pure magnesium aluminate remains transparent in the whole spectral range. The semiconducting behavior of the materials is evident from the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity. Resistivity and activation energy are higher for the substituted samples. Fitting of the resistivity data is achieved according to the hopping polaron model of solids. Both dielectric constant and loss increase on account of doping. The dielectric data are explained on the basis of space charge polarization. The thermal conductivity and diffusivity are lowered and the heat capacity is increased in the doped materials. Wiedemann-Franz's law is used to compute the electronic and lattice contributions towards the total thermal conductivity.  相似文献   
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